I wonder what the outcome of this impact will look like, can Yanagawa gain the upper hand?

Klockdar narrowed his eyes unconsciously, carefully observing the two people in the battle, and guessed so in his heart.

Although he thought so, he did not think that Yanagawa could have much advantage.

After all, at the beginning, the results of the head-to-head battle were already presented.

At this point, the results won't change much.

Sure enough, in the next instant, the young man's figure flew away from the place where the light was most dazzling, and rushed towards the sea at an extremely fast speed.

Marko, on the other hand, stood in place, looking at his opponent with ease.

Just as Yanagawa was about to fall into the sea, his elbow quickly struck out in the air, abruptly stopping the force of the impact.

In the next second, his figure exploded and quickly approached his opponent.

The result of the collision was expected by everyone, but the changes after being shot off made some people stunned.

"Can the Navy Six still be used like this, using the moon step with the arm?"

Klockdar was a long acquaintance, and it was the first time he had seen someone use the moon step with his elbow.

And what surprised him even more was that Liu Chuan still looked so indifferent as if he had not been affected by the impact.

It was also the first time he had seen the teenager show such calm performance in battle.

Marko noticed the change on the field and his face became slightly solemn.

"It's kind of weird... The attack just now didn't seem to have caused him much damage. "

At the last moment of the collision, the teenager suddenly unloaded his force, making him feel like he was hitting cotton, and there was nowhere to focus.

Originally thinking it was his own delusion, seeing the teenager rushing over again, Marko understood that this was the truth.

"It's kind of interesting, let's see how much you can do." "

The special fighting style displayed by the teenager made him a little interested, and he couldn't help but look forward to the next battle.

But within seconds, Marko fell into a strange state.

His movements seemed to be seen through by his opponent, and before he could even make a move, he was restricted by the long sword and became restrained.

In short, he felt very awkward, and he couldn't do it.

At the same time, the blade kept cutting his body, and he fell into total passivity for a while.

He didn't know what the situation was and tried his best to get out of it.

However, no matter how he moved, the boy was like a shadow, attached to him all the time, unable to find the direction of the breakthrough.

Marko began to panic for a while, and even the action of coping began to deform.

As if led by the nose of an opponent, there is no means of counterattack.

Seeing this, Klockdar fell silent.

"How did he do it, obviously he was pressed and beaten just now, how did it become like this in a moment's effort?"

This is not only Klockdar's doubt, but others also find it incredible.

The white-bearded pirate ship approached when the two were fighting, and the pirates on board noticed the battle in mid-air and just wanted to laugh at each other's lack of strength.

After watching it for a few seconds, it suddenly fell silent.

"What the hell is going on, why do I look at Captain Marko as if he is being suppressed by his opponent?"

"It can't be... The captain is the strongest person besides Daddy, and it is impossible to be suppressed by a little ghost!"

"It must be the captain who is playing with the opponent, he often does this, it must be so!"

The subordinates on the pirate ship saw that something was wrong on the battlefield, but Marko's powerful image had penetrated into their marrow, and how could they easily believe that what was happening in front of them was real.

They tried their best to make excuses for Marko and fool themselves.

However, the truth will not change because of their ideas, Yanagawa's initiative is already an unshakable reality, and Marko is in trouble.

"Hey! What the hell are you? What's all this? You're talking about it!"

The feeling of binding hands and feet was too much to hold back, Marko was very uncomfortable, and it was difficult to get out, and then looking at Yanagawa's blank eyes, his heart was even more angry, and he couldn't help but snort angrily.

However, Liu Chuan didn't seem to hear it, his expression did not change in the slightest, and his move was still so sharp and unaffected at all.

Marko became more and more frustrated, and could not find a way to escape, so he simply stopped attacking and began to blindly defend.

"No, it can't go on like this!"

"I have to calm down and think about countermeasures. "

"If I continue to fight, I am afraid that I will fold here today." "

I don't know how many small scars were cut on his body, these injuries did not cause him much damage, but if they continued to accumulate, I was afraid that a chain reaction would form.

At that time, do not say that it is to defeat the opponent, even self-preservation will be a problem.

Originally thought that the teenager was just scaring himself, who knew that what he said turned out to be true.

Marko felt a hint of bitterness in his heart, and he couldn't say it when he really had bitterness.

Yanagawa's offensive continued one after another, like a drizzle falling in the sky, although it could not cause much injury, it was endless.

But this is not the point, the point is that I don't know what the situation is, Marko can't escape the range of Yanagawa's attack, and can only react passively and fall into a situation of waiting for death.

The battle continued here, and Marko had to find a way to deal with it, or he would die today.

In between the teenager's swinging of the sword, Marko, who had calmed down, found a glimmer of opportunity.

He decisively raised his fist and swung it towards the stabbing sword body.

Such opportunities were everywhere, and Marko felt that if he took it once, he could escape smoothly.

It's just that this time, just like before, when the fist touches the sword body, it is like hitting cotton, and the power cannot be transmitted at all.

But what is different is that Marko has gathered all his attention to observe the changes.

After careful observation, he finally saw a little doorway.

This is...... Paper painting?

The sword body seemed to be affected by the airflow, moving with his fist.

The teenager's coping methods were almost exactly the same as paper painting, and Marko naturally thought about paper painting.

It's just that...... How is this possible?

Paper painting is a means of making one's body gentle and using the air flow generated by the opponent's attack to dodge the attack.

This method is naturally used to dodge, which is natural, but when it is put on the sword, it is a little strange.

"Don't tell me that your body floated along with the sword!"

Thinking so, Marko's gaze shifted to Yanagawa's.

However, what happened in front of him shattered his cognition.

Just as he thought, Yanagawa's body actually moved out with the direction where the sword body was.

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