Qin Yang, who was in the state of transforming into a god, slapped Song Tianshi with his palm. Song Tianshi didn't even have a chance to react, and was directly slapped by him from the void of Longhu Mountain.

Then Song Tianshi turned into a cannonball and shot into the ground.

A huge pit was shot directly into the ground.

The island owners and elders on the Immortal Ship of Sanxian Island, as well as Song Tianshi's Supreme Elder friend, couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene.

"The Supreme Elder!"


"Are you okay, Fellow Daoist Song!"

"Ancestor, be careful!!"

Waves of calls came from the fairy ship.

After all, no one expected that the ancestor was clearly the one with the upper hand just now, why would he suddenly become the disadvantage now?

And he was slapped to the ground?

Simply outrageous!

With everyone watching,

After a huge burst of smoke and dust, Song Tianshi was in a miserable state.

The disgraced man stood up from the pit.

He looked at Qin Yang's divine form with horrified eyes.

How could it be so big!

This divine transformation form is ridiculously big!

And the strength is extremely terrifying.

Even Song Tianshi's strongest weapon, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, was knocked away by Qin Yang's Dharma.

Moreover, he himself couldn't bear Qin Yang's slap just now.

You know, he is practicing Xu!

A huge gap in realm, but Song Tianshi felt that Qin Yang was in the same realm as him?

This god transformation was the most terrifying god transformation he had ever seen.

Song Tianshi was not convinced, so he shot out of the pit.

Being slapped into the ground by an Avatar made him lose all face.

Song Tianshi used his hand to call back his Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

This time, he was serious.

Although Qin Yang's divine form is very large, it is indeed very powerful.

But Song Tianshi was still full of confidence. At worst, he would not underestimate the enemy. He would not believe that he could not kill an Avatar with all his strength.

No matter how powerful the spirit is, it is impossible for him to be a master of void refining.

This time, Song Tianshi was holding the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, and he transformed into a stream of light and rushed towards Qin Yang.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer also became huge in his hand.

A hammer hit Longhu Mountain.

Like the Erlang God Yang Jian splitting the peach mountain.

Terrifying sky thunder intertwined on the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

This one strike can split the entire Longhu Mountain into pieces.

Split the entire Blue Star in half.

Prime Minister Qin Yang took action directly.

He directly held a huge sword array composed of more than a dozen divine swords, and slashed at Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer with one sword.

The two collided with each other for several rounds.

Song Tianshi felt as if he had been punched on cotton.

In his Dharma state, Qin Yang's strength is as strong as his own.

Even if he used his most powerful magic weapon, the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer, he still wouldn't have the upper hand.

Song Tianshi was a little impatient.

He already wanted to deal with Qin Yang quickly.

Then a bright blue light burst out from his body.

The moment when brilliant blue light burst out.

Song Tianshi's aura and strength suddenly increased.

On the Immortal Ship on Sanxian Island, many disciples with strong cultivation can see this.

The Supreme Elder's strength suddenly increased.

And it has improved several times.

Song Tianshi felt his expanding power, and he said proudly: "Boy, this god of yours is indeed quite capable. I didn't expect that you could be entangled with me for so long.

However, your leapfrog battle game ends here. This is the Penglai True Immortal Technique of my Three Immortals Island. It can greatly improve one's own cultivation level in a short period of time. This ancestor has basically reached the half-step integration state. the power of.

go to hell! "

The Penglai lineage of Sanxian Island has a method that can forcibly improve one's cultivation level in a short period of time.

It's called Penglai True Immortal Skill.

It is said that an ancestor of the Penglai lineage created it when the situation was very critical.

It is to quickly deal with the enemy in an emergency.

However, disciples of the Penglai lineage rarely use this trick.

Because it does great harm to your body.

The Supreme Ancestors wouldn’t even use it.

Because the cultivation level has reached the Taishang Patriarch, the lowest level of strength is just starting from the cultivation of void.

How could a strong man of that level encounter such an emergency situation so easily?

But today, Song Tianshi used the Penglai True Immortal Kung Fu, which shows that he was really forced to do something miserable by Qin Yang.

Without this short period of time, it is basically impossible to resolve the battle.

Seeing Song Tianshi come true.

Qin Yang didn't have to hold it in any longer.

"Okay, then let Pindao see how powerful your so-called Penglai True Immortal Kung Fu is!"

Outside Blue Star, Qin Yang's divine form began to move.

I saw him reaching out and grabbing an asteroid.

Then it began to absorb the energy within the asteroid.

Within Qin Yang's body, the great Immortal Art was running crazily.

Madly devouring the energy inside this asteroid.

It is correct to say that the power of the great Immortal Art cannot be revealed until it reaches the level of deity transformation.

Because at this moment, the Dapin Tianxian Jue was activated and almost instantly sucked up a planet that Qin Yang grabbed.

Moreover, this planet was swallowed up by energy and drained out extremely quickly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the energy in the planet was drained and absorbed by Qin Yang.

After absorbing the power of a planet.

His aura reached its peak.

Then Qin Yang punched out.

This punch carried all the power of the planet just now.

Directly blast towards Song Tianshi.


The power gathered by Qin Yang's punch was no weaker than the power of Song Tianshi's Penglai True Immortal Technique.

He and Song Tianshi faced each other head-on, but they were still able to catch it easily.

However, Qin Yang did it by directly devouring planetary energy.

After swallowing a planet, that planet will completely collapse.

It's equivalent to a planet-destroying strategy.

Song Tianshi never expected that Qin Yang could even resist Penglai True Immortal himself.

Song Tianshi was completely angry.

His attacks became more ferocious and terrifying.

Qin Yang continued to fight against Song Tianshi while absorbing countless planetary energies in the universe's star sea.

His goal is simple, just not to fall behind and just be able to catch and hold him back.

Watching Song Tianshi's attacks getting more and more crazy.

Qin Yang felt increasingly happy.

Because he understood that Song Tianshi had been completely disturbed by him.

If your mind is confused, you will lose.

He relied on the great Immortal Art to absorb the energy of the planets in the universe to fight against Song Tianshi.

Song Tianshi relied on his sect's Penglai True Immortal Kung Fu to fight him.

It is equivalent to riding a bicycle and driving a car.

And it’s a car with gas stations along the way.

What do you, a cyclist, do to consume someone who drives a car?

There are too many planets in this universe.

I simply can’t absorb it all.

And when the planets are used up, they can still absorb the power of the stars.

If he can afford it, can Song Tianshi afford it?

So in this battle, it seems that Song Tianshi has the upper hand now, but in fact, Qin Yang is already in control.

Qin Yang: Okay, okay, if you fight like this, I don’t believe that your Penglai True Immortal Skill can always be maintained at its peak.

A technique with such a large increase must have a period of weakness.

As soon as the period of weakness comes, you will definitely die!

Qin Yang and Song Tianshi just consumed each other.

Song Tianshi has been fighting Qin Yang hard.

In the beginning, it was because Qin Yang, a small god-forming monk, suppressed his own training skills throughout the whole process.

Song Tianshi was very angry. In a state of anger, he fought with Qin Yang without any worries.

But soon, Song Tianshi felt that something was wrong.

My breath is getting weaker and weaker.

The time for the side effects of Penglai True Immortal Kung is coming.

Every time Penglai True Immortal Skill is used, extremely powerful power can be unleashed in a short period of time.

But this state of affairs cannot last long.

The side effects are also huge.

It will cause the user to fall into a period of extreme weakness.

The situation of monks who fall into a period of weakness will be very dangerous.

Therefore, this Penglai True Immortal Technique is also called the Life-fighting Technique internally.

Generally, those who use this technique are risking their lives.

Or the best way to break the deadlock.

But if you don’t beat your opponent in your prime.

Since the period of weakness, you have been the unlucky one.

Song Tianshi felt that his current strength was losing rapidly.

The period of weakness should arrive soon.

He knew something was wrong.

Qin Yang in front of him is like a dog-skin plaster, he can't kill him no matter what, and he gets stronger when he is strong.

He failed to kill the opponent in seconds, and he was the next unlucky one.

Song Tianshi already wanted to run away.

Qin Yang also noticed Song Tianshi's intention to run away at this time.

He guessed that the other party's period of weakness was coming soon.

Qin Yang: Three Seconds of Real Man is over, right? It’s my turn.

Qin Yang once again absorbed the energy of a planet.

Then, he directly used his strongest method.

On the wrist, several Tao lotuses flew out directly.

The lotus flower in the innate Chaotic Source Domain instantly opened.

Directly opened to the highest peak, the domain delayed Song Tianshi's departure.

Song Tianshi was instantly trapped by the innate Chaotic Source Domain.

Feeling like I'm stuck in a quagmire.

If it were Song Tianshi under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for him to be trapped by the innate Chaotic Source Domain.

But today things are different.

He himself used the Penglai True Immortal Technique to kill Qin Yang, but failed and is now in a weak state.

Song Tianshi in his weak state will definitely still be affected by the innate Chaotic Source Domain.

His escape speed suddenly slowed down.

It's like the shape of an original sports car, with a tractor engine added to it, and it can't run at all.

After Qin Yang used the domain to trap him.

Immediately afterwards, several lotus flowers flew out,

Fire, thunder, and devouring power were all released.

Blessed on the divine sword in the hands of Qin Yang's divine magician.

Qin Yang slashed out with his sword.

"Song Tianshi, your death day has come! Go to hell!"

A sword was slashed out, and the sword light carried the power of divine fire, divine thunder, and devouring power.

In addition, Qin Yang drained a planet of his divine body in exchange for a powerful sword.

Song Tianshi, who was still trapped in the innate Chaotic Source Domain in his weak state, was unable to stop him at all.

His pupils shrank sharply, and he watched helplessly as the sword came towards him.

The sword light cut through his body.

He directly cut Song Tianshi in half!

Song Tianshi died immediately.

This sword can shatter the Dao-Zhan blade and is recognized by heaven and earth.

Naturally, he can also kill Song Tianshi.


"Damn it! You can't, right?"

"This, this, this, Ancestor! Is the Grand Ancestor dead?"

"I must be dazzled, how is this possible?"

"That's the realm of refining the void! Being killed by a transformed god? Is it so outrageous?"

On the immortal ship on Sanxian Island, countless disciples exclaimed.

They witnessed with their own eyes that Qin Yang had just killed the Supreme Elder with a sword.

Now it just feels outrageous.

Huashen Neng and Lianxu fought together, and a tie was already outrageous.

As a result, you are telling me now that Lianxu was beaten to death by Transformation God?

And it was cut in half with one sword?

Heifer flies a plane, so awesome, right?

In the eyes of the disciples on Sanxian Island, the Supreme Elder who is in the realm of refining the void is a god-like existence.

The majesty of the Supreme Patriarch cannot be insulted.

The aura given to them by ancestors like Song Tianshi in the Void Refining Realm has always been so powerful that they are invincible.

But today, they saw with their own eyes what the fall of Lianxu was.

With Song Tianshi's death.

His magic weapon, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, also instantly became ownerless.

If this Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer can reach this level, it already has its own extremely strong spirituality.

It was previously refined by Song Tianshi, and the magic weapon's own spirituality was suppressed.

So I can only let myself be driven.

But it's different now.

Now that the magic weapon is in an ownerless state, Qin Yang can still let your hammer escape?

Song Tianshi was killed by him, and the equipment exploded from Song Tianshi's body naturally belonged to him.

Qin Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed the small purple electric hammer with one hand.

This small purple electric hammer is extremely fast, as if it has turned into a bolt of thunder. The magic weapon's spiritual instinct tells it not to be caught.

But no matter how fast he went, he still couldn't keep up with Qin Yang's huge divine body.

The God-incarnation Dharmakaya overlooks the entire Blue Star.

Where did you run to?

Qin Yang just stretched out his hand to fish it out and caught the escaping Purple Lightning Hammer.

Then he forcibly refined it.

Song Tianshi's top magic weapon, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, immediately became the thing in Qin Yang's palm after his death.

Because of the great Heavenly Immortal Art, Qin Yang not only practiced, but also refined magic weapons extremely quickly.

Treasures that are ownerless can be refined faster.

Soon he completely recognized his master.

At the same time as he obtained the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer, a system prompt sounded in Qin Yang's ear.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for crossing the border and killing Song Tianshi, a great monk in the Void Refining Realm. He received the reward of [Magic Weapon Upgrade Coupon +2], [Golden Crow Rainbow - Mythical Level], [Godly Sky Hammer Technique], and reputation value +100 billion!"

After leapfrogging and killing the great cultivator of Void Refining, the system rewards are indeed valuable.

The magic weapon upgrade coupon and the mythical version of the Golden Crow and the Rainbow will increase your movement speed.

There is also a set of top hammer skills plus 100 billion reputation points.

This wave is really profitable!

Qin Yang directly chose to digest these rewards.

At the same time, he looked at the magic weapon upgrade coupons awarded by the system.

You can directly upgrade the same magic weapon you already have in your hand to a higher level.

It is equivalent to an opportunity to permanently upgrade one level.

Qin Yang looked at the magic weapon in his hand.

The most powerful magic weapons are the Lotus Sword of Innate Qi in his hand and the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer that he just captured.

The rest of the magic weapons have not yet grown to this level.

The opportunity to directly upgrade to a level would be wasted if given to those low-grade magic weapons.

To maximize benefits, choose the one with the highest level.

Qin Yang decided to give it a try with the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer first.

After all, this thing is a magic weapon for the realm of refining the void.

See if there are any pitfalls or surprises.

Qin Yang directly used the magic weapon upgrade coupon on the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his hand! (End of chapter)

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