"If I were passing through, I guess you wouldn't believe it, would you?" said Shanks in a joking tone.

Klockdar frowned slightly, spat out a cigarette and said: "Don't take me for a fool, you are obviously coming at us." "

If he was just passing by, he wouldn't have to get involved in the conflict between his gang and Whitebeard.

Even if he came to help, stopping the fight between the two was considered to be the end of benevolence, and there was no need to help clean up the aftermath together.

Apparently Shanks came prepared, that's why he was so enthusiastic.

Shanks smiled unabashedly and told the truth.

"Actually, I came to see the excitement, and I have a friend who is interested in that little guy and asked him to test his swordsmanship. "

"It just so happens that I am also quite interested in Red Flame Jianhao, so I came after him. "

"As a result, this guy walked halfway, didn't know where to run, and didn't find any trace of him. "

"There is no way, I can only ask around for news and inquire about your location. "

"Originally, I wanted to watch the process of Red Flame Jianhao and that guy competing, but it turned out that I found you first. "

"And that's not to say, it gave me a big surprise at the beginning, you really don't know what to say." "

As soon as Shanks spoke, it was as continuous as the words on his upper body.

The calm and ordinary tone did not show that he was the top figure standing in this sea.

Klockdar listened to him finish what happened, and a black line appeared in his head.

If you think about it, too.

Except for the red-haired Shanks, it is estimated that no one has this leisure and leisure, running around in order to see the excitement.

Speaking of Shanks, it is simply difficult to say, almost becoming an unreliable representative.

Compared to Shanks' speechlessness to his group, he is the one who should really be speechless.

At least he won't go out of his way to look aimlessly for competitors' territory in order to see the excitement.

Klockdar was sluggish for a while, but when the words came out of his mouth, it became something else.

"Anyway, this time it was a big help. "

"If it weren't for you, I really don't know how it would end, and I'm afraid that after provoking Kaido, I will probably have to face the wrath of Whitebeard again." "

"For us, the pressure is a little too much. "

No matter how unreliable Shanks is, helping them this time is an irrefutable fact.

Klockdar knew the merits and thanked him seriously.

Hearing this, Shanks waved his hand and smiled without care: "It's nothing, everyone helps each other at sea, isn't it good to have one more friend, I don't have any advantages, just have more friends." "

Klockdar nodded in agreement, "That's true, very few people can not feel good about you. "

The province has great strength, but it does not bully the weak with its own strength.

No matter who he is, he is pleasant and so enthusiastic.

If he can't make friends to this point, then I'm afraid there is something wrong with this world.

"Speaking of which, you haven't said the identity of your friend, I don't know who wants to find Yanagawa to compete?" Seeing that Shanks had no intention of continuing the conversation, Klockdar took the initiative to bring up the topic.

Shanks made an exaggerated look and said unexpectedly: "Didn't I tell you?"

Then he saw Klockdar's face turn dark, and smiled embarrassedly: "Ah, it's actually not a mysterious person, it's Mihawk." "

"You know that Mihawk and I are both interested in swordsmanship, and I heard that Red Flame Jianhao's sword can emit flames, so he is not interested. "

"I was going to come with him, but at that time we were having a banquet and there was no way. "

"It turned out like this, before he could come, I arrived first. "

At this point, Shanks' words paused.

He touched his chin and groaned, and then continued: "Speaking of which, your whereabouts are quite secretive, if it weren't for the chance hearing from Kurek's friend that Yanagawa once looked for a ticket to Wano Country, I didn't expect you to appear here, do you have any important things to do when you go to Wano Country?"

Hearing the news that Jack was defeated by newcomer Jianhao before, everyone was taken aback, including Shanks.

It's just that he is not very interested in these things, so he has little interest in investigating Yanagawa's intelligence at first.

And when he raised some interest, he heard that they had actually gone to Wano Country, which made him feel even more interesting.

Now seeing one of the true lords, he naturally asked directly.

However, Klockdar was not very clear about this, he shook his head and said: "To be honest, I actually don't quite understand what it is for, that guy in Yanagawa said that he wanted to find trouble with a guy called the black carbon big snake, I followed, that's all I know." "

"So you took an adventure with him without even knowing your purpose?" Shanks questioned exaggeratedly, not hiding the surprise in his heart.

"In this way, your relationship with that boy is quite close, and I didn't expect that the former king of the desert would also recognize others one day, which is really surprising." Shanks teased with a joking tone.

He was genuinely surprised, and with what he knew about Klockdar, he hadn't really thought that he would be accommodating to others, and Shanks was surprised from the bottom of his heart.

"Actually, I was surprised that something happened together. Klockdahl shrugged, not denying Shanks' teasing.

Unconsciously, he has been influenced too much by Yanagawa.

Whether it is his dedication to strength or Yanagawa's optimism, Klockdar is deeply infected.

The indomitable attitude in the young man's eyes has also become the driving force for Klockdar to move forward.

In some ways, Yanagawa has unknowingly become his guide, illuminating the way forward.

Klockdar thought for a while, and suddenly lost interest in talking.

At the moment, Hades has not yet landed, and his heart is also very chaotic, and he has not yet had a clear idea.

Regarding the relationship between himself and Yanagawa, Klockdahl found that he could not give an accurate definition.

This made him feel a little frustrated.

How nice would it be if they could be companions?

It's a pity that from the beginning they have determined that they are allies, and now it is so easy to change it.

Not to mention the fact that the internal structure of the Baroque studio is pyramid-shaped, which is another layer of hindrance.

If Yanagawa is invited to join the Baroque studio, what position should he be treated?

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