"Boom! Here it is this set again. "

"Damn it, you deceived you!"

Not being able to see the liveliness, the pirate slightly regretted.

However, when they turned their heads, they forgot about the episode that had just happened, as if nothing had happened, and hooked up and continued to go about their own business.

Yanagawa looked at the black line on the side, looking at their skillful appearance, and feeling this was their daily activity.

"Haha, sorry to let you see the joke."

At this time, Shanks scratched the back of his head with one hand and walked back to his previous position, smiling a little embarrassed.

"I'm used to messing around on weekdays, we've always been like this, don't care."

Well, Yanagawa can see that they are quite unreliable.

However, he did not come to observe the red-haired group, he came to thank him, and by the way to get to know Shanks.

He didn't care much about things inside the red-haired pirates.

"Haha, it's good to be lively, the atmosphere is good."

Yanagawa said politely, and then looked at Shanks' eyes sincerely, and said seriously: "I came to thank you, I really thank you these days, if it were not for your help, it is estimated that the injuries on my body would not have stabilized so quickly, if there is anything that can help you in the future, please feel free to find me, as long as I can do it, I will do my best." "

Hearing the teenager suddenly say this, Shanks was stunned for a moment.

For him, it was just a show of hands, he didn't expect this teenager to be so serious.

Shanks' impression of Yanagawa has changed, and he initially understands what kind of person he is.

Waving his hand, Shanks hurriedly said: "It's not that it won't be, it's just a passing hand to help, it's not so serious." "

"If you say thank you, then forget it, but there is one thing I have to ask you for help, if you have time, I really want to trouble you."

Shanks came here this time to see the excitement, and the unexpected situation that suddenly appeared was an unplanned product.

It just so happened that he had the ability to stop this battle, so he just went with the flow, and he really didn't think it was a big deal.

The boy raised his eyebrows when he heard him say this.

"What's going on? My injury is not healed, I can't go to sea for the time being, I'm afraid I can't help you in a short time. "

It stands to reason that Shanks should be able to see that he is unwell, so why offer to help at this time?

Yanagawa was a little curious about what Shanks meant by helping.

"No, no, no, you don't need to make a move, just stay on the island and wait for a while." Seeing the young man's hesitant eyes, Shanks quickly replied.

Hearing this, Yanagawa was even more confused, "Can you tell me specifically what is going on, why did I get more and more confused the more I listened?" "

Shanks thought for a moment and carefully explained the ins and outs of the matter.

After Yanagawa listened, he understood what was going on.

It turned out that Shanks had already contacted Hawkeye, who was on his way over.

Shanks came to see the excitement and naturally did not want Yanagawa to leave the island, so he had the so-called "help".

This matter did not have much impact on the teenager, and he agreed without much thought.

"It's okay, it just so happens that my injury still needs to continue to recuperate, there are quite a lot of materials on the island, and it just so happens that we also plan to stay on the island for a while."

"If it's just about half a month, it's still fine."

Speaking of this, Yanagawa paused, and then opened his mouth again, giving Shanks a preventive injection beforehand.

"But you also know that with my current situation, I don't know when I will heal, and if Hawkeye comes in advance, I'm afraid there is no way to compete with him immediately."

"At that time, it is estimated that you will have to wait for a while, and when my injury is almost good, I will try it with him."

Shanks helped him so much, and at this time, Yanagawa naturally agreed to put forward a little affection.

And he is also very interested in Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman, of course, he will not miss the opportunity of this competition.

However, some things must be made clear in advance, otherwise there will be a misunderstanding at that time, making Hawkeye think that he is too arrogant to make a move.

"Of course, you must wait until your injury is completely healed before you try to compete with him, I have already made it clear to Mihawk, he will understand."

As the owner of the Redforth, although Shanks' status on the ship is worrying, he still knows some things.

He followed up on the teenager's physical recovery every day, knowing that it would take a while for Yanagawa to recover.

Shanks said in a calm tone: "During this time, you can rest assured and recuperate, don't be in such a hurry, Mihawk and I have time, and we also want to see a fair and just battle, and we won't be embarrassed by you." "

Yanagawa felt much more comfortable after listening to it, and he felt full respect from Shanks' tone.

Shanks' personality is similar to what he knows and he is always calm with anyone.

After some contact, there was an urge to make friends with him.

People as enthusiastic and sincere as him can rarely see it.

The sea is full of deceit, and the friendship between the boy and Klockdar is also established after experiencing storms together.

And in front of Shanks, all this seems unnecessary.

As long as you talk to him as a person and get to know each other a little, you can build friendships.

This kind of affinity, at a glance, does not seem to feel anything, even if it is personally contacted, there is not much feeling.

But if you think about it, you can think of the horror of it.

People like Shanks are afraid to make friends everywhere they go.

When there is nothing to do, there will be nothing, once he needs help, I am afraid that it will be a response, right?

Yanagawa originally just smiled and observed the other party, wanting to see Shanks' superiority.

But after thinking about it a little, the boy was suddenly surprised in his heart.

Unknowingly, even he himself was infected by Shanks and lost his vigilance against the people around him.

This kind of infectious power is really terrifying, if it is not for his own vigilance, it is not easy to detect it.

Thinking of this, the boy's eyes looking at Shanks were different, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The two then chatted a few gossips, and saw Shanks' companion beckoning him to help together, and took his leave.

Shanks warmly invited Yanagawa to the banquet, but Yanagawa refused on the grounds that he still needed to return to the ship to continue healing.

"Sorry, the doctor said that I can't participate in too lively activities during this time, I can only temporarily recuperate, I will receive your wishes, and then come to this lively when my body recovers a little."

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