This is impossible, how can that little devil be compared to Marko?

And they were also suppressed and beaten, and there was no way to fight back, which is not scientific!

The fight in the sky made Waitibé can't help but suspect that he was wrong, rubbed his eyes and looked again, and the result was no different from what he saw before.

Now Waitibé could finally be sure that what he saw was real.

Marko was suppressed, and depending on the situation, his life was in danger.

What to do?

The development of things was completely unexpected, what should she do at this time?

After thinking about it for a long time, Waitibé didn't think of any good ideas.

At this time, she no longer had the heart to think about the money box, and if Marko died here, Whitebeard would inevitably be angry.

At that time, she doesn't know if something will happen to that little ghost, anyway, she probably won't dare to show up in the sea of the New World.

In her eyes, all this was started because she made her own claims, alarming the teenager for her own thoughts.

I have an unshirkable responsibility.

"Hey!! Yanagawa, you can't kill Marko, while there is still room for negotiation, stop it!"

Waitibé tried to shout a few times, but no matter how she yelled, the teenager did not respond.

Marko's life was in danger, and Waidibe's heart was flustered.

Seeing that Liu Chuan did not move, Waidibe was anxious in his heart, and when he looked left and right, he found that Klockdar was standing on their boat, observing the real amusement of the two with a solemn face.

Waidibe rushed out of the other boat.

With a dexterous step on the edge of the deck, Waitibé crossed a distance of more than ten meters and rushed to the three-masted sailing ship.

After landing, without waiting for the surrounding movements to ask questions, he quickly ran to Klockdar's side.

Feng Kray immediately noticed her movements and made a defensive posture.

However, Waitibé was not here to find trouble, and seeing Von Kray's wary eyes, he made a dodge gesture towards him.

Von Kray hesitated, and finally chose to pat Klockdar on the shoulder to remind him.

"The girl named Waitibé came over, as if she had come to find the boss you. "

Klockdar hesitantly looked at the battle scene again, and then turned to look at the person.

"What are you here for, tell me what you mean. "

Klockdar had a very bad impression of Waitibé, but because he still needed her to help lead the way, his tone was quite polite.

But at this time, Waitibé didn't care about this, and when he saw Klockdal, he quickly said: "Please, go and stop this battle?"

Klockdar raised his eyebrows and asked with a surprised face: "Why?"

He had previously guessed that Waitibé was on the same foot as the whitebearded man, but now it seems to be true.

The girl's anxious look did not seem to be fake, she was really anxious.

However, Klockdar was not in a hurry at all, he wanted to hear more information from Waitibé.

"There are so many whys, that's the immortal bird Marko, the first cadre under Whitebeard's father, if he dies here, will we still survive?"

Waitibé wanted Klockdar to stop them immediately, and did not want to explain this at all, but if he did not say it, and was afraid that Klockdar would not listen to her, he could only pick up the most important part and tell him.

"Whitebeard is notoriously short-guarded, even if Marko is only injured, he will avenge him, let alone die here. "

"Think about it, if Marko dies today, will there be a place for you in this sea?"

Whitebeard is powerful, especially in the New World, where no one is their opponent.

The current Whitebeard is not old enough to take up arms, and his strength is still the strongest in the New World.

If they could, no one would dare to offend Whitebeard.

Waitibé was originally part of Whitebeard's subordinates, so it stands to reason that there is no need to be in such a hurry.

But she knew that she had invisibly provoked the relationship between the two in this incident, and she knew that she was at a loss, and did not dare to face Whitebeard.

And what she said was true, if Red Flame Sword Hao was allowed to kill Marko, they would not have any good ends.

Seeing Waidibe say these words very seriously, Klockdar wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

Of course, Klockdar knew how much killing Marko would affect his group, and he also wanted to organize a battle between the two.

But Yanagawa's state is too weird, and the indifferent eyes don't seem to be looking at a person, but at a dead thing.

Coupled with the sudden revelation of his great strength, Klockdar did not dare to easily intervene in the battle between the two.

In case he accidentally provokes the teenager, I am afraid that he will be killed by the teenager without waiting for Whitebeard to come over.

The kind of eyes that see life as unmistakable, that's no joke.

"I understand the truth of what you said, but you can also see that Yanagawa is in a very abnormal state now, and to be honest, I don't dare to stop his movements now. "

Klockdar did not hide his concerns in the slightest, and voiced his concerns.

But listening to the girl's ears is like making excuses, without the slightest credibility.

"You're shirking your responsibility, Whitebeard's daddy won't care about you, anyway, Marko is dead, you just wait for death, and when the time comes, daddy comes to the door, don't regret the choice you made today." "

Waitibé said in a threatening tone, as if he would tell Whitebeard that he had killed him if he didn't make a move.

At this critical moment, the girl can no longer care so much, and she must find a way to stop this battle.

However, Klockdar didn't seem to hear a glance, and when he heard what she said, he turned his head directly, and didn't even pay attention to her.

Anyway, he has already said everything that should be said, and there is no need to say it a second time.

Klockdar was extremely upset with the girl's tone and was too lazy to perfunctory her.

"Are you really sure you want to leave it alone?" asked Waitibé incredulously.

Seeing that Klockdar didn't pay any attention to her in the slightest, Waitibé understood that she could only rely on herself at this time.

Waitibé bit his lip, seeing that there was no one around to help, and his heart was open.

Since no one wants to prevent this tragedy from happening, then she will go herself!

Anyway, if she finds out her small movements at that time, she won't be able to live.

Instead of being afraid, it is better to stop this battle before it can cause tragedy.

Waitibey's gaze locked on the two in the sky, took a few steps back, took a deep breath and began to run.

When he ran to the railing position, his footsteps stepped heavily on the railing on the edge of the deck, and the whole person rushed towards the sky.

She didn't have the means to float like the two in the air, and she could only have this stupid way to approach those two people.

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