How could those orc warriors doubt these extremely ‘familiar’ companions’ faces.

Then something happened that made the orcs extremely terrified.

‘Who are we? ’

‘Where are we? ’

‘What are we doing? ’

Puff! “You… why – why!!” An orc warrior looked at his ‘good friend’ who stabbed him in the back in disbelief.

Damn, we are so familiar with each other, but I never found out that you are a ‘traitor’.

The orc warrior did not even realize that his real ‘good friend’ had already died in a pool of blood not far from his feet.

At this time, the orc warrior could only die with an unwilling and frustrated look on his face.

Such a scene was still being played in various corners of the melee.

The orc warriors, who were already stupidly unable to distinguish between ‘enemies and friends’, were not like the ‘puppets’ who could sense each other’s identities.

There was no worry about killing teammates by mistake.

And the soldiers guarding the city who saw everything clearly on the tower were all trembling and shaking with fear.


This TM, monster!! It can even change its face!

Too scary! Too frightening! It’s impossible to tell who is our own people!

Finally, an orc couldn’t stand it anymore. The orc warriors who were almost driven crazy by this terrifying atmosphere hurriedly ran to the tower.

There should be ‘our own people’ there. It’s safe to go up to the tower!


“Fuck, you!... Don’t come up!” The soldiers on the tower noticed that an ‘orc companion’ wanted to come up, and they panicked instantly! All kinds of MMP and Cao Nima flew through their hearts.

Wow, you guys can just fight down there, why drag us down too!

It’s impossible to tell whether this orc who wants to come up is ‘an enemy or a friend’. For a moment, the hearts of the orc warriors on the entire tower almost jumped out of their throats!

Chapter 146 What does petite stature have to do with dimensional stomach!

When the mercenary group attacked the Silver City.

There were no soldiers in the city who could defend.

The orcs, who were already far inferior to humans in strength, had only about 500 strong orcs. Facing this group of terrifying enemies who could infiltrate their "inside", they had no ability to resist at all.

What they had to face later was a 100,000-man mercenary brigade led by an overly cautious black knight.

100,000 against 500, even when the city gate was broken.

Orcs: 'This is still a fight! '

When the mercenary group led by Yan attacked all the way to the Silver City in less than half a day, and now occupied the Silver City, the news spread to the other two armies and the capital.

Those soldiers, the hero king, the saint, and the king were all shocked.

The whole empire was in a commotion because of this shocking news.

The fierce reputation of the "Macedonian Phalanx" and Yan's amazing "scam" to trick the city gate open also shocked many people.

Various versions of the story began to circulate in the kingdom.

Its legendary level is no less than the stories in novels and biographies;

People even feel like they are listening to a fairy tale.

Huh? A group of miscellaneous mercenaries stabbed to death 20,000 wolf cavalrymen in a frontal battle?

——The casualties were only about a thousand?

A few hundred "puppets" disguised as orcs tricked the Silver City gate open?

In less than half a day of marching, the mercenary army captured a city? !

Even "King Arthur" wouldn't dare to write like this!

There are even some confused King Arthur fans who, after hearing the name "Lancelot", couldn't help asking if there was another "extra".

There are even rumors that those wolf cavalrymen were killed by Lancelot with a "light cannon" similar to Arthur's.

This rumor was heard by the "Hero King" who was marching.

It immediately attracted the attention of the Hero King.

He didn't believe in the "Macedonian Phalanx".

How could there be such a terrifying battle formation in the world?

If it was an attack similar to the ‘EX-calibur’ recorded in the ‘Biography of King Arthur’, then it would explain why the 20,000 wolf cavalry of the orcs were destroyed so easily.

Not only the Hero King did not believe it. Except for the children, most people did not believe this kind of thing…

After hearing the news, some people looked at the person who spread the news as if he was a fool.

In a head-on battle, 300,000 human infantrymen might not be able to kill these 20,000 orc cavalrymen. You tell me that those wolf cavalrymen were killed by hundreds of thousands of infantrymen? Or was it a one-sided massacre?

Those wolf cavalrymen were probably fools who ran directly into the ‘spears’!

(The wolf cavalrymen who had died at this time shed tears of hardship.

How could they know that humans would actually play ‘so many tricks’ now.

Didn’t you cut me with a knife and I would give you a sword in the past?

Suddenly, it became a hedgehog that could not be touched.)

After confirming that this news was indeed a ‘real’ battle report, the capital and even the towns in various places also began to cheer excitedly.

The war is going so smoothly, doesn't it mean that Mr. Andersen will soon be able to return victorious with the army?

We are a group of emotionless civilians who don't care about the war, but only care about whether there are books to read.

Yes, it is so realistic.

No matter how fierce the fighting outside is, the country is a scene of peace and prosperity. As long as the war has not affected them, people will not feel much.

To paraphrase Payne, these people have to feel the "pain" to understand how hard it is to get "peace".

And it is under this situation.

Yan, who has been hyping up the fans for half a month, did not rush to continue the siege after taking the Silver City, but let the army reorganize in the city.

"Well~! Now Overlord Wolnir and the Hero King should know the news here! Hehe——It's a pity that I can't see their "expressions" with my own eyes!"

Such a sweet and touching scene must be very pleasant.

After a slight sigh, Yan sat down in the City Lord's Mansion of the Silver City, and the black armor on his body had faded.

——After the previous "warm-up", everyone's expectations should have exploded, and it is time to put the story of the "Grand Duke" on it.

Yan thought.

He just said that he would come back to update after the war, but he didn't say that he wouldn't update.

With a wicked smile on his face, Yan began to think about how exciting the expressions of those "mercenaries" who joined the war in the name of "for Arthur, Merry, Andersen, etc." would be when they heard the news of Andersen's update in the capital.

Moreover, even if the main story is not updated, the side stories and novellas can be updated.

It was in such a heated discussion atmosphere of "great victory" that a new "storm" began to rise from the capital after the name of "Lancelot" was once again loud.

Yan took the time to go back to the library, and then asked Yuzuha to help him hand over the "manuscript" he had already written to major printing houses.

When "Yuzuha" took the manuscript with a confused and ignorant look on his face, he hadn't reacted yet.

How did Yan, who was fighting on the front line, suddenly come back again?

However, after seeing the "manuscript", the cat-eared girl's ears stood up excitedly.

"Hey!!!... It's a new book!" Noticing the unique cover, she recalled the 'preview' that made the whole country excited and full of expectations two weeks ago.

The joy of getting a glimpse of it instantly made Yuye throw all her doubts behind her;

Until Yuye finished reading the book, she cried with tears streaming down her face and her nose twitched.

The major printing factories that took the manuscript from Yuye were still confused and panicked looking at the little beauty in front of them.

Because Yan had performed 'Cinderella' (transformation magic) for Yuye, ordinary people could not see the beastman characteristics on Yuye.

I don't know how to make this little beauty cry, and these printing factory bosses almost thought that some young man in their factory had abandoned this little beauty.

Because of Yan, the bosses who had long regarded everyone related to Yan as the God of Wealth began to entertain the cat-eared girl in a panic.

Until Yuye accidentally smelled the aroma of grilled fish from the restaurant next door and stopped crying.

Following Yuye's line of sight, the boss who 'understood immediately' generously treated Yuye to grilled fish and ate her fill.

Then, as the boss's face gradually turned pale, after eating dozens of grilled fish, and in the terrified eyes of a group of employees, the cat-eared girl went back contentedly;

Sure enough--

When you are in a bad mood, you should turn your grief and anger into appetite.

Yuye, who had no idea how big her appetite was, had a lot of good feelings for the boss of the printing factory.

This boss is such a good person. Next time I am in a bad mood, he will definitely help me!

Meow meow meow!

Chapter 147 Is this a 'hero' or a 'devil'? !

"Mercy and anger will turn into burning sharp stakes. The demons and monsters that trample on my land, moisten your throat with your own blood!"

The opening is such a touching word.

! ?

——A new chapter has been published. Andersen actually published a new work !

Eh...? ! Isn't he on the battlefield?

When people saw the famous new book of the man (woman) who made them "love and hate" appear in the bookstore.

People were excited, but also felt a great "deception"!

It was said that they would go to the battlefield, which was extremely dangerous! There was still time to write a book! ?

Countless people heard the news and told each other, and the book fans who dared to come after hearing the news were endless, and they directly surrounded the entire bookstore.

"Give me one! No, two!"

"I want ten!"

"Fuck! Don't squeeze! Why did you buy so many?"

"Of course I will read one for myself, collect one, and give the rest to (missionary) friends!" The person who spoke before said strangely to the man next to him with a natural look.

"That makes sense... Then I will buy ten too!" The man was silent for a while, and then he was excited.

The bookstore owner looked at the huge crowds of people in front of him, and was so nervous that sweat was dripping on his cheeks, and he was surrounded by a huge sense of happiness.

Didn’t they say that most of Andersen’s fans have joined the army? !

‘——Why are there still so many people! ’

The bookstore owner suddenly felt that his inventory might not be enough. If he had known, he would have ordered more books by Andersen.

In fact, although many professionals have joined the army.

But the majority of people who like Andersen’s works are ordinary people.

In this world, there are always more ordinary civilians who do not have talent.

And Andersen's works, which are extremely "interesting in stories", can be understood and appreciated by both ordinary people and professionals, and naturally attract many civilian readers.

"Hahahaha! I got it! I got a new book!"

"Fuck! Who touched my ass!" A rough-faced man yelled with a dark face.

The people around were all startled.

When Claire looked at the crowd that surrounded the bookstore three circles inside and three circles outside, she shuddered all over.

Fortunately, whether she had "Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" or not, she had developed the "habit" of visiting the bookstore every morning.

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