Seeing the young man's wave, Feng Kelei smiled at him disapprovingly.

"Boss Yanagawa, you should see the boss and them when you go inside, I heard that they seem to be holding some kind of banquet, if you go early, you may be able to eat barbecue."

Yanagawa turned his back to Feng Kray and swung his arm back.

"Then I have to look forward to it, the banquet of the red-haired Shanks is very lively, and I can finally experience it today."

Leaving the Redford, Yanagawa walked leisurely into the forest.

From the messy footsteps around him, he made a slight sense of direction and walked in the direction where the footsteps were going.

Walk through a large area of woods to a place where gurgling water comes out.

It appears to be a camp for the red-haired gang, many of whom are building bonfires with stones.

Looking at the movements of their hands and feet, it seems that they are very familiar with this.

The red-haired group saw the boy's figure and greeted him with a smile.

Yanagawa responded one by one, and under the guidance of these pirates, found Klockdar.

"Hah! During the period of my recovery, you will enjoy it, and you will enjoy life when you come with people to open the banquet. "

The young man patted Klockdar's shoulder and said in a relaxed tone.

Klockdar heard this familiar voice and quickly looked behind him.

Seeing that it was the familiar figure, Klockdar opened his mouth in slight surprise and said, "Didn't you say that you have to lie down for a few more days?" How did it come out so quickly? "

Yanagawa's face darkened slightly when he heard this, and he couldn't figure out whether he was congratulating himself on being able to come out and walk around or cursing himself for being more seriously injured.

"Anyway, the doctor said that I can come out, just come out and take a look, if it weren't for listening to Feng Kelei talk about your location, I still don't know how dashing you have been these days."

Following the red-haired group, it is estimated that banquets and banquets are indispensable.

Klockdar is completely out on vacation, and it seems quite leisurely.

Hearing the teenager's seemingly dissatisfied voice, Klockdar laughed awkwardly.

"Isn't it necessary to wait for your injuries to recover before you can start again?"

"Anyway, idle is idle, just follow Shanks around, isn't it all for you?"

This is said in a high-sounding manner, without the slightest hint of loss.

But it's also true that Klockdar really stayed here because of the boy's own reasons, and Yanagawa couldn't find an excuse to argue when he said this.

"Let's not talk about this, you tell me where Shanks is, this time thanks to his help, I can seek medical treatment in time, I have to thank him personally."

Yanagawa asked while looking around, but Shanks didn't seem to be here, and he couldn't find it for a long time.

"He... Go hunting, if you want to find him, you will have to wait for a while, so you can wait here for a while. "

The red-haired gang came here to hunt.

The island is rich in natural resources, with huge beasts and exotic wild fruits, which can be said to be a good supply point.

If it weren't for the chaotic magnetic field in the vicinity, it is estimated that many pirate groups would use this place as a stronghold.

However, because of the protection of the magnetic field, the island has not yet appeared in the public eye.

People who knew the island did not name the island, but used it as a passing supply point.

"Oh, so it is." Yanagawa probably understood.

Before, he saw that the people who remained in the camp were preparing for the banquet, but he did not see the meat needed for the banquet.

I thought it would be transported from the ship, but it turned out to be local materials.

No wonder I haven't seen anyone bring ingredients yet.

"What animals are on the island, and why would Shanks go out hunting himself, wouldn't it be nice to let his subordinates go?"

Yanagawa observed for a while, and then had some doubts in his heart, and asked Klockdar.

Klockdar thought for a moment and said, "This question is more complicated, and it is a bit troublesome to explain. "

"Probably because the animals on the island are more difficult, and ordinary good hands are not easy to hunt."

"As for the other part of the reason, you will know when the time comes, it is better to be impressed by you taking a look at it yourself than I said dryly."

The red-haired pirate group is no better than the average pirate group, and there is no strict hierarchy.

Under normal circumstances, everyone's status is equal, even Shanks, who is the captain, has no privileges.

Why this pirate group formed this special atmosphere, Klockdar did not understand.

It's just that this mode of getting along, he can't help but be a little envious.

If only the Baroque studio could also refer to the red-haired group, and then it would be very simple to invite Yanagawa to join the group.

Unfortunately, the operation mode of their studio has already taken shape, and now it is almost impossible to change again.

The boy heard the envious tone in Klockdar's words, and couldn't help but wonder what caused him to have this emotion.

If he remembers correctly, the red-haired pirates don't seem to show anything unusual to the ordinary, which is interesting.

The boy's body has not fully recovered, and there is no problem with general activities, but activities such as hunting may not be with him for the time being.

Abandoning the idea of hunting in the past, Yanagawa began to walk slowly around Klockdar's tent.

Lying in bed for a long time caused some damage to his physical functions, plus the body itself was seriously injured, and even the movement of walking was slightly deformed.

To fully recover, he must do these boring movements and re-adapt to normal body movements.

Klockdar sat quietly on the stool, watching the boy repeatedly perform boring movements.

Even something as simple as walking was done so seriously that Klockdar was shocked to see it.

In the past, I saw the young man practicing swords diligently, and thought that it was just his habit.

Now it seems that the young man's heart is extremely tough from the root, which is what he has achieved now.

"What does your doctor say, and how long will it take to fully recover?" Klockdar asked seemingly casually.

The boy took a few more steps and looked towards Klockdal.

"It will take about half a month, he didn't say the specific time, only said it depends on my physical condition."

Whether it is a white-clothed angel in a previous life or a doctor in this world, there is always room for speech, which makes people feel very panicked.

But the doctor was fine, at least telling him that his injuries could be completely repaired.

If it doesn't necessarily work well, that's the most maddening.

As long as you are sure that the injuries on your body are okay, then there is nothing to worry about.

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