"What does that mean by using too much force to make the body lose its protection?" asked Yanagawa as he cooperated with the doctor's examination, suspiciously.

Perhaps his cooperative attitude satisfied the doctor, who quickly gave the answer.

"The energy of the human body is distributed, for example, if you throw a punch with all your strength, it looks like you mobilize the strength of your whole body, but it is not. "

"Because a lot of energy is concentrated in various parts of your body to protect you from the force of rebound. "

"This is the result of the body's natural regulation, and normally no one can mobilize this part of the energy. "

"And that's the problem with the damage you received, I don't know what method you used to mobilize this part of the energy." "

"The result is obvious, and it's what you're in now, with multiple tissue contusions. "

Saying that, the doctor's gaze stayed on the teenager's face for a while, and said: "If it weren't for your body being strong enough, it is estimated that you would not have survived this time, I really don't know how you did it, this is the first time I encountered this situation." "

It is common to squeeze the limits of the body, especially among the pirate group.

In times of danger, the body naturally secretes some hormones and bursts out more powerful.

However, this condition usually lasts only a few seconds, and sometimes there are very troublesome sequelae.

Some people will even die on the spot because of this.

It is too rare for Yanagawa to be in a limit state for a long time without being significantly backlashed.

When Yanagawa heard this, he was a little embarrassed and wanted to scratch the back of his head.

However, as soon as his arm was forced, he suddenly began to twitch.

It was accompanied by severe pain that almost didn't make him cry out on the spot.

"Doctor, I feel that my body is not quite right, you can help take a look." "

The muscles in the boy's arm surged on their own, as if there was some kind of bug in his body controlling the inside, which made people look surprised.

However, the doctor did not continue to observe after taking a look, but examined the teenager's body on his own.

Yanagawa suddenly became a little anxious when he saw his movements, "I'm not kidding, you see that my muscles seem to have bugs in them." "

Not to mention how disgusting the squirming look, it happened to him, which made him even more restless.

It's just that the doctor still does his own thing as if he didn't see it.

But this time, he didn't completely ignore it, and explained the reason for this symptom in his mouth.

"As I said before, your muscles are overexerted and in a state of fatigue, and your situation is that the human body is repairing the muscles on its own, don't make a fuss. "

The boy heard the words, looked at him in disbelief, and then shifted his gaze back and forth between his arm and the doctor, and he had difficulty accepting this conclusion.

"You said that this thing is repairing the body, how can you repair the damage to the body in such an exaggerated way?"

"I don't read much, don't lie to me." "

Even if it's being repaired, that's an exaggeration, right?

Just like the water pipes in cats and mice, surging one after another, this must be put in reality, put on themselves who can stand it.

What's more, there is that severe pain, that can't be fake, right?

However, no matter how anxious Yanagawa asked, the doctor did not respond to him this time.

When he finished checking his body and re-covered the quilt for Liu Chuan, he said: "Depends on the situation, it is expected that you need to rest for about seven days, if you don't want to have sequelae, you can honestly lie in bed during this time, I will tell your companions about your situation, and I won't let them worry." "

After speaking, Li ignored Yanagawa's shouts and left the "ward" with his own care.

Anyway, he has already said everything that should be said, and he is too lazy to care about other things.

Looking at the back of the doctor dashing out, Yanagawa wanted to cry without tears.

"So what kind of luck did I have, inexplicably being troubled by a fool, and being forced to only open the God of War mode." "

"And this mode is also too pitted, how can there be such a big side effect, I didn't encounter it last time." "

The previous Yanagawa experience was the first experience, and it took less than two minutes to start.

But this time the opponent was too strong, and it took a full two hours to restrain his insufficient attack.

Such a long period of physical overload will naturally cause great damage.

And this is the most beneficial way to fight for yourself after rational thinking.

It can be seen that Mars's strength is actually far beyond Yanagawa's imagination.

Of course, he is not clear about this now.

Even the operation law of the God of War mode does not have a clear concept.

I only know that I was born to fight when I entered that state, and even my subjective consciousness was directly abandoned, and I directly became an emotionless combat machine.

If he didn't remember the battle clearly, Yanagawa even suspected that the person who controlled his body at that time was not himself at all.

That model is strong, but the flaws in all aspects have exceeded the limits of what a teenager can accept.

"Next time, I won't easily open this inexplicable state, it's just a pit that kills people." "

Originally, I thought that it would only affect my mind and would not affect my body.

Now it seems that it is very wrong.

That mode is simply trading with the devil, exchanging body and mind for powerful computing power, and the gain is simply not worth the loss.

If it's just that state, there's almost no use value.

Fortunately, in addition to the state, the God of War mode also has additional abilities, which is not too bad.

One is to be able to burst out the strength beyond the limits of the body and get through some difficulties that you can't get through with your current self.

The second is to learn more combat skills from yourself who turned on that mode.

Just like this time against Marko, he can be said to have made full use of all his strength.

Paper paintings, iron blocks, finger guns, lan feet, and the comprehensive control of the airflow, the kind of intricate control of the sword, which is usually difficult to use, are all worth learning.

In a normal state, he could not dig out all the treasures on his body, but the God of War state could mobilize all his strength.

With Yuzhu in front, Yanagawa will be difficult even if he doesn't want to improve.

The scene recorded in his mind was so clear that he could mobilize this memory at any time if he wanted to.

"Alas, the doctor doesn't seem to be joking, just lie in bed during this time." "

"Just right, I can take advantage of the time when I can't exercise to sort out that memory, if I can absorb all the skills inside, it is estimated that my strength will improve considerably." "

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