At the beginning, the Tianshi Sword was stolen, and the poor man used the backhand grenade method

Chapter 399 The Seabed of Sanxian Island (4000 words long chapter!)

The supreme elders of Sanxian Island stopped Qin Yang and told him not to go.

In these deep seas around Sanxian Island, a large number of sea beasts live.

These sea beasts are extremely powerful, and each of them is the overlord of the sea.

And the sea beasts in the sea are different from those on Blue Star.

The sharks, whales and other predators on Blue Star are actually just ordinary creatures. They are harmful to humans, but they have no impact on practitioners.

However, there is sufficient spiritual energy in the space of Sanxian Island, and all the sea beasts on the seabed are monsters.

Not only is it powerful, but it also has a strong desire to attack.

After Sanxian Island came to this space before, they actually wanted to explore the ocean.

Because they also felt at that time that there might be good things in this deep sea.

However, they had organized many strong men to explore the deep sea.

But the final result was that they all died.

No one came back alive.

Even Song Tianxing was swallowed by the sea beast in one gulp and had to escape only after a narrow escape.

The elders of Sanxian Island said they were unwilling to let Qin Yang go.

They know the dangers in the sea.

The core of their soul is now in Qin Yang.

It is equivalent to being completely bound to Qin Yang.

If Qin Yang dies in the deep sea, all of them will die too.

So we definitely can’t let him go.

After all, they surrendered because they didn't want to die.

Elder of Sanxian Island: "Brother, don't do it!"

However, Qin Yang would naturally not listen to the words of these Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island.

He always listens to himself in what he wants to do.

When have you ever listened to someone else’s orders?

Of course he knew there was danger in the deep sea.

But the system tasks are here.

This matter still needs to be clarified.

Qin Yang finally decided to go to the deep sea.

But this time, he didn't take anyone with him.

He did not bring any of the supreme elders from the Three Immortals Island or the powerful Void Refining Realm masters from the Tiangu Auction House.

Although bringing them along can be considered a help.

But Qin Yang didn't give him a reason.

First of all, the deep sea is dangerous. If something happens, at least it won't affect other people.

It doesn't matter to him whether these supreme elders of Sanxian Island die or not.

But these people from Tiangu Auction House are friends with Qin Yang.

They are here to help, not to die. There is no need for you to take risks with yourself.

Naturally, you can't take others to do something so risky.

Second, there are benefits to acting alone.

In the deep sea, the environment is responsible, and Qin Yang himself does not know what creatures exist in the sea.

If you go down with a bunch of people rashly, the target is big and easy to be discovered.

It would be even more troublesome if top predators were attracted because of the crowding.

It is better to travel lightly alone, and be more flexible alone.

Qin Yang has already decided.

After giving a simple order, he asked everyone to stay put.

He comes as he goes.

Then, Qin Yang turned into a meteor and rushed directly into the sea.

Within the space of Sanxian Island.

The sea is huge in all directions.

No one knows where the end of this sea is.

These elders in Sanxian Island also wanted to investigate.

But the end result is that it flew very far without reaching the end.

Even the great monks in the realm of refining the void can't find the edge, which shows that there are definitely many secrets hidden in this space.

Of course, Qin Yang is not here to find the edges of the oceans around Sanxian Island.

He came down to find the secret of the space of Sanxian Island.

Qin Yang went all the way down, breaking through the current and heading towards the bottom of the water.

Let's first see what's at the bottom of this sea.

Qin Yang was flying alone deep under the sea.

The speed is extremely fast, and one person breaks the current.

Within the deep sea, it is extremely dark in all directions, and as the depth goes deeper, the pressure around it increases.

Ordinary people would be crushed into a piece of meat pie here in an instant.

But Qin Yang seemed to be at ease here.

The surrounding water is very dark.

But when his cultivation reaches Qin Yang's level, he can see without using his eyes.

As soon as his consciousness swept away, there was something around him that was clearer than what he could see with his eyes.

He worked his way down, getting deeper and deeper.

As expected, sea beasts began to appear all around.

These are the sea beasts mentioned by the Supreme Elders of Sanxian Island.

Qin Yang looked next to him and slowly swam past a fish creature.

The fish in the seawater in Sanxian Island space are indeed somewhat different from the fish in the ocean on Blue Star.

At least Qin Yang had never seen this kind of fish swimming past him before.

The head is huge and looks very dull.

And the swimming speed is very slow.

Qin Yang looked at the fish.

It doesn't seem to have much offensive power.

He reached out and touched it.

However, something unexpected happened in the next second.

I saw that his hand had just touched the fish.

Haven't encountered it yet.

The fish's speed immediately soared.

As if it sensed someone approaching it, the fish's huge head quickly turned around and suddenly opened its bloody mouth.

Just take one bite.

Qin Yang was startled.

Good guy, such a fast speed!

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and quickly took his hand back.

Otherwise, this bite would probably injure his hand even if it couldn't bite it off.

This fish looks ordinary, but it is so terrifyingly aggressive and destructive!

Qin Yang now knows why the group of supreme elders on Sanxian Island did not let Qin Yang come.

At first I thought the danger was fake, these fish didn't look very smart.

But now it seems that the elders of Sanxian Island were right.

It's all an illusion that they're not very smart. These sea beasts are indeed a bit ferocious.

The big-headed fish didn't bite Qin Yang's hand, and seemed a little unhappy.

Wagging its tail, it rushes over, chasing and biting.

The aggression is really full.

Unfortunately, it also underestimated Qin Yang.

Qin Yang was startled just now. It was the first time he had come into contact with such a fierce fish, and he was taken aback.

It doesn't mean I'm afraid of this fish.

This guy doesn't know how to bite himself.

Qin Yang could only express his embarrassment.

"You still want to bite me, right? Then go die."

Qin Yang made a swipe of his finger, and a burst of spiritual energy was slashed out.

Just chop the fish into pieces.

Killed a fish easily.

Qin Yang was just about to leave.

However, when he turned around, he realized something was wrong.

In the deep sea, countless eyes lit up.

Then Qin Yang saw that in all directions around him, there were densely packed big-headed fish that were exactly like the fish just now.

These big-headed fish seem to sense that their fellow fish are being killed.

One after another they swam over.

Chase Qin Yang and bite.

Qin Yang was also frightened by this battle.


I just killed one, how could I attract so many at once?

And it came too quickly.

Are the fish here belonging to the wasp family?

Qin Yang didn't want to provoke this group of fish again.

I don’t want to waste too much time on a bunch of big-headed fish.

He was too lazy to kill any more.

Although these big-headed fish pose no threat to themselves.

But wasting time with them here would be in trouble if it attracted more terrifying predators.

So Qin Yang directly chose to run away.

His body turned into a stream of light and rushed directly out of the large school of fish.

In an instant, a golden light broke through the circle surrounded by the fish.

Qin Yang looked back and saw that a large group of ferocious sea beasts and fish seemed unwilling to let Qin Yang go.

He was chasing after him madly, looking fierce.

Qin Yang shuddered when he saw it.

I can't afford it, I really can't afford it.

These fish have low IQ and are desperate for their lives.

Very aggressive.

It seems to me that one should be more careful in this deep sea.

It is safer to walk around when encountering sea animals.

The first time he encountered this seemingly stupid big-headed fish, he was given a blow.

He may not seem very smart, but he is actually very aggressive.

Fortunately, his strength is average, but if he encounters a group of sea monsters that are extremely powerful.

Then he is really in trouble.

There is a reason why the group of supreme elders on Sanxian Island are so afraid of the sea beasts in the deep sea.

In order to get rid of the fish, Qin Yang drew a hiding charm.

Cover your breath.

Without the hiding charm, it would be really difficult to get rid of these fish schools.

After getting rid of this group of big-headed fish, Qin Yang continued down and did his own business.

Along the way, we also encountered many other types of sea beasts.

But with the first experience, Qin Yang learned a lot this time.

Never mess with these sea beasts again.

Because he knew that even the most cute looking sea beasts might suddenly change and become extremely dangerous.

The best way is not to touch.

It's best to avoid it.

However, even if Qin Yang is very careful.

But the situation in the sea is complicated. There are too many species of sea beasts, and there are still sea beasts with keen senses targeting Qin Yang.

A huge black figure swam past Qin Yang, with just a pair of eyes the size of a person.

This black figure has been following Qin Yang.

When it was following Qin Yang, Qin Yang quickly discovered the big guy following him.

This sea beast has been following me since the beginning.

Moreover, the aura emanating from it was terrifying. Qin Yang estimated that it was at least at the pinnacle of void refining.

This guy is not comparable to the previous group of big-headed fish.

The attack power of that group of big-headed fishes was only in the foundation building stage, so Qin Yang didn't pay attention at all.

But with this big guy following him now, Qin Yang didn't dare to be careless.

You have to find an opportunity to run away quickly, you can't stay long.

Because Qin Yang noticed,

This big guy has been following me and has no choice to take action directly.

Now there are two possibilities.

One is that this guy plans to see what he is doing and wait for the opportunity to take action.

The second is that it is not 100% sure of winning. It is sending messages to its companions, waiting for their companions to arrive together, and then join forces to hunt together.

Waiting for a companion is a little more likely.

Because just now Qin Yang deliberately sold a loophole to the black sea beast behind him, but this guy didn't take action against him.

Most likely he is waiting for his companions.

Since Qin Yang already knew that it was shaking people.

That certainly can't be delayed here.

If he shakes someone over, it will be difficult for him to escape.

Who knows how many companions this guy has.

The bottom of the sea is so big, if it shakes over, there will be seventeen or eight, or dozens or even hundreds of refiners.

What are you going to hit yourself with?

My life will be lost here.

Can't wait any longer!

Qin Yang found an opportunity and summoned the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer with his backhand.

Then, he turned around suddenly and smashed out the Purple Electric Hunyuan Hammer in his hand.

The purple electric hammer hit this behemoth in one fell swoop.

After the Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer hit this behemoth, the sea beast also let out a scream.

Clearly injured.

Qin Yang snorted coldly: "Little one, if you have been with me for so long, you will be hit by the Taoist master first! Goodbye!"

Qin Yang is not fond of fighting.

After knocking the sea beast unconscious with a hammer, he ran away at extremely fast speed.

In order to speed up his running, Qin Yang also summoned the Lotus Divine Sword and his other divine swords, placed them in front of him, used the divine sword to open a path and break the water flow.

This allows you to move faster.

Qin Yang looked back at the black giant.

He must have hit that guy just now, but at the same time, Qin Yang was also amazed at the defensive power of this sea beast.

The skin is rough and the flesh is so thick that it's really scary.

His own Purple Lightning Hunyuan Hammer, in the Three Immortals Island, hit a great monk in the Void Refining Realm with one hammer.

But when they reach the bottom of the sea, they are also sea beasts in the realm of refining the void.

He hammered it down, but it didn't kill him.

It shows how meaty this thing is.

Qin Yang ran away frantically, escaping quickly for his life.

But what gave him a headache was.

Although the hammer he just attacked in a sneak attack knocked the black giant into confusion.

But Qin Yang still underestimated this guy's movement speed.

After all, the sea is the home of these deep-sea creatures.

Movement speed in own sea is limited.

Qin Yang discovered that the sea beast he had just beaten was now catching up with him again.

And the speed is faster than myself.

If this continues, I really won't be able to run away.

Qin Yang accelerated like crazy, but unfortunately, it was of no use.

The ocean floor is too restrictive.

It won't be long before we are probably caught up.

Just when Qin Yang was anxious.

Suddenly, a large school of fish appeared in front of him.

It was the same group of bighead fish that we encountered before.

The degree of vengeance of that group of big-headed fish was indeed beyond Qin Yang's expectation.

These guys are still looking for me.

At this moment, the group of big-headed fish saw Qin Yang appear.

Tens of thousands of big-headed fish roared toward him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yang suddenly felt that the savior had arrived.

There is a wolf before and a tiger behind.

Of course it’s to drive away wolves and devour tigers!

Qin Yang rushed directly towards the group of big-headed fish.

Then, he chanted the Golden Light Mantra.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth!"

As soon as the golden light curse came out, Qin Yang jumped directly into the school of fish.

The fish attacked him crazily.

However, they all hit the golden light spell and could not touch his body at all.

Tens of thousands of big-headed fish surrounded Qin Yang.

Now it was the turn of the black giant who rushed over with Qin Yang to have a headache.

The black giant looked at the large number of big-headed fish surrounding Qin Yang.

The black giant was really difficult to attack for a while.

The black giant roared.

Get these bighead fish out of the way.

However, this group of fish was angered.

Sure enough, tens of thousands of fish attacked the black giant.

Qin Yang watched this black giant fighting with tens of thousands of big-headed fish.

Beaten to the brink of victory.

He was quite scared.

Brother Big Tou, luckily I have you.

This group of big-headed fish helped to stop him.

Qin Yang is not here to watch the show either.

Because if you continue to watch the show here, you may not know which side will defeat the other side, and then turn around and cause trouble for you.

It's better to run away quickly.

When he was fleeing from being chased by this black giant, he noticed something strange under a certain section of the sea on the way out.

Qin Yang planned to go back and take a look.

So, he flew back towards the road he had just come from. (End of chapter)

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