At the beginning, the Tianshi Sword was stolen, and the poor man used the backhand grenade method

Chapter 398 Restrictions on Sanxian Island (4000 words long chapter!)

On the Three Immortals Island, some disciples on the Three Immortals Island couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

They were frightened when they saw this scene.

Because those are the four supreme elders of Sanxian Island!

Each of the four supreme elders was a great monk in the realm of refining the void. Four of them attacked Qin Yang, but one of them penetrated four and killed them all!

This is so fucking outrageous.

In Sanxian Island, there are many disciples who are also in the god transformation stage.

Their brains are shut down at the moment.

Looking at Qin Yang, why is it that everyone is a god, and yours is different from mine?

Why are you so strong?

Qin Yang's spirit transformation can defeat four refining voids at once.

Their transformed gods cannot be invincible within the same realm, let alone the realm of refining the void.

When encountering the Supreme Elders, these Supreme Elders would release a trace of their aura, and they would be suppressed to the point where they could not even lift their heads.

On the other hand, Qin Yang turned into a god and was killed by a dog. It was useless to refine the body, he would all die!

Now they know the gap.

This incarnation is unique.

The other Supreme Elders on Sanxian Island watched the death of these four Supreme Elders.

They all froze in place.

Four Supreme Elders joined forces to kill Qin Yang, but they didn't succeed?

Instead, he was beaten to death by Qin Yang?

This is too strong.

How to fight this?

Seeing this scene, the group of Supreme Elders from Sanxian Island also understood that the situation was over.

So many supreme elders are dead.

What's the use of the remaining few?

Even if the four of them worked together, they couldn't kill Qin Yang, and instead they were killed instantly.

Just now they had a slight numerical advantage, but now they no longer even have the numerical advantage.

The chance of winning is directly negative.

The remaining elders of Sanxian Island voted directly.

After all, they have been cultivating Taoism for thousands of years, and they are rushing to live forever, not to die with the sect.

Now that the general trend is over, let’s just invest.

Who should I follow?

This group of strong Void Refiners surrendered directly.

Golden Claw and other virtual refining monks from Tiangu Auction House took away their magic weapons.

Later, these surrendered elders were captured and left to Qin Yang's disposal.

Qin Yang looked at the group of surrendered Lianxu realms.

You have already cultivated to the realm of refining the void, and it is not easy.

Since you surrender, there is no need to kill.

Originally, his idea was to kill them all.

After all, cutting the grass and roots is the simplest and most effective way to prevent future troubles.

But it was based on the fact that Qin Yang felt that the monks from Sanxian Island would not surrender.

He thought that the monks in the Void Refining Realm were all hard-nosed.

The results now look not hard at all!

He also surrendered directly.

It just so happened that Qin Yang was short of people.

If the monks in the realm of refining the void can be subdued, then it is definitely better to subdue them and do things for themselves.

Immediately, Qin Yang asked them to hand over their soul cores.

Having mastered the core of the soul, the life and death of this group of monks in the Void Refining Realm depended on his thoughts.

With this thing in hand, you won't be afraid of them being disobedient.

All the elders of Sanxian Island voted.

The remaining disciples of Sanxian Island naturally had nothing to say and were waiting to die if they did not surrender.

The Supreme Elders have all surrendered. Is it possible that a group of divine Nascent Soul Golden Pills are more valuable than Lianxu?

Qin Yang doesn't feel any pressure even to kill Lianxu, so why would he still be reluctant to kill your Nascent Soul?

In the face of Xiaoming and Sanxiandao's loyalty, these disciples chose to save their lives without hesitation.

It’s still important to save your life!

The entire Sanxian Island was captured smoothly and directly.

The process was much smoother than Qin Yang imagined.

Originally, Qin Yang thought it would take a little more effort.

After arriving, I realized that Sanxian Island was not as scary as I thought.

After taking control of Sanxian Island, the first thing Qin Yang wanted to see was naturally the sect's treasure house on Sanxian Island.

Because although Sanxian Island is a complete sect on the surface.

But in fact, there are three island Taoist sects within him.

Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou.

Each of the three island Taoist sects has its own sect treasure house.

In other words, these three families are actually very different from each other.

They all keep their good things to themselves.

It's a pity that all these things now belong to Qin Yang.

He went in and took a look, and there were indeed a lot of treasures inside.

There are mountains and piles of spiritual stones and elixirs.

The foundation of Sanxian Island is quite good. It seems that their life here is indeed quite nourishing.

However, after seeing the resources in the Sanxian Island treasure house, Qin Yang still couldn't help but have questions.

With such rich cultivation resources, why are these top masters of Sanxian Island always trapped in the realm of refining the void?

It stands to reason that with such terrifying training resources, those top masters, no matter how talented they are, would be able to do so without any shortage of training resources.

After more than two thousand years, there should be one or two who have broken through to a higher realm.

But there is strangely no one in Sanxian Island.

It’s all about refining the void, not even a single body!

Qin Yang actually doesn't know much about the combined realm.

After all, he is not even practicing Xu right now.

However, among the powerful men from the Tiangu Auction House who came with him, some were at the peak of Xu Lianxing.

They should be familiar with the combined realm.

So Qin Yang asked them: "Fellow Taoist Jinzhao, I have a few questions that I don't understand, and I want to ask you."

Jinzhao nodded and said, "What does Fellow Daoist Qin want to ask?"

Qin Yang said: "I want to ask how difficult it is to break through from refining the void to the realm of integration?"

Jinzhao looked at Qin Yang.

Qin Yang has just turned into a god and is already concerned about this issue?

Golden Claw said: "It is still very difficult to go from continuous breakthroughs to the combined state. Some people will never be able to break through in their entire life. The overall breakthrough rate is extremely low.

But if you want to force a breakthrough, it's not impossible. If you force a breakthrough, you will be stuck in the body for the rest of your life, unable to get even half a step closer.

After all, they are all monks who have practiced all the way to the peak of the realm of refining the void. The monks who can break through to the peak of the realm of refining the void have their own pride and pursuits. Therefore, although it is feasible to break through by force, there are still not many who are willing to break through by force. .

However, in the crisis of life and death, I have heard of many people who choose to forcefully break through and merge to save their lives. "

Qin Yang would probably understand what Jinzhao said.

It is indeed difficult to break through the fusion. So, so many Supreme Elders on Sanxian Island have all failed to break through. In fact, strictly speaking, it is normal.

After all, luck is hard to say. It is possible that these Supreme Elders in Sanxian Island are really unlucky and no one can break through.

Of course, if it is purely based on strength and luck, then that's it.

What made Qin Yang feel wrong was the second thing Jinzhao said.

That is to say, some people at the peak of Xu refining will choose to break through and merge to save their lives between their own life and death crises.

Although the side effect of doing this is that you will only have the strength at the early stage of the Fusion Realm for the rest of your life.

But the strange thing is that when I was fighting with the four elders of Sanxian Island before, none of the four supreme elders of Sanxian Island chose to break through and merge to save their lives at the critical moment of life and death.

In that case, death is almost certain. If someone is going to die, there will be someone who doesn't force a breakthrough?

You must know that once your life is gone, there is really nothing.

But even so, the four Supreme Elders still did not choose to forcefully break through the merger to fight against themselves.

What's going on?

Qin Yang couldn't understand.

He asked the Supreme Elders of the Three Immortals Islands who later surrendered to him.

Ask them why none of them broke through to the realm of fusion and why they didn’t forcefully break through to save their lives when they were about to die.

The answer he received left Qin Yang speechless.

Their answer was that after more than 2,000 years of practice in Sanxian Island, they had never felt the slightest opportunity to break through and merge.

In other words, they themselves are unable to break through, and they have not found the insight to break through.

Secondly, why was there no forced breakthrough in the end.

Because they have no idea that there is such a thing as a forced breakthrough.

They don't seem to know that they can forcefully break through the combined realm.

Listen to the words of these Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island.

Several powerful men from Tiangu Auction House showed incredulous looks.

have no idea?

How can this be?

Isn't this common sense that the rules of heaven and earth will automatically teach everyone once they break through the realm of refining the void?

Don’t you know this common sense?

This is a bit too outrageous.

People at Tiangu Auction House didn't believe it, but Qin Yang seemed to have found the problem.

He felt that what the people on Sanxian Island said might be true.

Because no one will not cherish their own life.

He killed several powerful Void Refiners from Song Tianshi, Li Yuandao and Sanxian Island in Penglai.

Among these people, there are many who are at the peak level of Xu Refining.

It would be fine if one or two of them were killed.

It's impossible for everyone to die, right?

There is no option to force a breakthrough and trade talent for a small life.

Is there a possibility that they really don't know?

There are many secrets hidden behind this seemingly peaceful and prosperous Sanxian Island!

It's definitely not as simple as it seems.

Could it be that it is the rules of heaven and earth in this special space that prevent them from breaking through the merger?

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Qin Yang's ears.

"Ding! Publish a new mission to find the truth behind the Three Immortals Island's inability to break through the merger, and get the rewards [Inheritance of the Three Immortals Islands], [Ownership of the Three Immortals Islands], [Extreme God Transformation], and a reputation value of +500 billion!"

System tasks were also issued, allowing him to find the truth behind Sanxian Island's inability to break through the merger.

Now that this task has been handed down.

Qin Yang had nothing to do anyway, so he might as well check it out.

First, Qin Yang asked these supreme elders who surrendered from the Three Immortals Island when they broke through to the realm of refining the void.

According to the answers of these supreme elders.

When they lived on Blue Star, although their cultivation conditions were not that good and their cultivation resources were not so abundant, their cultivation had actually been steadily improving.

He's not a genius, but he has some pretty good talent.

When they were at Blue Star before, their cultivation had not reached the realm of refining the void.

A considerable number of people, when they first came to the space of Sanxian Island, were actually very weak in cultivation.

That is to say, the realm of becoming a god or even the Nascent Soul.

Almost only after arriving in this space, they quickly break through the realm and reach the realm of refining.

They said that when they came here, the spiritual energy was so powerful.

Even if I am not practicing every day, I am breaking through just breathing.

With a little practice, you will soon be able to break through to the realm of refining the void.

In other words, everyone's realm of refining the void has been broken through in this space.

That's very possible.

It is the talent rules of this space that restrict them.

He quickly broke through to the Void Refining Realm, and then was restricted by the rules, unable to pursue higher.

Qin Yang then asked: "Is it true that after breaking through to the realm of refining the void, the improvement of the realm becomes slower and slower?"

These Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island nodded.

Indeed it is.

Qin Yang: "Have you never studied what's going on?"

"Research? But I can't find any basis!"

These Lianxu elders on Sanxian Island are also quite desperate.

As soon as they came to this space, many people quickly broke through to the realm of refining the void, and then they didn't make any progress for thousands of years.

The combination is right in front of you, but you can't even touch it.

They wanted to find it, but they had no idea.

Qin Yang suddenly seemed to think of something.

I saw a small hammer appearing in his hand.

It is the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer.

This thing is Song Tianshi's natal magic weapon.

This hammer is very powerful, extremely powerful, even so powerful that it does not belong to the realm of Lianxu.

Qin Yang looked at the hammer as if he had found a breakthrough.

The elders of Sanxian Island looked at Qin Yang and took out the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer after a disagreement.

They were startled and took a step back.

What's the meaning?

What do you mean by holding a hammer?

Well said, just because we don't know, just bring out the hammer?

However, they obviously misunderstood Qin Yang's meaning.

Qin Yang looked at them, pointed at the hammer and asked, "This hammer is Song Tianshi's natal magic weapon. Is it a magic weapon passed down from generation to generation on your Three Immortals Island? Or did Song Tianshi get it from other places?"

This issue is very important and Qin Yang must figure it out. It may be the source of the world's problems.

Sure enough, the group of Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island said: "This purple electric hammer is not a magic weapon inside our Sanxian Island, but Song Tianshi once traveled to the immortal sea under this space.

He was accidentally attacked by a sea beast, and the powerful sea beast swallowed him into its belly. After killing the sea beast, he obtained it from his belly. "

Qin Yang was overjoyed, and his guess was indeed correct.

Song Tianshi's Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer is indeed not something that originally existed on Sanxian Island, but was obtained from outside.

The sea beast swallowed Song Tianshi into its belly.

Song Tianshi killed the sea beast and got this hammer from his belly?

Leviathan lives in the ocean...

Qin Yang stood up and came to Sanxian Island. He looked at the boundless sea in this space.

The Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer was obtained from the belly of the sea beast.

Is it possible that the secret of this space is hidden under the ocean?

Once Qin Yang had this idea, he couldn't let it go anymore.

We have to find out anyway, so just go down and take a walk yourself.

Seeing that Qin Yang was going to go to the sea to check and see what was in the ocean.

When the Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island heard that Qin Yang was going to swim in the sea, they were frightened and quickly stopped Qin Yang.

Tell him not to go down.

Don't look at it. There is no movement on the sea near Sanxian Island.

But in fact, they have lived here for more than two thousand years and are well aware of the dangers of this ocean.

The inside is absolutely two worlds from the outside.

On land, Sanxian Island is the master here.

But in the depths of the ocean, those terrifying sea beasts are able to destroy Lianxu one after another.

If you go down, you will die! (End of chapter)

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