Qin Yang said: You said I deceived you?

If you come and pick up my purple electric hammer, won't you know if I lied to you?

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was thrown out by Qin Yang, carrying the terrifying power of thunder and lightning, and hit the Supreme Elder of the Void Refining Realm who just spoke.

The Supreme Elder had practiced on Sanxian Island for many years, and he naturally knew the advantages and disadvantages of the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in Song Tianshi's hand.

How can you dare to pick up a magic weapon of this level?

He released the magic weapon in his hand, and a divine seal flew out and collided with the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Then he escaped and left.

However, his divine seal only blocked the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer for a few seconds.

After Qin Yang upgraded this Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, it was already strong, but it became even more terrifying after the upgrade.

With one hammer blow, ordinary magic weapons can't stop it at all.

The divine seal thrown by the Supreme Elder was only blocked for a few seconds before it was struck by the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer and lost its spirituality.

Qin Yang stretched out his hand to fish it out, grabbed the divine seal, and put it into the Qiankun in his sleeve.

Another magic weapon was obtained for nothing.

The supreme elder died when he saw his magic weapon being hit by the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Marvel at how powerful this hammer is.

Moreover, his divine seal was taken away by Qin Yang.

The Supreme Elder was furious.

"Shuzi, do you dare to accept my magic weapon? Give it back to me!"

That divine seal is the natal magic weapon of this supreme elder.

Although it is not as powerful as Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, it is still a good treasure among monks in the Void Refining Realm.

Now that the things were collected by Qin Yang, he was so anxious that he jumped and asked Qin Yang to return the things to him.

Qin Yang was also speechless looking at the jumping elder of Sanxian Island.

Who do you think you are?

Children fighting? Don't take things away and bring them back to you?

This is a fucking fight, a fight, a fight to the death!

I took your divine seal, do you think I will return it to you?

You like asking for things so much, right?

That’s for you!

Qin Yang's Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer chased him directly.

Give you a better one.

When the Supreme Elder saw the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer coming towards him again, he was instantly frightened out of his wits.

I just used my own magic weapon to block the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer for a few seconds.

Just enough for him to escape.

Come again now?

Who can withstand this?

Even the natal magic weapon cannot withstand being hit by this thing.

He wanted to throw another magic weapon to block the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer, but it was useless.

The power of those magic weapons was too weak, so the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer ignored them and destroyed them instantly.

The hammer went straight towards the elder's back.

The next second, a hammer hit.

The Supreme Elder was exploded into blood mist and died directly.

This is dead!


Even though it was the second time I saw Qin Yang take action.

The group of strong Void Refiners at the Tiangu Auction House on the fairy ship were still shocked by Qin Yang's terror.

It is so easy to transform into a god, kill and refine the void. This is definitely the first one.

Because even if they were both in the realm of refining the void, it would not be so simple to kill a monk who was in the same realm.

Qin Yang's fighting ability is simply outrageous.

They all realized that the magic weapon in Qin Yang's hand, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer, had a great impact on him.

This Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer is definitely a magic weapon used by monks in the Fusion Realm.

And among the Fusion Realm magic weapons, they are also an extremely powerful group.

On Sanxian Island, in the blink of an eye, another Supreme Elder died.

Qin Yang just met Sanxian Island face to face.

In just one encounter, two elders of the Supreme Refining Realm were killed.

Another elder Lianxu was seriously injured.

The other Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island looked at each other and knew that this man was terrifying. Song Tianshi had not only brought a life-and-death enemy to their Sanxian Island.

He also threw his Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer to others.

These Supreme Elders have already greeted Song Tianshi tens of thousands of times in their hearts.

Damn it if you still harm others after death!

At the same time, they also understood that a fierce battle would follow.

Both sides have a blood feud. Either you die or I die today.

And we can't give the other party a chance to take action alone.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was in Qin Yang's hand. He launched the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer. Almost none of them could block the hammer.

Therefore, everyone can only use the power of thunder to kill Qin Yang.

If he continues to be consumed, he will really be unable to do it.

"Everyone, let's kill him first. Don't let him use the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer again!"

In an instant, all the Supreme Elders of the Three Immortal Islands and the island owners of the two Immortal Islands, Yingzhou and Fangzhang, took action together.

Suddenly, more than a dozen great monks in the Void Refining Realm came to attack Qin Yang.

Look at such a large lineup.

On the fairy ship where Qin Yang was, four or five Void Refining Realm monks from the Tiangu Auction House also took action.

They directly helped Qin Yang stop more than half of the opponent's combat power.

There were even fierce men who blocked three of them.

They are both in the realm of refining the void, and they also have this level.

The Void Refining cultivators at Tiangu Auction House these days all come from the depths of the universe.

The Tiangu Auction House itself is the top force in the universe, among the behemoths in the Central Star Region.

They serve as bodyguards and thugs in Tiangu Auction House.

Of course, the resources, techniques and martial arts they come into contact with on a daily basis are different.

They are all very high-end.

After all, it came from a large star field. How could Lianxu be comparable to ordinary Lianxu in this country?

Compared to Blue Star, Sanxian Island is certainly a bit tougher.

But compared to Tiangu Auction House, it is a rural place.

In ancient times, maids from wealthy families were more delicate than young ladies from the countryside. This is not just a saying.

Therefore, if one of these Void Refining Realm monks from the Tiangu Auction House fights two, there won’t be much of a problem.

Four or five people directly stopped more than a dozen Lianxu.

The opponents left for Qin Yang are four Supreme Elders from the Three Immortals Island.

The powerful Xu Lian from Youtiangu Auction House was looking at Qin Yang and there were four more Xu Lian.

He asked: "Fellow Daoist Qin, do you want me to help you share another one?"

Qin Yang shook his head and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist Jinzhao. No, it's just these four guys. I'll take care of them!"

Qin Yang looked at the Golden Claw. He was indeed a monk named after his magic weapon.

Powerful indeed.

Jinzhao fights three immortals on Sanxian Island alone.

Moreover, the Golden Claw was only in the middle stage of Void Refining. Opposite him were the three late stage Void Refining Stages of Sanxian Island.

At this moment, there was still time to send a message to Qin Yang and observe the situation on Qin Yang's side.

Golden Claw is indeed powerful.

But Qin Yang said it was not necessary.

It's enough to fight three of them at Golden Claw.

One more person will inevitably be stressed.

It's not like he can't fight four by himself.

It's time to try all your current strength.

At this moment, the four Supreme Elders from Sanxian Island stood opposite Qin Yang.

They saw that there was no one around Qin Yang at this moment.

Only himself.

Although I have a Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in my hand, how can one Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer deal with four of them at the same time?

The four Supreme Elders sneered: "Boy, today is the day you die."

They showed off their magic weapon.

Qin Yang must be surrounded and suppressed reasonably.

Don't give any chance.

Qin Yang also sacrificed his own divine form and lotus sword.

He holds the Lotus Divine Sword in one hand and the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in the other.

"Don't talk so eloquently, you four losers, do you really think you can beat me? It's not certain who will die today!"


Qin Yang's divine body came out.

The huge divine body instantly stunned the four supreme elders of Sanxian Island.

"This...is this the Divine Transformation Body?"

"So big? What a terrifying talent!"

When they saw Qin Yang's divine body, they were inevitably stunned for a moment.

Anyone who looks at such a big Dharmakaya will be confused.

Now they almost know how Song Tianshi died.

There is a high probability of underestimating the enemy and then being killed.

This kid definitely has the ability to transform into a god and cross the border to kill and refine the void.

They said to each other: "Don't underestimate the enemy. This person is very evil. Kill him with all your strength!"

When a tiger fights a rabbit, you need all your strength.

They knew that Song Tianshi died at the hands of Qin Yang, and knew that this boy was evil, so naturally they did not dare to have any contempt.

Then the four people took action with all their strength, and all the magic weapons were thrown towards Qin Yang at the same time.

Divine sword, divine sword, stone plate, giant ax...

Countless magic weapons turned into streams of light and were thrown at Qin Yang as if they didn't want money.

Qin Yang watched this large number of magic weapons coming towards him.

His aura has also reached its peak.


The next second, flames spurted out from the flaming lotus on his wrist, and the flames intertwined with the lotus sword.

Qin Yang's Lotus Divine Sword was originally upgraded with magic weapon upgrade coupons.

At this moment, the Chaos Divine Fire was superimposed and slashed out with one sword.

The sword energy turned into a sea of ​​fire.

At the same time, the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his other hand was also infused with the power of the sky thunder from the Black Thunder Lotus of Nirvana.

At the same time, there was also a wild thunder talisman painted on the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer.

Blessed by the Divine Thunder of Nirvana and the Wild Thunder Talisman.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer became extremely terrifying.

Qin Yang's swords and hammers came out.

It turned into a sea of ​​fire and thunder, overwhelming the many magical weapons of the four supreme elders.

The four supreme elders felt the power of Qin Yang's two magic weapons.

My heart was shocked.

How can it be?

Is this magic weapon so powerful?

The moment their magic weapons first came into contact, they both wanted to flinch.

I really can't stand it.

"Damn it, why is this magic weapon so powerful?"

The magic weapons of four people cannot withstand him alone?

Qin Yang's magic weapon was obviously not on the same level as theirs.

It won't last long if this goes on.

The four Supreme Elders immediately played their trump cards.

"Sacred Fire Refining Void Palm!"

"Yingzhou Blood Wheel!"

"Return to the ruins and turn over the sea seal!!"

"Penglai God-Destroying Needle!"

Each of them played their trump card with their magical powers.

Directly attack Qin Yang's body.

They know that the magic weapons are no match for each other.

The opponent's sword and hammer are too strong.

Their magic weapon might not be able to hold on for a few more breaths.

The only way to win now is to kill the person using the magic weapon before it can no longer hold up.

After Qin Yang was killed, no one controlled these magic weapons, so they were naturally useless.

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Countless magical powers came directly towards Qin Yang's body.

Qin Yang watched these four guys attack him directly.

He wasn't afraid either.

Just come!

He drew talismans all over the sky with his backhand.

Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman, Demon-Destroying Talisman, Evil-Slaying Talisman, Divine Fire Talisman, Magic Sword Talisman...

Countless Taoist talismans were summoned by him, and the spells were instantly issued.

"Those who are the masters of thunder are ordered to carry out executions. Bowen is the commander-in-chief, and he is a fierce official and a minister of Han Dynasty. He destroys mountains and overthrows them, and spits out mist and raises clouds."

Three divisions of fierce generals and eight poison mines. There is an urgent need to send out heavenly drums to catch evil spirits. Conquer the evil spirits and bring peace to the earth.

Urgency is like a law. "

"Flying in the sky, quenching fire, the divine power of thunder. Up and down Tai Chi, all around the four dimensions. The sky is overturned, the sea is boiling, and the mountains are destroyed. The six dragons are vibrating with drums, and they are ordered to pursue them quickly.

Urgency is like a law. "

These talismans turned into spells and collided with these virtual refining magical powers.

At the same time, the five thunder hand seals in Qin Yang's palm had also been condensed.

Once the seal is taken, there is the blessing of the divine body behind it.

One versus four, no problem for now.

Of course, he also knew his situation.

It's really no problem to hold on for a short period of time.

But as time goes by, if you continue to spend time with the other party, you will still be unable to wear down the other party.

Therefore, we must seize every opportunity to kill them. Fighting with the Void Refining Realm monks is no joke.

Qin Yang took advantage of the four of them being stunned.

The Lotus Divine Sword in his hand turned into a flying sword and flew out.

One of the Supreme Elders of Lianxu did not react.

I just feel like my eyes are blurred.

The next second, the flying sword transformed from the Lotus Divine Sword had penetrated his head, turning him into a headless corpse.

Kill one first.

In an instant, the situation reversed.

When they were fighting against magic weapons, Qin Yang had the Lotus Divine Sword and the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer. He was using the magic weapons to fight against the Supreme Elders of the four Three Immortal Islands.

But when it comes to magical powers, Qin Yang is at a disadvantage.

After all, it is transforming gods versus refining emptiness.

And it’s still one against four.

It's terrifying that he can withstand it and not die.

It was impossible to gain the upper hand.

But when Qin Yang found an opportunity and killed another Supreme Elder of Sanxian Island, it was completely different.

Originally, Qin Yang was at a disadvantage in the duel between spells and supernatural powers.

But one of the other party died.

When someone dies, it doesn't just mean that the other person loses a magical output.

When a person dies, the magic weapon is useless.

In the magic weapon competition, Sanxian Island was originally at a disadvantage.

One person is missing, and it becomes even more unbearable.

Directly killed by the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

All magic weapons were hammered and exploded instantly.

Qin Yang drew out his Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

Back to Qin Yang's hands.

The magic weapons of the four supreme elders of Sanxian Island were also collected by Qin Yang.

And after Qin Yang took it, he put it directly into Qiankun in his sleeve.

The magic weapon is placed in Qiankun in the sleeve, directly blocking contact with the outside world.

Even if the original owner summons it, it will be useless.

Without the magic weapon, the three remaining Supreme Elders on Sanxian Island instantly realized that something was wrong.

Another one died, and the magic weapon was confiscated.

It's over now.

Isn't this a dead end?

The three of them realized something was wrong.

It's like it's been agreed.

Turn around and run.

It's impossible not to run.

The magic weapon is gone, Qin Yang has the purple electric hammer in his hand.

They can't win.

He has lost the strength to fight Qin Yang.

I can only run away.

These three Void Refining Elders broke through the void and ran away.

Extremely fast.

Qin Yang looked at the three of them running away and shook his head.

Throw out the Divine Sword and Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer in your hand.

Leave them all!

The divine sword and purple electric hammer flew out.

The speed of the magic weapon that directly crushes the space is definitely faster than that of a human being.

Almost instantly, they caught up with the three supreme elders of Sanxian Island.

Three streaks of blood mist exploded.

The three Lianxu elders died instantly.

The death of three supreme elders of the Void Refining Realm at the same time shocked everyone on Sanxian Island.

One fight against four, they were all killed. (End of chapter)

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