Whether the structure of the double bosses will have an impact on the Baroque studio is not a sure result.

In short, the sudden bond makes it all chaotic.

Klockdar didn't know how to face it.

After thinking for a long time without sorting out a clue, Klockdar simply didn't bother to think anymore.

Just let everything go with the flow, and in the future, these problems are estimated to be solved naturally, and there is no need to bother yourself.

Klockdar thought while making perfunctory small talk with Shanks.

The two talked a lot, and only then stopped talking when night fell.


The next day, Yanagawa slowly woke up from his coma.

"What is this place?"

Clutching his head with one hand that kept glistening pain, Yanagawa struggled to get out of bed.

During yesterday's battle, although he was in a state of insensibility, he remembered the process of the battle clearly.

He clearly remembered that he was about to kill Marko, when a figure suddenly appeared and stopped his fight.

This memory is so clear that the feeling of someone touching the back of the neck is not strange now, and you can still remember what it feels like.

"That person looks... It's a bit like red-haired Shanks. "

"With a straw hat on his head and the familiar Western sword, it really seems to be Shanks. "

Yanagawa got up from the bed and saw his sword placed next to the bed, and immediately calmed down, thinking about what happened yesterday.

"Anyway, whoever it is, as long as Marko isn't dead. "

"One Kaido is troublesome enough, and adding a white beard is really killing you." "

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yanagawa turned his head to find the direction of the shoes.

There was only one clean slippers on the floor next to the bed, and his own shoes ran nowhere.

Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, Yanagawa shouted, "Can anyone tell me what place this is?" "

He remembered that at that time, his weapon was flown out by a figure that suddenly appeared, and as for how he returned to his side, it was not very clear.

However, one thing is certain, since the other party did not take away their weapons, it means that they have no malicious intent.

Therefore, although he was in an unfamiliar environment, Yanagawa did not feel any panic.

He just wanted to know what was going on so he could get an idea of himself.

At this time, the door of the room opened.

Coming in was a man in a white coat, his complexion was pale, and he looked unhealthy from not being exposed to sunlight for a long time.

He was holding something similar to a case in his hand, and when he saw the teenager sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes were cold.

"If I were you, I would honestly lie on the bed and rest, the injuries on your body are very serious, if you don't take care of it, there will definitely be sequelae in the future." "

His voice was as cold as his eyes, like an emotionless machine, without a hint of warmth in his tone.

Hearing this, Yanagawa lowered his head and glanced at his body, and saw the bandage wrapped around his body, and he was a little surprised.

"Who are you, where is this, what the hell is wrong with me, why are you telling me this?"

A series of four questions spat out of the teenager's mouth, but the man didn't seem to have the intention of answering.

The man dressed as a doctor slowly walked up to the young man and said in a commanding tone: "Now, you immediately lie back on the hospital bed, and I will answer your questions one by one, but now you have to listen to me." "

There was not the slightest feeling of toughness in his tone, but Yanagawa inexplicably did what he said after hearing it.

Lying down on the bed again, Yanagawa looked at the doctor and said, "Can you tell me now?"

The doctor first glanced at Yanagawa's forehead, nodded faintly, and wrote a few lines on the note.

When he had done that, he began to answer.

"First, I'm a doctor. "

"Second, here is the Redvers. "

"Third, your injury is serious and needs to be recuperated for a long time. "

"Fourth, you are my patient, and I have an obligation to remind you of the consequences of messing around. "

The doctor answered Yanagawa's question concisely, but he said it too simply, making Yanagawa frown when he listened.

"Redvers, this is the ship of the red-haired Shanks, why am I on his ship?" asked Yanagawa.

The doctor replied: "I don't know about this, if you have a problem, ask Shanks yourself, I will only be responsible for treating the disease, regardless of the rest." "

"Can you please find someone who knows the situation and tell me what happened?" asked Yanagawa again.

The doctor lifted the quilt and examined Yanagawa's body while replying, "I said, I am only responsible for treating diseases, and nothing else, if you want to find someone to find it yourself, don't call me." "

The feeling of crispy numbness on his body was not good, and Yanagawa couldn't help but twist slightly.

Seeing his movements, the doctor unceremoniously patted him on his body and warned, "Don't move." "

Don't look at his movements quite lightly, hitting the teenager made him feel severe pain.


"Since you know that it hurts, what did you do earlier?" The doctor glanced at him lightly, and said calmly: "Spare no effort to squeeze the limits of the body, even if you are lucky without collapsing on the spot, think what is it compared to a little pain, have a desperate determination but no mental preparation to pay the price? "

"So... Did I actually cause the injuries on my body?" Yanagawa pondered for a moment, vaguely understood something, and looked up to ask.

He wanted to confirm from the doctor that his guess was correct.

However, the doctor's answer made him a little puzzled, as if things were not so simple.

"No, to be precise, it should be to use too much power for the battle, leaving the body in a state of unprotection. "

"Fighting enemies in this state, the vibrations transmitted by the power cause damage to various parts of your body. "

"In addition, excessive muscle squeezing and fatigue is also one of the main causes of physical injury. "

"Of course, the other party's boxing also caused you a lot of damage, but relatively speaking, it was not that serious. "

Clear words slowly spat out of the doctor's mouth, and Yanagawa adjusted his posture on the bed while thinking about what the doctor's words meant.

The second half of the sentence is easy to understand, but the previous words make him not very clear.

Yanagawa frowned and thought for a long time, without any clue.

As a last resort, in order to know more detailed information, ask again.

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