There is only one chance, and Waitibé must take advantage of it.

The girl's gaze was very firm, and she kept staring at the two.

Seeing that the two of them did not change positions when they approached, Waidibe was relieved in his heart.

"Fortunately, my luck has always been good, and it seems that there should not be much problem this time. "

It's just that the girl made a wrong bet this time, and she shouldn't have interfered with Yanagawa's battle.

Seeing that outsiders had joined the battle group, Yanagawa's gaze glanced faintly in the direction where she was.

Swinging the blade of his sword, he routinely slashed at Marko's body, and then stabbed him behind without looking back.


The sound of the sword entering the body sounded from the back of the young man, and then the right hand that grasped the hilt of the sword gently pulled forward, and bright red blood splashed out.

This blow happened to stab Waitibey's heart, but he turned around and stabbed with a careless hand, and casually took a human life.

At that moment, Waidibe's whole person was stunned.

Before she could react to what was happening, she saw her chest soaked in scarlet.

Waitibé opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

It was only with the movement of the teenager drawing her sword, her body fell towards the bottom of the sea.

In the end, she died on the spot without even saying a word.

Klockdar watched all this coldly, saw the end of Waidibe, and said sarcastically: "Look, another self-righteous fool." "

"She doesn't want to think about it, if I can stop watching Marko die here?"

"Do you really think you think I'm an idiot?"

These people are all one by one, and they never listen to what others say.

Whether it was Marko or Waitibé, if he had been a little cautious from the beginning, how could he have fallen to this point.

Well, before she could reach Wano Country, she died.

Simply calculate, it is impossible to tell whose loss it is.

It can only be said that Waitibé's death is worthless.

Jenny had been observing the movement over there, and saw Waitibé being stabbed to death on the spot, and let out a mournful roar.

She cried loudly like a helpless child, but it was a pity that none of the people standing here would be soft-hearted and took the initiative to comfort her.

Not only that, but no one even paid attention to her, not even the sailors on the icebreaker looked at her much.

Without Waidibe's protection, Jenny has no status to speak of.

With the cruel character of the pirate, it is estimated that she will not have any good endings.

The battle continued, and Waitibé's desperate swoop did not interfere with the situation on the battlefield in any way.

Marko is still shaky.

Seeing that Marko's death was almost a certainty, Marko's pirates looked hideous and kept threatening to prevent the boy from killing his leader.

It's just that this has no effect, and the teenager still doesn't move.

And at this time, the ship's observers stumbled upon a hint of unusualness.

In fact, he was also watching the battle between the two carefully, but his position was much higher and he could see more pictures.

Before they knew it, a boat had approached them.

Everyone's attention was focused on the battle in the sky, and they didn't find a large pirate ship approaching.

Noticing the ship's presence, the observers dutifully sounded the alarm.

"Another boat is approaching, boss, what do you say we should do?"

Klockdar was startled when he heard this, and hurried to look at the position pointed by the observer.

When I looked at it, I was shocked.

How could the red-haired man be here?"

The shape of the coming ship is so recognizable that the position of the bow portrait is an abstract bull's head.

The open sail is even printed with the mark of the red-haired pirate group, which is not whose ship the Redford can be.

The red-haired Shanks stood in the position of the bow statue, his left hand firmly resting on the Griffin knife, his chin slightly raised, and his face solemnly watching the battle in the sky.

Noticing that Klockdar looked towards him, his slippers-clad feet lightly straddled on the bow statue and jumped onto the three-masted schoon.

"Klockdar, what is going on, why is the sky like this?" the red-haired Shanks seemed to be very familiar with Klockdar, and his tone of voice was not the slightest strangeness.

Klockdar was stunned for a moment, and then hurried to introduce the situation.

"I don't know what's going on, but Marko suddenly came to us and got us in trouble. "

Yanagawa warned him not to mess around, and then it became the situation he is now. "

"Yanagawa, which boy do you mean?" asked Shanks, pointing at the boy.

"Yes. Klockdar replied reasonably: "His name is Liu Chuan, others call him Red Flame Sword Hao, and he has been in the limelight recently." "

Shanks nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Leave this alone, how are you going to solve this situation and let that imp kill Marko?"

"Of course I don't want to!" Klockdar quickly denied, "If it weren't for Yanagawa's wrong situation, I would have intervened to stop it, after all, it is a white-bearded person, and it is best not to mess with it." "

"So that's what the imp meant?" asked Shanks then.

Klockdar thought for a moment and nodded heavily.

"Yes, Yanagawa is estimated to not easily offend Whitebeard, I am afraid that something happened to become what it is now." "

Klockdar heard the intention to stop the battle from Shanks' mouth, and looked at him expectantly.

"If you can, please help end this farce, it's enough for Marko to learn a lesson now." "

"Well, since you said so, then I'll help you once. Without thinking, the redhead immediately agreed.

Everyone is a pirate, and if there are no sharp contradictions, no one wants to see cannibalism.

If there is no senseless infighting, it should be avoided as much as possible.

With Klockdahl's consent, the redhead got his hand.

Just like Waitibé before, he stepped on the railing and rushed out.

It's just that his speed is far from what Waitibé can compare.

In an instant, the red-haired figure came between the two.

Yanagawa noticed the sudden appearance of the figure, and the longsword that stabbed at Marko deflected slightly, slashing towards Shanks' position.

Shanks only smiled faintly when he saw it, and the sword light flashed and knocked the long sword in the young man's hand flying.

"Well, it's time for this farce to stop, give me face, you all stop. "

This was addressed to Yanagawa, and Marko saw that it was the redhead who came over, as if he saw a savior.

Holding his scarred body, he hid behind Shanks.

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