After using the magic weapon upgrade coupon, no matter what level the magic weapon is, it will be directly upgraded to a higher level.

The current upper limit is unknown, but Qin Yang has no problem using this purple electric Hunyuan Hammer now.

He directly used the magic weapon upgrade coupon.

Following this upgrade coupon, it flew into the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

After a moment, a spiritual light covered the entire Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Qin Yang instantly felt that the aura of this magic weapon was rapidly getting stronger.

The breath is rising steadily,

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is evolving rapidly.

Qin Yang was surprised,

What a fast progression speed!

Is this the upgrade coupon rewarded by the system?

It’s a bit scary!

He thought that even if he used the upgrade coupon, upgrading the magic weapon would still require a process.

This process will probably take at least a few days.

But I never expected it to be so fast.

The speed of this upgrade is terrifying.

In just a few seconds, the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was directly upgraded.

The power of the upgraded Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer has increased by more than one level?

Qin Yang felt the upgraded Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, and even he, the master, felt the terror of this magic weapon.

What if Song Tianshi had just used this advanced Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Qin Yang estimated that he would be able to defeat him even if he fought against him.

Because this Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is inherently terrifying, and it is the most powerful magic weapon that can be used at the peak realm of virtual refining.

After this upgrade, it can be called a combined-level magic weapon.

If Song Tianshi had just used this upgraded version, then Qin Yang would probably have to give in.

But unfortunately, Song Tianshi is already dead.

Now the upgraded Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer is in Qin Yang's hands.

Get a magic weapon of this level.

Qin Yang felt that it no longer mattered whether the people from the Tiangu Auction House that Feng Shi helped shake came or not.

You can deal with this group of Void Refining Realm monks by yourself.

This Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is now considered the most powerful magic weapon in Qin Yang's hand. In terms of power and quality, it surpasses all the magic weapons in his hand.

Especially the power. Although Qin Yang hasn't used it yet, just feeling the breath is terrifying.

Isn't this just a blow to a child?

Before, he was worried about whether the powerful people from Tiangu Auction House that Feng Shi helped find could rush over to help.

If I can't catch up, I won't be able to handle it alone.

But now, with the hammer in my hand, I own the world.

It doesn't matter whether you come or not.

Now Qin Yang is confident of winning.

It’s ready to explode!

Qin Yang took out the upgraded Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Then he looked at the remaining huge fleet of immortal ships on Sanxian Island.

Qin Yang ascended into the sky, and he said: "The strength of you Void Refining monks from Three Immortals Island is really average. You can't even beat me, a monk in the Divine Transformation stage. You can't just have this strength, right? Is there anyone stronger?" Come out and fight with the poor man!"

Seeing Qin Yang being so arrogant at the moment.

On the immortal ship on Sanxian Island, Li Yuan, the island owner of Penglai lineage, and the Supreme Elder who had a good relationship with Song Tianshi were furious.

They yelled angrily: "You are so arrogant, you killed my Supreme Elder of Sanxian Island. This is an irreconcilable hatred, and yet you dare to shout here and seek death!"

Then, Li Yuan looked at the Supreme Elder next to him.

This supreme elder also has a cultivation level at the peak of virtual refining.

His cultivation level is basically the same as Song Tianshi's.

He wanted to save Song Tianshi just now, but Qin Yang was too fast and it was too late.

An old friend was killed, thousands of years of friendship, coupled with Qin Yang's provocation at this moment, and Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer was still in this kid's hands.

This Supreme Elder has actually been coveting Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer for many years.

However, I had no chance to get it before, but this time, Song Tianshi was dead, and the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer fell into the hands of a boy in the God Transformation Stage.

The Supreme Elder felt that his opportunity had come.

Taking this opportunity, I can help Song Tianshi get revenge, and I can also pocket his Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

When the time comes, I will be able to replace Song Tianshi and become one of the top elders on Sanxian Island.

Based on this alone, it would be worthwhile to take revenge with Song Tianshi this time.

Li Yuan and the Supreme Elder hit it off immediately.

At the same time, they attacked Qin Yang. They wanted to kill Qin Yang instantly with their strongest posture, avenge Song Tianshi, and establish prestige for Sanxian Island.

The two of them took action together, and many Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain, including Feng Shi, despised this kind of behavior.

So shameless!

They are all monks in the Void Refining Realm, so it would be fine if they were from the same realm.

The key is that the Heavenly Master is still a level weaker than them.

Refining the Void and defeating the Transformation God is still two against one?

Can you play?

Do you want to be ashamed?

It’s not just the Taoist priests on Longhu Mountain.

At this moment, the group of yellow-robed Taoist priests and people from Tiangu Auction House outside Blue Star felt shameless.

Two Lianxu team up to kill Huashen, are you embarrassed?

It's not that Li Yuan and the Supreme Elder of Sanxian Island are shameless, it's that they are afraid of Qin Yang's cultivation.

The battle between Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master and Song Tianshi just now was still vivid in their minds.

Song Tianshi couldn't beat Qin Yang even though he was holding the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

They believe that although their cultivation is at the realm of virtual refining, their actual combat ability is still not as good as Song Tianshi's.

Qin Yang can even kill Song Tianshi.

Now is no longer the time to be shameless.

If you want to win, you have to be shameless and join forces.

Fighting Qin Yang one by one, the two of them had no chance of defeating Qin Yang.

So you can be shameless, but this fight must be won.

After all, history is written by the victors, and as long as they win, whatever they say is fine.

Qin Yang watched the two Lianxu flying towards him.

He didn't think it was unfair either.

Song Tianshi was originally the one with the strongest aura and the strongest cultivation among the three people.

Song Tianshi died in his hands, so it was normal for these two guys to be afraid.

Two against one, if it was me before, I might not be able to beat it.

but now……

Things have changed.

Qin Yang said that he now has the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer in his hand, and it has been upgraded.

With this thing in hand, let alone two people who have become weak, I can dare to confront the other one.

With a thought from Qin Yang, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his hand instantly grew in size.

Then, he looked at Li Yuan and the other Supreme Elder from Sanxian Island who were charging towards him.

He swung the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer in his hand suddenly, and the hammer flew out.

Hit Li Yuan first.

Li Yuan felt the purple electric Hunyuan Hammer hit him.

He sacrificed his magic weapon and threw an ax.

I originally wanted to resist the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

However, the moment his magic ax collided with the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Li Yuan already regretted it.

Because he was horrified to discover that something was wrong. Why did the aura of this Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer change?

Became so strong all of a sudden?

The previous Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was already very powerful when it was in Song Tianshi's hands.

But it’s not that scary!

Why did it suddenly become so terrifying when it was in Qin Yang's hands?

Li Yuan's ax was smashed almost instantly by Qin Yang's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

The magic weapon was destroyed.

Li Yuan was so distressed that he vomited blood.

"My magic weapon!"

"You bastard, I want you to die!"

Li Yuan went berserk.

This ax is an important magic weapon for him.

Been following him for so many years.

But now it was smashed to pieces by Qin Yang's Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Li Yuan sacrificed a sword-shaped magic weapon and continued to kill Qin Yang.

He wants revenge.

The Supreme Elder next to him also felt that the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in Qin Yang's hand had become stronger.

And a hammer can actually smash the ax of a great monk in the realm of refining the void.

Simply outrageous.

This Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer got into Qin Yang's hand, and he suddenly became so much stronger!

The Supreme Elder felt something was wrong.

He attacked with all his strength and followed Li Yuan in the attack.

However, in Qin Yang's opinion, their attacks were a bit slow now.

After killing Song Tianshi, Qin Yang received the mythical Golden Crow Rainbow as a system reward.

The speed of the movement increases dramatically.

Originally, his movement speed, Golden Crow Huahong, was the strongest among the gods.

Even among the monks in the Void Refining Realm, they are still the top group.

Now the mythical golden crow has turned into a rainbow, and the speed has reached the point where Lianxu can't even see the taillights of the car.

Their current attacks are all younger brothers in front of the mythical Golden Crow Huahong.

If you can't even keep up with the speed, how can you attack?

On the contrary, they have now become Qin Yang's targets.

Qin Yang held the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, and the speed of the Golden Crow's rainbow increased to the highest level.

Taking advantage of the fact that these two Lianxu failed to lock Qin Yang for the time being.

Qin Yang found an opportunity and struck out with a hammer, hitting Li Yuan directly.

The Penglai Island owner hadn't even realized what was happening.

The whole person was hit hard on the spot, a mouthful of old blood spurted out from the whole person, and the whole person was hammered away by the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Qin Yang was surprised when he saw this scene.

"He's not dead yet?"

After upgrading, the power of the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer has greatly increased.

In addition, he had just struck with all his strength, and with one strike, he originally thought he could directly smash the Void Refining Realm monk into a bloody mist.

But the result left him a bit disappointed.

Although the other party was seriously injured, he was not dead.

This shows that the power is not enough!

He still underestimated the physical strength of monks in the Void Refining Realm.

He felt that he could kill the opponent with one hammer, but it turned out that the opponent's physical body was not in vain.

Even if he hits with all his strength, he will only be severely injured, not enough to kill him.

Qin Yang looked at the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his hand.

Not powerful enough.

However, he now has a bold idea.

This Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is indeed a top-notch magic weapon with considerable power.

But for him now, the power is still a little bit lacking.

He wanted to further enhance the power of this Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

So, Qin Yang summoned the black black water black thunder lotus on his wrist.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is a magic weapon with thunder attribute.

This black black water black thunder lotus flower is also a thunder attribute magic weapon.

When the two are superimposed, the power will definitely be stronger.

Qin Yang directly integrated the power of this Thunder Lotus into the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Sure enough, as the purple electric Hunyuan Hammer began to flash black black thunder of death.

The power of this magic weapon is getting more and more terrifying.

The upper limit is getting higher and higher.

When Qin Yang held the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer again.

Opposite him, the Penglai Island Master and the Supreme Elder also felt that the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer had changed again.

There is another terrifying aura on the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Li Yuan just received a blow from Qin Yang.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

It's even scarier now.

The blow just now could directly cause serious injury.

Now if you do this again, you won't die immediately?

Li Yuan didn't dare to fight.

This kid is getting more and more scary.

He ran away.

Song Tianshi was already scolded bloody in his heart.

If I had known better, I wouldn't have followed through this muddy water.

Now that old thief Song Tianshi is dead, his Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is still in the hands of others.

Now the enemy is chasing me with the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

He still had to run for his life.

I’m so damn convinced!

Li Yuan and the Supreme Elder knew they couldn't fight, so they turned around and ran away.

However, it was too late.

Qin Yang was faster than them.

In the blink of an eye, he had caught up and was down with a hammer.

Directly choose Li Yuan, who had just been beaten.

At this time, Li Yuan was a powerful Void Refining monk, and his body was directly transformed into blood mist under this hammer.

Blessed by the black thunder of the Nirvana Mysterious Water, the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is indeed even more terrifying.

One hammer and one Void Refining Realm.

After killing Li Yuan instantly, Qin Yang looked at the other person.

The Supreme Elder originally wanted to steal Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

But now when he sees the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer again, it's like seeing something chasing his life.

Turn around and run.

But Li Yuandu is dead, can he still escape?

After Qin Yang defeated Li Yuan, he turned around and chased the Supreme Elder.

A hammer blasted out with all its strength, Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer + Annihilation Xuanshui Black Thunder.

Above the sky, another blood mist appeared.

The two great cultivators of Void Refining were killed by him.

With the death of the two great monks of Void Refining.

Qin Yang immediately started to clean up the other people on the Sanxian Island Immortal Ship.

He holds the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer like a killing god.

No one can run away today, everyone will die!

Qin Yang killed everyone along the way.

Even the great monks in the realm of refining the void are no match for him, let alone these disciples from the Three Immortals Island.

A group of transformed gods and Yuanying were as if they were made of paper in front of him.

Qin Yang instantly killed him with the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in just a few seconds.

Qin Yang killed a lot of people on Longhu Mountain.

Beyond the Blue Star,

Tiangu Auction House, the group of yellow-robed Taoist priests, yellow-robed girls and others were already stunned.

Also stunned was Feng Shi.


So fierce?

The people at Tiangu Auction House finally realized at this moment, should they take action?


Do they still need to take action?

Everyone is finished fighting.

Solve the battle yourself.

They seemed to be here to help, right?

As a result, he wanted to check his strength, but when he looked at it, Qin Yang was already defeated by the other party.

In an instant, he changed from a helper to a spectator.

Seeing Qin Yang becoming stronger at this moment, killing heavily.

The group of Void Refining Realm experts from Tiangu Auction House suddenly felt a little regretful.

I regret that I took action earlier, and now I am directly a spectator.

They missed an opportunity to build a good relationship.

If he had just helped, he might have gained Qin Yang's favor.

When he becomes successful in the future, he can also take care of him.

But it's too late, it's over. If they go over now, it's just the icing on the cake, not a timely help.

And the friendship that is the icing on the cake is the most useless.

Also confused were the group of girls in yellow robes.

They were originally here to help the Holy Son Celestial Master on orders from their uncle.

As a result, after arriving here, they failed to take action.

They solved it themselves.

And it was even more outrageous in the back, with Qin Yang hammering away one blow at a time.

Girl in yellow robe: Who would have thought of this? (End of chapter)

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