The arrogant posture of the person who came had worn down the patience of the two, and even Yanagawa had no intention of dealing with him.

No matter why he came, the boy was not going to tempt it anymore.

For some reason, Marko's mentality has swelled to the point of getting out of control.

In the face of such people, saying one more word is a waste of time.

The boy's indifferent attitude directly angered Marko, but he still had reason and remembered the purpose of his visit.

"I'll give you another chance, little ghost!"

"Kneel down and apologize, and then thank Uncle Ben for his generosity, Uncle Ben will forgive you for your rudeness!"

The young man pouted disdainfully, and replied in a similar tone: "Then I will give you another chance, while I haven't started to roll me, how far and how far to roll." "

Saying that, Yanagawa spat to the side, turned his head to Klockdar, and muttered dissatisfied.

"Today is really unfavorable, and I am unlucky to meet such a stupid X. "

This time, the boy did not deliberately suppress his voice, and these words reached everyone's ears.

While feeling relieved in their hearts, the agents couldn't help but look at Yanagawa and them worriedly.

This is the first fierce general under Whitebeard, is it really good to say this to his face?

Yanagawa noticed their eyes and said without care: "Leave this stupid X alone, let's do your own thing, let's just get him done." "

These words were as easy as killing chickens and sheep, and completely detonated Marko's anger.

"Okay, you said this, give the face not the face, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. "

Hearing this, Yanagawa spat again, and directly spat towards Marko.

Who gives you such a big face, hurry up and get out, don't force us to do it!"

"If it weren't for the sake of you being Whitebeard's subordinate, you would have died ten times and eight times at this time, understand?

In this world, strength is indeed everything.

But is Marko's strength enough to see everything?

Why did he dare to be so arrogant?

It's not the arrogance of a white beard.

Marko is strong, Yanagawa admitted.

And Yanagawa clearly knows that his current self will never be his opponent.

But this is not his arrogant capital in front of himself, no one dares to be so arrogant in front of him.

Having said that, Marko also understood that things could not be talked about.

It was no longer possible to suppress the anger in his heart, and his legs slammed on the deck and exploded.

With an extremely strong anger in his eyes, he punched the young man fiercely.

Seeing this, Yanagawa didn't want to pull out a knife and cut over.

The next moment, the blade and fist collided in front of the young man, bursting out with huge energy.

Yanagawa had thought that Marko would avoid his edge, but he did not expect that he would have the courage to fight head-on, and was caught off guard by the fierce energy and flew out sharply towards the position of the bow.

The deck could not withstand this impact and suddenly shattered.

The entire bow part of the ship broke on the spot with just one blow, and the solid wooden planks turned into countless fragments and fell to the sea.

Yanagawa himself relied on this buffer to regain his balance and use his razor to jump into the air.

Looking at Marko again, he seemed unaffected in the slightest, standing firmly on the deck of the three-masted sailing ship, staring at the boy.

Don't look at his style of acting incomparably arrogant, but this strength is real.

It's just one move, high and low.

The teenager fell into the downwind across the board.

Klockdar's pupils shrank, understanding why Marko dared to be so arrogant.

In an instant, his body turned into yellow sand and flew to Liu Chuan's side, and this time they were going to fight side by side again.

However, Yanagawa did not accept Klockdahl's kindness, and the young man's eyes looked at his allies extremely seriously, and said solemnly: "I'm afraid you won't be able to help this battle, you let me come by myself, you go to protect our ship from problems." "

From the exchange just now, Yanagawa can see it.

Marko's qualities in all aspects surpass those of Drought Jack, and there are no obvious shortcomings like Jack.

In the face of a strong enemy of this level, Klockdar is afraid that he will not be able to help much.

It is better to let him help guard the ship than to let him do useless work.

Klockdar looked at the teenager in disbelief, "Are you confident that you can beat this guy, why did you make this decision?"

He couldn't understand the young man's thinking, no matter how strong the other party was, wasn't it the best choice to face it together?

The enemy that the two of them could not defeat together, it was even more difficult for him to support alone.

"Yanagawa, what are you thinking, why are you asking me to protect the ship?" asked Klockdahl in surprise.

"If you are confident, there is still a little. Yanagawa looked at Klockdar with extremely serious eyes, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, there is my reason for doing this, all you have to do is trust my decision." "

If it had been half a month ago, Yanagawa would never have dared to say that he could defeat a figure of Marko's level.

But it's different now, he has a strong hole card.

Although he is very resistant to the God of War mode, he also has to admit that he is really strong in that state.

Marko may be stronger than he thought, but Yanagawa is confident that he can definitely win the opponent in God of War mode.

This is not the result of rational thinking, but what his heart tells him.

Although the skill of the Heart Eye is not in the slightest, it is still very reliable at critical moments.

Klockdar saw the confident light in the young man's eyes, hesitated, and finally nodded in approval.

"Well, I'll listen to you for now, but if I see signs of defeat, I won't choose to stand idly by!"

Yanagawa nodded solemnly, "That ship will get rid of you." "

Just as the two were communicating, Marko had unknowingly flown in front of them with a cruel smile.

"Have you discussed it? The weak? After the discussion, meet death, the ants who don't know whether they are dead or alive!"

Saying that, he spread his huge flame wings and rushed towards the two.

Yanagawa hurriedly winked at Klockdar and greeted Marko.

Klockdar clenched his fists and hesitated, then decisively turned his head and flew towards the three-masted galleon.

Since the boy had already said so, all he could do was obey his orders.

Thinking of Yanagawa's serious eyes when he said these words, he was willing to entrust his trust to the boy again.

Yanagawa collided with his opponent again in mid-air, and unsurprisingly, he was knocked out by Marko.

Marko's defense was too strong, and Yan Feng slashed at his fist like cutting a masonry, and it didn't pose any threat to him at all.

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