"How is this possible?!" Marko couldn't believe it at all.

People have always controlled swords, how can there be a reason why swords control people?

What's more, there is such a big gap between the sword and the human body, one is his own body, and the other is just a weapon.

Extend the skill of paper painting to the sword, so that others dare not think about it?

But even if Marko couldn't believe it, the truth was right in front of him.

Yanagawa uses paper painting, and the kind of shadow-like method is completed by the change of air flow.

Of course, the same is true of his means of fighting back, all for the same reason.

Use the subtle air flow from the fist to shift the center of gravity of the blow in advance.

By the time the fist hits the body or the sword, most of the energy has been canceled, and the remaining power is not enough to cause damage.

After Yanagawa fell into absolute rationality, his mastery of his own combat skills can be said to be a true integration.

Marko saw only a small part of it.

In fact, Yanagawa integrates more means in every move and every style.

Swordsmanship, paper painting, iron blocks, finger guns, and the way of domineering winding of armed colors, as well as the trajectory of each sword swing, etc., are all under Yanagawa's control.

If Yanagawa had even the slightest sensibility at this time, I am afraid that he would be even more shocked than Marko.

Even if he had done so, because Marko's amazing defense still couldn't kill him effectively.

In terms of all aspects of quality, Marko really completely crushed Yanagawa.

Especially the outrageous defense, which is simply incredible.

If it weren't for this, I'm afraid he would have stabbed his opponent a long time ago, and he wouldn't need to scrape it here.

Of course, there is another reason for this, that is, to keep the opponent from the trap he has laid down.

The clingy fighting style limits Marko's own attacks as well as his own attacks.

Therefore, a situation that cannot be attacked for a long time will be formed.

However, as long as it continues, I am afraid it will not take long to win the opponent.

The accumulation of injuries to a certain number will produce qualitative changes, and Marko's body will collapse on the spot, which is why Yanagawa chose so.

After all, the strength is there, and the current style of play is the best way to fight after Yanagawa calculated.

It's just that this style of play is too ugly, and if it is replaced by a normal state, Yanagawa will definitely not choose this style of play.

But it's a pity that now Yanagawa has no subjective consciousness at all, he is just a combat machine without feelings.

For machines, efficiency is the most important thing.

As long as the battle can be won, the rest does not matter.

The battle continued, and after understanding Yanagawa's methods, Marko kept trying.

Even if you are seriously injured, you must escape from the current unfavorable situation.

It's just that after precise calculations, how can tactics be so easy to crack?

Whether it is to change the direction of the air flow by flapping its wings, or to hit it hard, it has no effect.

He was always in a situation where he seemed to be thrown into a viscous liquid and could not move freely.

Yanagawa seemed to have laid a tight spider web around him, and Marko sank deeper and deeper like a prey for Wu's deadly trap.

There was only one result waiting for him, slowly being eaten away by the teenager who fell into an abnormal state.

For the first time, fear arose in Marko's heart, and he began to regret why he had provoked the teenager.

If he had spoken to him well from the beginning, and had not been blinded by that vanity, would he still be in this situation?

Definitely not.

No wonder daddy always says that he is not qualified to say that he is strong.

Always remind him from time to time not to be too proud, it turns out that arrogance will really lead to killing.

"Hey, let's discuss, you let me go, I don't bother you, okay?"

Marko's tone couldn't help but smell a little begging for mercy, his body was covered in blood, and symptoms of dizziness had begun to appear.

However, as if the young man did not hear it, he did not even change the movement of swinging the knife by half a minute, and he kept cutting his body.

Seeing this, Marko was completely panicked.

"Did you hear that? Is there something to say?"

He seemed to have forgotten how arrogant he was in the first place, and when he opened his mouth, he said, "You are not worthy to talk to me".

How domineering he looked at that time, how humble he is now.

In the face of the threat to his life, this arrogant man finally lowered his proud head.

It's just a pity it's already too late.

After entering the God of War mode, the direction of things has been out of the control of the teenager.

Just as the boy said at that time, Marko will die here today.

Absolute rationality in the state of the God of War is different from rationality in the general sense, that is not the rationality of thinking about the overall situation, but only for combat.

Before Marko died, Yanagawa had no way out of this mode.

In other words, the moment they turned on the God of War mode, they had already entered an unending situation.

It's not that Yanagawa doesn't want to respond to Marko's proposal, it's that he simply can't.

He couldn't even hear Marko's voice, let alone think.

In an absolutely rational state, the brain blocks all information that is not related to the battle.

Voices, which regrettably cannot affect the fighting, are also included.

Of course, even if Yanagawa heard Marko's plea for mercy, there was no way to think.

There is only one problem in his mind, and that is how to take out his opponent.

As for sparing the opponent.

I'm sorry.

There was never such an option.

So whether Marko is reflecting on his mistakes or kneeling down and begging for mercy, it has lost its meaning.

The purpose of communication is to convey the meaning you want to express to the other party.

Now that Yanagawa has unilaterally closed the channel for receiving signals, the bridge of communication cannot be built.

Although the teenager may not want Marko to die here.

But unfortunately, things are out of his control.

For now, unless there are more powerful masters to stop this battle, Marko will surely die.

Although no one wants to see this situation, it has to be said that this is also Marko's own fault.

Originally, none of this should have happened.

When Waitibé came out of the cabin, she saw the battle taking place in the sky.

Seeing Marko, who had been soaked in blood, Waitibé involuntarily covered his mouth and watched all this with wide eyes.

"Am I not mistaken? Looks like it's going to die?"

One second she was thinking about how to realize her plan, but as soon as she went out, reality gave her a headshot.

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