I was here to help, but now I am a spectator.

He didn't even interfere in the whole process.

In the first half, I wanted to see Qin Yang's strength, so I didn't take action.

There is no chance to make a move now.

He got stronger and stronger as he fought, but they had no chance.

The people at Tiangu Auction House are extremely regretful now.

There was a good opportunity to provide help in times of need and help in exchange for favors.

In the future, when Qin Yang grows up, they can get a lot of benefits from following him.

But now the opportunity has slipped from their hands.

Now Qin Yang is already doing the final clearing.

The group of weak-refining experts from Tiangu Auction House looked at each other.

"What do we do now?"

"We are no longer needed, go back now?"

"You're all here. While it's not over yet, go over and help with the finishing touches. After all, you've traveled all the way here. If you don't get any credit, at least you can earn some hard work."

This group of strong men in the Void Refining Realm showed a bitter smile.

If I had known, I would have taken action earlier.

You can also earn favors.

But now that they have come, it is impossible for them to turn around and leave now.

After all, although the icing on the cake is not as good as providing help in times of need, it is at least better than doing nothing at all.

After the people from the Tiangu Auction House discussed this, their immortal boat broke through the atmosphere and entered the Blue Star.

Several Void Refining Realm figures descended from the sky.

"Fellow Taoist, we are the Void Refining monks from Tiangu Auction House. We have been asked by fellow Taoist Feng Shi to come here to help. Is there anything you need our help with? Just ask."

They sent a message to Qin Yang, and it looked like Shanshan was late.

Qin Yang raised his head and glanced at the group of people from Tiangu Auction House.

In fact, he had discovered this group of people a long time ago.

Qin Yang's Divine Transformation Body is so big, how could he not find these guys watching the fun outside?

You didn't take any action at that time, but now you're here to help?

But since people can come to help, and they come all the way here.

Although it is no longer needed now, Qin Yang still wants to give him some face.

He said: "Thank you a few fellow Taoists, but we don't need it for the time being. The remaining small characters can be dealt with by Pindao himself. Please go and rest first."

Qin Yang: Just stay here.

I didn't help when I fought with Song Tianshi just now. Now that I'm here, can I use you?

When they heard about going to Qin Yang, the group of people at Tiangu Auction House instantly looked like clowns.

The owner didn't ask them to help, so they didn't need to interfere. They entered Longhu Mountain to meet Feng Shi first.

Qin Yang finished the final touches.

In this battle, he finally obtained Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

The battle ended early.

Originally, we had prepared a lot of back-ups for the people on Sanxian Island.

For example, the Blue Star Formation against monks in the Void Refining Realm was useless.

There's no chance of using those ones if they don't turn into bones.

But that's okay, as long as the matter is resolved smoothly.

Watching Qin Yang finish.

The yellow-robed girl and the group of yellow-robed Taoist priests from outside stood outside Blue Star.

This group of yellow-robed Taoist priests looked at the yellow-robed girl at the head.

"Sister, what should we do now?"

Qin Yang solved everything by himself. Originally, his uncle asked them to help, but in the end they couldn't help him at all.

These yellow-robed Taoist priests suddenly felt like they had nothing to do.

The girl in yellow robe didn't know what to say.

The strength of this Holy Son Heavenly Master indeed exceeded his imagination.

After a while, the girl in yellow robe said: "No one is allowed to tell anyone about this matter after we return. My uncle has told me that the matter about the Holy Son and the Heavenly Master cannot be spread outside for the time being.

After I go back, I will tell my uncle the truth about what happened here, so I understand. "

Listening to the words of the yellow-robed girl, all the yellow-robed Taoist priests nodded.

All understood.

Then the girl in yellow robe turned into a golden light and flew away.

As long as it doesn't help, forget it.

A trip in vain.

Since Qin Yang solved it by himself, it can be regarded as a good thing.

You can go back to work.

The group of yellow-robed Taoist priests looked at each other and left together with the yellow-robed girl.

They asked this senior sister.

"Senior sister, when we go back, why don't we take this Holy Son Heavenly Master with us? At least we should say hello, right?"

The girl in yellow robe looked back at the blue planet.

She said: "Uncle Master said that now is not enough time. When the time is enough, he will naturally come to welcome the Holy Son and the Heavenly Master back to the Holy Land.

As for meeting... we will definitely meet in the future anyway, so why rush it? "

The girl in yellow robe is not in a hurry to meet Qin Yang.

There will be plenty of opportunities for him when he grows up in the future.

This group of yellow-robed Taoist priests quickly left Blue Star and returned to their original star field.

And at this moment, above the blue star,

Qin Yang also solved all the remaining disciples from Sanxian Island who went to Blue Star this time.

After the top combat power in the Void Refining Realm died, the remaining transformed gods and Yuanying were just minor characters in Qin Yang's eyes.

Just reach out and crush it to death.

After killing all the people on Sanxian Island, Qin Yang also obtained a dozen fairy ships from Sanxian Island and a bunch of loot.

He put them all away.

Bring it back to Longhu Mountain.

Among them, the storage bags for the three Lianxu and a group of god-transformation monks are stored separately.

It is still very precious for cultivators in the Void Refining and Divine Transformation Realm to carry treasures with them.

The people who have finished dealing with Sanxian Island.

Qin Yang returned to Longhu Mountain.

At the end of this battle, Qin Yang became the strongest player in Blue Star.

Longhu Mountain has also become the strongest force in Blue Star.

Even the Dragon Officials have not dared to neglect Longhu Mountain.

Even treat it as a separate force.

A unique existence above all forces.

After all, everyone knows that with Tianshi's current strength, it would be easy to destroy Blue Star.

Who dares to provoke?

After Qin Yang returned to Longhu Mountain.

All forces quickly sent congratulations and gratitude.

Feng Shi also brought the Void Refining Realm monks from Tiangu Auction House to congratulate Qin Yang.

Feng Shi: "Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Qin. Your strength has reached a higher level. You can kill the great cultivator of the Void Refining Realm with the Divine Transformation Realm. What a joy!"

Qin Yang was still very polite to Feng Shi.

Although there is a big gap in strength between the two now.

But Feng Shi did help Qin Yang a lot in the beginning.

Qin Yang first learned about the scale of the universe from Feng Shi.

And Feng Shi did help him a lot later.

Including shaking people over from Tiangu Auction House.

Although this group of people didn't help him much later, he knew that Feng Shi, a monk in the Nascent Soul realm, could cross two realms to find people from the Void Refining realm to help him.

There must be a lot of money spent.

Qin Yang owed this favor greatly.

Qin Yang nodded: "This time we are resisting the Three Immortals Island, we have fellow Taoist Lao Feng to protect us."

Then, Feng Shi introduced him to the monks in the realm of virtual refining that he called from the Tiangu Auction House.

Feng Shi introduced one by one: "Fellow Daoist Qin, these are the strong men of the Tiangu Auction House branch where I am located. They are usually responsible for guarding the order of the auction house. These are Jin Zhao, Chi Hu, Tun Han, Zhou Ming... "

Several of these powerful men from the outer star realm have very strange names.

Such as Jinzhao, Chihu, and Tunhan.

In other words, Zhou Ming's name is a little more normal.

But it's actually normal. Qin Yang feels strange just because he is from Blue Star.

There are all kinds of strange names for strong men who have never come into contact with the outer star realm before. In fact, there are all kinds of strange names in the outer star realm.

Because there are too many different civilizations outside the Star Territory.

The strong men born in these civilizations also have different names.

Some names appear normal, while others are named directly after their own planetary civilization.

Such as Tunhan, it is said that he comes from a small star field called Tunhan.

As for Chihu, it is because he was born from an alien race called Chihu.

This race is still very famous in the Star Territory and belongs to a large ethnic group.

So he named himself after his own ethnic group. It is even said that almost everyone in his entire ethnic group is called this name outside.

They have other special methods to distinguish within themselves.

As for the Golden Claw, it is directly named after its own weapon, which is very simple and crude.

Qin Yang also accepted these names.

There will be more names like this in other star fields in the future.

There's nothing hard to accept.

After all, aren’t there many strange names on Blue Star?

Many foreigners overseas have all kinds of strange names.

Qin Yang greeted these experts in the realm of refining the void one by one.

These Void Refining Realm monks had witnessed Qin Yang's strength with their own eyes, and naturally they did not dare to neglect him.

If it were just an ordinary god, they might not respond at all.

But Qin Yang, the Avatar, has endless potential, so they are still willing to make friends.

After a brief chat,

Feng Shi asked: "Fellow Daoist Qin, how do you plan to deal with the incident on Sanxian Island in the future?"

Qin Yang said: "To be honest, Pindao found a way to get to the interior of Sanxian Island in their fairy ship. My idea is that instead of waiting here for the possibility of Sanxian Island coming back, it is better to take the initiative. , to find trouble with them.”

Qin Yang's idea is simple.

Three Immortals Island, now he is basically offended to death.

Now a large number of people from Sanxian Island died in his hands.

This feud is finally settled.

A Song Lian was killed before, and a Song Yin came later.

After killing Song Yin, Song Tianshi, who was in the realm of refining the void, and a lot of immortal cultivators from Sanxian Island came to take revenge.

Now he killed them all again.

Who knows when the remaining strong men on Sanxian Island will attack with their entire army and enter Blue Star.

Instead of waiting for them to come over and being passive, it is better to take the initiative and kill these guys.

Anyway, it will be fought sooner or later.

And with my current strength, I can already reach the realm of refining the void without fear.

Even with the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer in his hand, he was killing people randomly while refining the void.

What's more, there are several Void Refining Realm monks from Tiangu Auction House here at this moment.

They can also help.

Feng Shi listened to Qin Yang's thoughts and nodded.

It's okay to take the initiative.

The initiative is in your own hands, and you can catch the opponent off guard.

Attack is the best defense.

Qin Yang looked at the Void Refining Realm monks from the outer star realm next to Feng Shi.

The question now is whether these powerful people in the Void Refining Realm are willing to help him.

Qin Yang cupped his hands and said, "A few fellow Taoists are going to work together to break into the opponent's lair and take over the entire Sanxian Island in one fell swoop. They may need some help. I don't know if these fellow Taoists are willing to help.

If you can succeed, I will consider myself a favor to all of you! "

These strong men from Tiangu Auction House regretted that they failed to help Qin Yang in the beginning, resulting in the loss of a favor.

Now that they heard Qin Yang's request, they couldn't get it.

They saw Qin Yang's potential.

Request help now.

Of course they won't refuse.

Jinzhao and several other monks in the Void Refining Realm responded: "Fellow Daoist Qin, you don't have to be polite. If you have anything to do, just ask for it."

If these Void Refining cultivators are willing to help, Qin Yang will be 100% sure.

The next step is to strike while the iron is hot.

Qin Yang glanced at the Taoist priests and Li Mengyao on Longhu Mountain.

He left instructions.

"Guys, I'm going to leave for a while and go to Sanxian Island to completely solve this problem. During the period of my departure, you will stay at Longhu Mountain."

After Qin Yang finished speaking, Xuan Fa, Taoist Master Xuan Yin and others all nodded and understood.

Then, Qin Yang took the lead and boarded the great immortal ship on Sanxian Island.

This great immortal ship is the one that Song Tianshi and the others entered Blue Star to control.

After Qin Yang had just dealt with the people on the ship, he also inspected the ship.

This ship has a fixed return.

You will drive back the same way you came.

You only need to input spiritual stones as energy fuel.

Spiritual stones are the least valuable thing to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang directly filled it up to full energy.

Then, the fairy ship set off.

He drove him and the powerful men from Tiangu Auction House straight to Sanxian Island.

It is better to take the initiative to kill the past sooner rather than later.

Because a surprise attack can bring a huge blow to the opponent.

The more defenseless the opponent is, the better the effect.

It hadn't been long since he had just killed Song Tianshi.

After this time passed, no one would have thought that he had come back.

But if it is delayed for a while, Sanxian Island will react and be prepared, which will be different.

Once the people on Sanxian Island are alert.

Maybe once he passes, he will have to be beaten passively first.

That would be a complete disadvantage.

That's why Qin Yang chose to fight back directly after finishing a battle.

They all have explanations.

The fairy ship breaks through the sea of ​​clouds and returns to the North Sea.

On the way, Qin Yang was sitting cross-legged. He had just finished a battle and he was also exhausted.

After entering Sanxian Island, there will be an even bigger battle.

So he must seize any opportunity to recover.

Adjust your situation to the best to deal with the coming enemy.

At the same time, Qin Yang also extracted the second magic weapon upgrade coupon at this time.

After the magic weapon upgrade coupon was upgraded once to the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer suddenly became extremely terrifying and was directly upgraded to one level.

Let Qin Yang experience what killing and refining is like killing a chicken.

He still had a useless magic weapon upgrade coupon in his hand. Now that he took it out, he planned to try to see if he could upgrade the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer again.

It would be scary if it could be upgraded again.

It's scary enough after one upgrade.

If this happens again.

It's really like hitting a kid.

When the time comes, hammering down the Three Immortals Island will be the same as playing, right?

Qin Yang extracted the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

He hammered the magic weapon upgrade coupon into the hammer.

Waiting for the changes in the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer. (End of chapter)

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