"The guy of the hundred beasts does not take the navy too seriously, he will pay for his actions!"

The eyes of the old man who had begun to show a trace of white hair in his hair flickered, and he seemed to have seen the Yan Tribulation appear in front of him, and his fighting spirit was full of war.

The green pheasant on the side was excited when he saw the old man's face.

"Lieutenant General Karp, are you really going to make a move? The person who is going to personally hunt down the Hundred Beast Pirates? "

The green pheasant looked at Karp hopefully, and although he had heard the old man say this himself, he still couldn't believe it.

Hearing this, Karp glanced at the green pheasant with a slightly fierce face.

"Of course! They have all been bullied to the head, if the old man does not make a move, how can he still accept the title of "naval hero"? "

Since you have become a hero, you must be ready to escort the Navy.

In the face of provocations, it is necessary to strike hard!

"Well said!"

Sengoku's face was full of admiration, and his eyes were sparkling, as if he had returned to his youth.

At that time, Karp was like now, with absolute confidence all the time.

As if any difficulty or danger was an easy problem to solve in front of him, there was no difficulty in front of him.

Recalling the glory days of the past, the eyes of the Warring States looking at Karp were full of trust.

"That guy named Yan Calamity got rid of you this time, old fellow, you must give him a lesson that will never be forgotten!"

From the eyes of the Warring States, Karp also saw his former demeanor.

"Don't worry, the old man personally made a move, that guy who doesn't know if he is dead or alive will definitely not be able to escape!"

In the eyes of the old man, there was an air of sacrificing others, as if he had already held the person in the palm of his hand, without the slightest hesitation.

Then, the three of them discussed the specific route and the direction of progress, and the hunting activities against the Hundred Beast Pirate Group began.


Seven days after the return of time, Yanagawa honestly followed the doctor's instructions and stayed in the ward all day to absorb valuable combat experience.

His days were very repetitive, and before he knew it, several days had passed.

By this time, Yanagawa had theoretically absorbed the essence of that battle.

But at the moment, it has not been recognized by the doctor, and I dare not do more intense exercise.

He only absorbed these combat experiences into his mind, and he couldn't really show them yet.

In order to be completely absorbed, it is also necessary to combine theory with practice and wait for physical recovery.

And just when he turned the fighting style shown in the God of War mode into his own nourishment, the doctor finally opened his mouth and let him leave.

"Your body doesn't need to continue treatment, the rest is just waiting for natural recovery."

"From today you can do some simple rehabilitation exercises, and if you don't want to have sequelae, you can avoid the combat aspect as much as possible."

Based on the professional skills that the doctor showed during this time, Yanagawa believed his words.

Lian Lian promised not to mess around, and came out of the cabin wearing slippers.

"I haven't seen the sun for a few days, and I feel that the whole person is about to be depressed, but fortunately, the recovery of the body is quite good, and I can finally come out and go around."

Yanagawa was in the passage in the cabin, full of anticipation for seeing the sky again.

Everything is fine in the ward, but you can't see the slightest bit of sunlight.

The room was even deeper in the cabin, and only an eerie cold light was emitted inside.

If he hadn't seen Klockdar a few times these days and asked him about the causes and consequences before and after his coma, he would have wondered if he had strayed into Frankenstein's test base.

It was not that he slandered the ship doctor who treated his wounds, but that the doctor's temperament was too cold.

According to those supernatural films seen in previous lives, the brains of such people are usually not very normal, and nine times out of ten they are potentially psychotic.

Of course, these are just his guesses, in fact, the doctor is quite conscientious these days.

For his questions, the meaning is basically told to him in detail.

Yanagawa also took the opportunity to gain some understanding of the structure of the human body, and it can be said that he received a lot of help.

Before leaving, he wanted to ask for his name so that he could repay it later.

It's just that the doctor is really a little cold, and he doesn't even say a word about this kind of problem.

After walking for almost a minute, the boy walked through a very winding passage and successfully reached the deck.

When he came out, Yanagawa saw the smooth and bright floor like wax.

"It is worthy of the ship of the four emperors, even the deck is so clean."

Yanagawa kept nodding and observing his surroundings.

It was now like afternoon, and the sun hanging in the sky scattered the fiber to the deck, reflecting the shining light.

The strange bow of the ship is lifelike, although it is not obvious what kind of animal it is, but from the details on the statue, it can be seen that it is very majestic.

It wasn't until he saw it with his own eyes that Yanagawa was sure that the place where he was staying was indeed the Redfors, and not some hidden secret base in some unknown place.

The boat is docked next to an island that is lined with greenery and exudes the natural atmosphere unique to the forest.

From the side of the ship, Yanagawa saw the familiar three-masted sailing ship.

The agents of the Baroque studio on the sailboat were constantly busy, as if they were carrying something.

Standing in the center of the deck to direct the actions of his subordinates, Feng Kelei inadvertently swept over the ship next to him, saw the boy who was leaning over on the boat, and immediately waved to him excitedly.

"Boss Yanagawa! Did your injury heal so quickly? I haven't seen you in a long time. "

He hadn't seen Yanagawa since that battle, and seeing the long-lost figure, he was happy for Yanagawa.

You must know that it is Marko, such a powerful figure almost died at the hands of Yanagawa, which shows how strong the boy's strength is now.

Liu Chuan heard the sound of greeting, subconsciously looked over there, and saw Feng Kelei waving at him and smiling at him.

"I haven't seen the sun for a long time, so it's good to be able to come out and stroll."

The line of sight glanced left and right at Feng Kelei's side, and did not see Klockdar's figure, Yanagawa asked: "By the way, where did your boss go, why didn't you see him?" "

Not to mention Klockdar, even Dazponis, who liked to practice his skills at the end of the deck, was gone, which made him feel a little curious.

Without thinking, Feng Kelei replied: "Boss, they followed the red-haired Shanks and they went to the island, saying that the island is rich in resources and can replenish the materials on the ship, and they went hunting." "

"Oh, so it is." Yanagawa nodded slowly, thought for a moment and decided to go with him.

"I'll go talk to Klockdar first, and I'll come back later, and things on the ship will be hard for you, von Kray."

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