The magic weapon upgrade coupon was inserted into the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer. However, this time, there was no abnormality of the magic weapon upgrading.

A system prompt appeared in front of Qin Yang.

"The same magic weapon can only be used once. The magic weapon upgrade coupon can be used by the host. Please purchase a higher level magic weapon upgrade coupon to use."

Then, Qin Yang found that the upgrade coupon he had just used was returned by the system.

It seems that the same magic weapon can only be upgraded once using an upgrade coupon.

The system prevents him from getting stuck with this bug. If he wants to upgrade the same magic weapon again, Qin Yang has to buy or obtain a higher-level upgrade coupon.

But since the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer cannot be upgraded, Qin Yang uses this upgrade coupon to upgrade other magic weapons.

He took out the most powerful ancient eternal sword Lotus in his hand.

This lotus sword is now the most powerful magic weapon in his hand.

Second only to the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Qin Yang injected the magic weapon upgrade coupon into the Lotus Divine Sword.

The next second, upgrade this ancient one-qi eternal sword lotus.

Directly upgrade one level.

Originally, the grade of this sword lotus was enough for Qin Yang to kill the great cultivator of the Void Refining Realm in the Divine Transformation Realm.

Now after the upgrade, this Lotus Divine Sword is basically similar to the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

In the Void Refining Realm, you can basically kill randomly, but if you encounter a fusion, it's not like you can't beat them.

Qin Yang has a purple electric hammer in one hand and a lotus sword in the other, and they walk sideways when combined.

The fairy ship on Sanxian Island flew away from the Dragon Kingdom where Longhu Mountain is located.

All the way north,

The unique space where Sanxian Island is located is in the space mezzanine of Blue Star.

The entrance is at Guixu, Beihai.

The fairy ship has to go deep into the North Sea to find the entrance.

After Qin Yang broke through to become a god, with the blessing of the Divine Transformation Body and the great Heavenly Immortal Art, his recovery speed became extremely fast.

After a moment of simple breath adjustment, he had adjusted his strength to its peak state.

Then, Qin Yang got up and controlled the fairy ship to make it fly faster.

Speed ​​up and go straight to Guixu.

Beihai returns to the ruins,

A fairy ship goes deep into the sea.

The moment the fairy ship enters the sea, a barrier built into the fairy ship protects the fairy ship from all sides, preventing seawater from entering the fairy ship.

Then, the fairy ship went deep into the abyss of the sea.

After arriving at the bottom of the sea, Qin Yang and the others saw a huge teleportation array appearing on the bottom of the sea.

This teleportation circle is the key to the Three Immortals Island.

After activating the magic circle, the space entrance to Sanxian Island will be opened.

The activation method is also very simple, just put in the spirit stone.

Qin Yang put the spirit stone in.

Then, activate the formation,

As a whirlpool space portal opened that was exactly the same as when the fairy ship entered the Blue Star before,

The fairy ship slowly entered this portal.

When the fairy ship completely submerged into the portal, Qin Yang also saw that he had passed through the seabed and returned to ruins.

Came to another world.

The fairy ship disappeared above the blue star and came into a different space.

And here, the environment is basically similar to that of Blue Star.

Blue sky and white clouds, sea water and islands.

There are even many fairy islands floating in the sky.

Next to the fairy boat, flocks of birds sometimes fly by, and cranes flap their wings.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is many times thicker than that of Blue Star.

If it were the Dharma Ending Age above Blue Star, this place would simply be a holy land for cultivating immortals.

Such a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been occupied by the group of immortal cultivators from Sanxian Island.

It's a pity too,

And the most important thing is that this group of people occupies such a good place, but after more than two thousand years, they have not made much progress.

Even the realm of unity has not been broken through.

It is indeed waste.

Qin Yang shook his head, it was a pity to let a bunch of trash occupy the treasures of heaven, materials and earth.

Qin Yang drove the fairy ship into the interior of Sanxian Island.

In Sanxian Island, someone also discovered this fairy ship.

They didn't realize at this moment that the people on the fairy ship had changed.

Seeing this familiar fairy ship, I could tell at a glance that this fairy ship was sailed out by Elder Song Tianshi before.

When I saw the fairy ship coming back at this moment, I thought it was Elder Song who had come back so soon.

Coming back so quickly, it seems that this time it went well.

Wu Hao also saw the immortal ship of the Supreme Elder returning in Sanxian Island at this time.

Wu Hao's face showed joy.

"Okay, okay, it seems that Elder Song's trip went well. That Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master should be dead by now, a good death!"

Wu Hao was ecstatic.

His previous encounter with Qin Yang in Blue Star had brought him the biggest shadow in his life.

Because before he met Qin Yang, Wu Hao had always been the most talented among the monks of his generation.

Even if some fellow monks practice faster than themselves and occasionally surpass themselves, they will be quickly overtaken by Wu Hao.

He is recognized as the most talented person in Sanxian Island.

Wu Hao has grown up under this halo since he was a child, and he thinks so in his consciousness.

Until he met Qin Yang later.

After meeting Qin Yang, his faith collapsed.

Before this, Wu Hao had never thought that there was such a terrifying genius in this world.

He was even more talented than him, and not even a little bit more powerful.

Wu Hao was just surprised when he watched him kill Song Lian.

I think that Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master has some strength.

But later I saw him kill Elder Song Yin who was in the stage of becoming a god, killing an enemy across a huge realm.

Wu Hao suddenly couldn't even see Qin Yang's back.

Therefore, Qin Yang has almost become Wu Hao's inner demon. If the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master is not dead, he will not be able to sit still all day long.

Wu Hao's mind and structure were too small, and he could not tolerate any genius who was stronger than him.

If he really encounters someone who is stronger than him and makes him despair, he will not admire and admire him, but only hate him.

I wish I could die early if I was stronger than him.

Seeing Elder Song's fairy ship back at this moment, Wu Hao felt instantly relieved.

The demons I had felt during this period of time seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

The return of Elder Song's fairy ship means that Qin Yang is dead.

When Master Longhu died, Wu Hao comforted himself in his heart.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

No matter how talented you are, it's useless. Talents who don't grow up are just garbage.

Wu Hao: Only I am the most gifted genius!

However, Wu Hao's thoughts did not last long.

Because, in the next second, he saw a small purple electric hammer smashing out from the fairy ship.

This small purple electric hammer grew thousands of times in size almost instantly.

It turned into a huge purple electric hammer, and hit the Three Immortals Island with one hammer.

As soon as the purple electric hammer appeared, the offensive and murderous intent were already at full capacity.

Everyone on the fairy island was shocked and didn't understand what was happening.

Before there was any chance to resist, the first hammer was already struck, directly aimed at the main island of Sanxian Island.

This blow was brutal and terrifyingly powerful.

And it was a sudden attack. Even though there were many Elders of the Void Refining Realm in Sanxian Island, the attack came too suddenly.

No one responded,

This purple electric hammer is very fast.

Before the Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island could react, a large area of ​​land on the main island was razed to the ground.

The body of the main island was also cracked by the hammer, and the island was also split into countless pieces.

This blow directly dealt a severe blow to Sanxian Island.

It directly smashed the main island of Sanxian Island into pieces.

There was chaos inside Sanxian Island. No one expected that attackers would enter Sanxian Island.

And the boat they were on was an insider of Sanxian Island.

The most important thing is that the disciples and elders of Sanxian Island discovered that the magic weapon used by the person who just attacked was also the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Isn't the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer the most powerful magic weapon of Supreme Elder Song Tianshi?

Even on Sanxian Island, where everyone was an internal supreme elder, Song Tianshi had never agreed to lend his magic weapon to anyone.

The fairy ship belongs to Song Tianshi, and the magic weapon also belongs to Song Tianshi. There is no doubt who took action.

Suddenly, more than a dozen elders from Sanxian Island flew out together with the Supreme Elder.

The elders did not dare to speak, but none of the supreme elders were afraid of Song Tianshi.

They cursed: "Song Tianshi, are you crazy? Do you dare to smash the main peak? Why are you so crazy?"

"The main peak was smashed by you, you deserve to die!"

Some people directly pointed at the fairy ship and asked Song Tianshi to get out and die.

The Supreme Elder calling people is the Supreme Elder of the Yingzhou lineage.

Qin Yang just smashed the main island with this hammer.

What happened to be hit was the islands in the Yingzhou line.

He is the one who has lost the most.

The Supreme Elder was furious and asked Song Tianshi to get out of the immortal ship and challenge him.

However, it was not Song Tianshi who responded to him, but another purple electric Hunyuan hammer that came down from the immortal ship.

The Taishang Patriarch of the Yingzhou lineage who had just scolded someone now saw the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer coming at him again.

He panicked.

Although Song Tianshi deserves to die, his Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer is indeed terrifying.

Still unable to force the attack, the Supreme Elder dodged.

However, it was useless. The speed of the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer was ten times faster than he imagined.

He didn't even manage to dodge, the hammer had already hit his body.

The Lianxu elder of Yingzhou lineage was still shouting one second, and the next second he was smashed into pulp.

Die directly.

There was a Void Refining Realm monk next to him who was also seriously injured by the purple electric hammer.

In just such a face-to-face encounter, one died and the other was seriously injured.

The surrounding elders were shocked when they saw this scene.


"What...what's going on?"

"Song Tianshi, what are you doing? This is an ally of our alliance!"

"Who told you to do it? You bastard!"

Now not only Yingzhou, but also the Supreme Elders of Penglai and Fangzhang Immortal Islands were angry.

I don’t know what Song Tianshi is doing.

One face-to-face meeting immediately killed one in seconds.

Although there is competition within each branch of their Sanxian Island, the overall trend is unity.

After all, the Three Immortals Islands all entered this fairyland together back then.

Moreover, we have practiced together here for so many years, and we are all acquaintances with each other.

But now, 'Song Tianshi' will kill whenever he wants?

You wouldn't do this if you were torn apart by the Three Meridians, right?

The other Supreme Patriarchs of the Penglai lineage were furious when they saw this, not knowing what he was doing.

They join forces to capture Song Tianshi, who killed the Supreme Elder on the same island.

But at this moment, there was a sneer on the fairy ship.

"Song Tianshi? You have mistakenly admitted the person. I am not Song Tianshi, a poor Taoist named Qin Yang, or the Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master."

Qin Yang finally showed up.

As soon as he appeared, the brains of all the supreme elders and disciples in the entire Sanxian Island were shut down.

ah? ? ?

Qin Yang?

Who is that?

Isn't it Supreme Elder Song Tianshi?

Isn't this the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer and Immortal Ship of Elder Song Taishang?

Where is Elder Song Tianshi?

Some ordinary disciples of Sanxian Island don't know, but these high-level officials have all heard of Qin Yang's name.

The Dragon and Tiger Celestial Master in the secular world was the culprit who killed Song Tianshi's son.

This time Song Tianshi went to great lengths to control the fairy ship and take people to the secular world just to kill Qin Yang.

But, what about Song Tianshiren?

Didn't you go kill people?

Why did the Immortal Ship and the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer fall into the hands of others?

The Supreme Elder of Sanxian Island looked at Qin Yang, and someone said coldly: "Boy, where is Elder Song Tianshi of my Immortal Island? What did you do to him?"

This kid can get Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his hand, which proves that Song Tianshi may have been trapped now.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the Immortal Ship and the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer to fall into the hands of others.

Sure enough, Qin Yang answered his question next.

"Song Tianshi, he has been killed by Pindao. His peak refining level is too weak, but the magic weapon is still good, so I will keep it and use it."

Hearing Qin Yang's affirmative answer, everyone on Sanxian Island felt cold.

The elder Song Taishang, who ranked among the top three in the entire Sanxian Island, is indeed dead.

A supreme elder who can be ranked in the top three in terms of strength.

Can this all lead to death?

What a hell.

Wu Hao was already stunned.

He was still snickering, thinking that if the elder Song took action, Qin Yang would definitely die even if he had the Zongtian magic skill.

Because isn't it the same as killing a dog when a monk in the realm of refining the void kills Yuanying?

But Wu Hao would never have thought that Qin Yang would actually kill Song Tianshi.

How did he win?

Wu Hao couldn't believe it.

Because before going to the lower realm, Song Tianshi didn't go alone.

There are also island owners from the Penglai lineage and another friend of Song Tianshi's Taishang Ancestor.

Three refining voids, plus a dozen transformation gods from the Three Immortals Island.

Such a lineup is enough to easily smash Blue Star tens of thousands of times in one day.

Can you lose like this?

Wu Hao simply couldn't understand how Song Tianshi was killed by Qin Yang, a Nascent Soul and a god.

Fighting across major realms, can you also cross over into becoming a god or refining the void?

Wu Hao was so depressed that he spurted out blood.

Originally, Qin Yang had become his inner demon. Just now he felt that Qin Yang was dead and his inner demon was removed.

As a result, Qin Yang appeared again the next second, and he was even more terrifying.

Even Song Tianshi died in his hands.

Wu Hao's inner demon revived, and this time it was even more serious, causing him to faint to death.

The psychological endurance is too weak.

Relatively speaking, listening to Qin Yang's words, these supreme elders of Sanxian Island seemed much more stable.

Although hearing that Song Tianshi really died in his hands, these supreme elders were shocked and unwilling to believe it.

But in fact, they knew that this was most likely true.

Otherwise, the Immortal Ship and the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer would not have fallen into Qin Yang’s hands.

The only thing they were curious about was how Qin Yang did it.

How could three people refine themselves and more than a dozen transformed gods be able to fight back?

Not only is it a bit outrageous, it is simply too outrageous.

They didn't believe that Qin Yang was really such a genius.

An elder from Sanxian Island sneered: "Young man, don't pretend. With your strength, there is absolutely no way you can be Song Tianshi's opponent. If there are people behind you, you will say there are people behind you. What does it have to do with the strength of the people behind you?"

We are all cultivators, so there is no point in lying to others. "

This Supreme Elder felt that Qin Yang could kill Song Tianshi because he had the support of a strong man behind him.

It has nothing to do with Qin Yang, why do you have to pretend?

In Qin Yang's hand, the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was suspended in his hand.

He laughed when he heard this: "Liar? Come and try it yourself, won't you know if I lied to you?"

After saying that, Qin Yang smashed the purple electric hammer in his hand again, this time the target was the Supreme Elder who just felt that Qin Yang had lied to him.

Come pick it up and you will know whether I lied to you or not. (End of chapter)

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