At that time, the Rocks Pirates were defeated by Roger, who had not yet been titled "One Piece" at that time, and Iron Fist Karp, who also did not have the title of "Naval Hero". "

"The leader of the Rocks Pirates lost news after that battle, and the former Super Pirates, the Rocks Pirates, was disbanded."

"After this, the text of the coordinates and history collected by the Lokes Pirate Group was divided among the three major cadres in the Pirate Group at that time, and they are the three major forces among the four emperors today."

"They are: Whitebeard Pirate Leader Whitebeard Edward, Aunt Pirate Group Leader Charlotte Lingling, and Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment Leader Hundred Beast Kaido."

"It is precisely because they each have a historical coordinate text pointing to the final treasure, so they were given a title by the pirates at that time, that is, the Three Emperors."

"It's just that later Shanks' power began to rise, and now it has developed to be equal to them, so the so-called three emperors have one more and become the four emperors."

"Say it's the Four Emperors, in fact, the leaders of those four top pirate groups have never recognized this title."

"So... In the end, it is still the title that others have given them, and no big force except those little pirates takes it seriously. "

"Of course, this does not mean that the strong on the sea look down on the four emperors."

"It's just that what they are afraid of is not the Four Emperors, but the world's strongest creature Kaido, and the world's strongest man Whitebeard."

"Although it is a little awkward to say, in fact, it is so, the title of the Four Emperors is a joke in the eyes of the sea thieves, including the Four Emperors themselves who also recognize this concept."

Klockdar kept saying in his mouth, seeing the incomprehension in Yanagawa's eyes, and added with a smile: "Because they only recognize one title, that is, One Piece!" "

Yanagawa had not been able to understand the brain circuits of these people, but when he heard the last sentence, he suddenly realized.

So...... In their opinion, the title of Four Emperors was a kind of glory that was reluctantly imposed on them because of the lack of One Piece.

But they don't want to admit that it's an honor, but instead see it as a shame, so they disdain the title.

It's awkward enough, but if you think about it, you can still understand it.

After all, no one wants to share their authority with others.

For these forces at the top of the world, there are too many groups with the title of the Four Emperors, so many that they are difficult to accept.

They are only willing to accept and recognize the title of calling their gang alone, rather than distributing it to multiple people, similar to a comforting title.

That's why they are so disdainful.

"Also, if Red Flame Sword Hao does not refer to myself specifically, but to several people contained in me, I am not happy, think carefully about what you said is quite reasonable."

Yanagawa nodded and said thoughtfully.

Klockdar glanced at him thoughtfully, and said lightly: "This is not what I said, it was the original words that Shanks himself told me." "

"Okay." Yanagawa shrugged, avoiding the topic.

"That's right." Klockdar took a sip of his cigar and suddenly asked, "What was your situation at that time, why suddenly... Became so strong? And...... I see something is not quite right with your situation. "

He had never had the opportunity to communicate this matter with Yanagawa before, and at this time, in the depths of the forest, Klock Dalton raised the question in his heart.

Liu Chuan thought for a while, did not choose to hide, cut out the information about the system, and directly confided: "You can understand that it is a state that I have comprehended, and in that state my strength can be explosively increased." "

"But what happens after the outbreak, you can see it, in fact, that state may not be a good thing for me." After speaking, Yanagawa added with a wry smile.

God of War mode is certainly very strong, and it is a hole card that can be turned over when facing difficult opponents.

But its deficiencies are equally obvious, with direct effects on physical and mental health.

Especially when facing a strong opponent, even the boy's robust physique takes nearly a month to recover, which shows how costly it is to use the God of War mode.

"If I could, I would never turn on this state again."

"But in case, I mean in case, in case I am going to enter this state, you must not make any malicious moves towards me."

Yanagawa gave a stern warning.

"In that state, our ability to distinguish between friend and foe will drop to a very low level, and any provocative action is likely to be regarded as hostile by me, forming an unending situation."

Saying that, Liu Chuan smiled bitterly and sighed a little helplessly: "I thought that this would be a hole card to turn over, but now it seems to be a double-edged sword, if you don't use it well, it will hurt your body." "

Klockdar listened to the young man's words, and kept thinking in his heart, but his insight was limited, and he could not understand what Yanagawa was talking about.

However, one thing he understood was that his choice was correct before, and the consequences of making a rash move could be very dangerous, and he should be careful in the future.

"So, instead of gaining anything from this battle, you were only seriously injured, right?" Klockdar confirmed towards the teenager.

Liu Chuan slowly shook his head and said: "No, on the contrary, the gains in this battle are even greater than expected, if you encounter Marko again, it is estimated that you don't need to enter that state to have the power of a battle." "

After absorbing that part of the combat experience, Yanagawa went to another level in his understanding of his own strength.

Although it is not possible to make the most of it and see the tricks like in the God of War mode, at least he has a clear understanding of his strength, and he can be regarded as tapping out all the potential in his body at once.

Klockdar was stunned on the spot when he heard this, stopped in his steps, and looked at the boy with a surprised expression.

Yanagawa suddenly stopped when he heard the footsteps behind him and turned his head to look at him.

"Go, what's the sudden daze?"

Klockdar sobered up and took a deep look at Yanagawa.

"Let's go, it's okay."

It was only a long time before the teenager's strength had made another major breakthrough.

If he hadn't been accustomed to his rapid growth rate, I'm afraid that Klockdar would have closed himself on the spot at this time.

Originally thought that Yanagawa would stop the growth of strength because of this injury, who knew that he was blessed with misfortune, but he was strong.

Klockdar couldn't help but question God that this Nima was too unfair.

However, when he thought of Liu Chuan's daily life of struggling to cultivate, he couldn't be jealous of Liu Chuan, and Heaven's Dao reward hard work.

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