Hearing the young man's words, Shanks seemed to suddenly remember something, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Ah! Sorry, Link had already warned me in the morning to stop messing around and forget about it. "

Yanagawa nodded in understanding, keenly found Link's name from Shanks' words, and asked suspiciously: "Link? "

"Link is the ship doctor who treated you, how? Didn't he tell you his name? Shanks asked strangely.

Then, he thought of Link's cold personality, and it suddenly became clear.

"Oh, by the way, with his personality, he may not answer you this, he has always been like this, you don't care."

Having been with the doctor for so long, Yanagawa certainly knew that it was just because of his personality, and he didn't feel uncomfortable about it.

"Well, Link has a lot of personality, I can understand it."

The young man glanced at the sky, saw that it was dark, and waved his hand at Shanks: "So be it today, I will go back to continue the treatment first, and I will definitely participate in your banquet when I have the opportunity next time." "

Shanks no longer held back, and said with a smile: "Well, you can also go back before it gets dark." "

"That's right." Seeing that the teenager turned around and was about to leave, Shanks suddenly reminded: "Although this guy Link is not very good, his medical skills are still very good, you can listen to his opinions more, which will help you recover faster." "

Yanagawa nodded at him gratefully, greeted Klockdar, and left the forest.

Looking at Yanagawa's departing back, Shanks muttered a little distractedly.

"It doesn't look like arrogance... From whom the news came from, what is said to be extremely vicious, this is not nonsense. "

After a short contact, Shanks only saw a serious teenager, and did not see any signs of violence in the teenager, subverting his inherent impression of Yanagawa.

"But that battle with Marko was quite emotional, it almost didn't scrape people alive, maybe he has some special situation, leaving a wrong impression, who knows?"

In a daze for a moment, hearing the call of his companion, Shanks shrugged and gave up thinking.

Shouting "coming" with disgust in his mouth, he trotted all the way to participate in the preparations for the banquet.

Yanagawa and Klockdar walked on the way back, whispering to each other.

"Look, I'm right, right? Shanks is quite interesting, is it shocked by his character to see it with your own eyes? Klockdar said with a smile.

Red-haired Shanks is really a rare kind, and there is a gentlemanly style on his body.

Although it seems a little funny on the surface, the enthusiasm is difficult to hide.

Yanagawa nodded slightly, admitting that he was a little surprised.

"Actually, with his strength, there is no need to do this, but he can still maintain a sincere attitude, which is too valuable."

Most of the strong people on the sea are similar to Marko, and they are all full of arrogance.

It's just that most people don't exaggerate as Marko.

In fact, since the rise in strength, Yanagawa himself has had a similar phenomenon.

That kind of pride that comes from the bones seems inevitable.

But after seeing Shanks today, Yanagawa understood that it turned out that his own mind had not yet been cultivated in place, so he would have that inexplicable sense of superiority.

Although this arrogance is not necessarily a bad thing, facing some bullies and hard-working guys can save a lot of trouble, but it is always a bit of a hindrance.

You must know that in addition to the strong people on the surface, there are some people hidden in the secret.

If you encounter someone similar to Blackbeard who likes to play pig and eat tiger, he may be overshadowed.

Therefore, this sense of superiority can still be avoided as much as possible.

Yanagawa didn't want to capsize in the gutter like Marko.

While it's awkward to compare yourself to a gutter, it is.

"So Shanks has a lot of friends, even many people in the Seven Wu Sea are his friends, you know how much influence he has on the sea."

Klockdar did not notice the thoughts that were beating in the young man's heart, and continued to speak.

Liu Chuan nodded in agreement and guessed: "Perhaps this is also the reason why he can become the Four Emperors at such a young age, this terrible influence is indeed not to be underestimated." "

You must know that the so-called "four emperors" are not compared to individual forces, but to those powerful gangs.

No matter whether it is any one of the four emperors, he has the energy to subvert any country.

This energy is not brought about by individual force, but by rallying the power of the masses through its own influence.

Shanks' strength is undoubted, even Marko is dying at the hands of Yanagawa, who turned on the God of War mode, but under Shanks, just two moves knocked him out.

Although there are reasons for the teenager's exhaustion, it can also be seen that Shanks' strength far exceeds his own, which is an indisputable fact.

But compared to his strength, his influence is more terrifying.

The kind of power that unknowingly infects people's hearts, Yanagawa, who has always disliked the power of outsiders, is deeply jealous.

If you don't deliberately think in that direction and be extremely vigilant, I am afraid that it only takes a few hours of contact to treat Shanks as a confidant.

This cognitive error, while not fatal enough, is easy to exploit, and that's where it's scary.

"Speaking of which, where did the title of Four Emperors come from?"

"I see that the red-haired people seem to be disdainful when they say the word Four Emperors, aren't they a member of the Four Emperors, don't they recognize this title?"

Pulling away the branches in front of him, Yanagawa carefully walked on the forest path, asking the doubts in his heart as he walked.

When he first dealt with Shanks, the pirates of the red-haired gang used the word Four Emperors to mock Shanks, which made Yanagawa wonder.

Hearing this question, Klockdar's footsteps paused slightly, and he thought for a while before slowly saying: "The Four Emperors... In fact, there was no such title at the beginning. "

Seeing Yanagawa's gaze towards him, Klockdar took a deep breath of his cigar and explained the origin of the title.

"In the beginning, there was only one official title on the sea, and that was One Piece."

"Except for One Piece, it can only be said to be a nickname, and it is not recognized by all pirates."

"As for the birth of the Four Emperors, it has to start after the disbandment of the Rocks Pirates."

"At that time, the Rocks Pirates were in full swing..."

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