Looking at the book with a 'dark and bright red' cover in her arms, Claire showed a cute and silly smile like 'hehehe'.

When she happily opened the book titled 'Vlad III - Named the Lord of Impalement! ’ heroic biography.

...The title of the book, which is extremely middle-grade, directly arouses the yearning and admiration of young girls.

——So handsome!

It must be another story about a handsome (dark), powerful (tragic) hero.

At this time, Claire finally saw the opening preface that shocked everyone.

‘Turning compassion and anger into burning stakes? ’

‘Let others moisten their throats with their own blood? ! ’

‘! ! ! ’ Claire’s eyes widened.

Among them, the emergence of the new term "demons and monsters that trample the land" made people even more stunned.

The following part of the book also provides an "alien" version of the word "demon".

"Is this what it probably means: Xiao Xiao's disciples and the demons and shadows hidden in the darkness and deepness? Haha! So awesome!! Oh oh oh!" Claire, who was shocked by the term 'unconscious power', had something in her eyes. Little stars.

'For heroes like Arthur, who is illuminated by the sun and the light of the holy sword illuminates everything and the earth, aren't those enemies just despicable people and cowards hiding in the dark! ’

Claire felt that she had understood this sentence and understood the meaning of what 'Andersen' wrote!

For a time, she looked forward to the protagonist of this book even more.

‘Woooooo! It's burning! What follows is a story of glory, justice, and exciting adventure! ! ’


The girl continued to look behind her expectantly.

Vlad III - was originally a famous hero in Romanian history.

In this book, Homura also created a fictional country called "Romania" for him.

The opening chapter directly describes the story of Vlad III, a man who defended Wallachia from the army called "Turkish", who impaled 20,000 soldiers of the hostile Turkish army.

Vlad III also gained the reputation of "The Impaler".

Claire gasped.

It was so bloody and violent at the beginning, she was really frightened.

In the palace——

When the little princess opened this new book by 'Brother Andersen' with great joy, she was also stunned.

The prologue begins with an illustration.

——Under the bloody sky, there are thorn piles covering the ground, and the horrifying and horrifying scene of the thorn piles filled with the corpses of soldiers.

Changing from Homura's gentle 'writing' style in the past, this time there was such an explosive scene at the beginning of the story.

When some young people saw this, they fantasized about the illustrations in their minds, and their faces turned pale.

- Damn it! !

This is the story of a ‘hero’! ? Damn it! !

The original excitement due to the trailer poster, and the strong sense of expectation and handsomeness when I just saw the first sentence of the preface were suddenly swept away, like a bucket of cold water poured from everyone's heads, and they were hit hard. Stirring.

Although wars occur from time to time in other worlds, neither humans nor other races have the habit of abusing captives.

Not to mention, the death penalty of 'piercing' was imposed on 20,000 living soldiers.

Claire subconsciously covered her abdomen with her little hands, and couldn't help but shed a slight cold sweat on both sides of her little head.

Looking at the ‘skewers’ hung on thorn stakes like ‘barbeques’ in the illustration, people felt a little like Claire and had kidney aches.


Constantly hypnotizing themselves, believing that the book written by Mr. Andersen (brother) must be guaranteed, Claire and the others reluctantly looked behind them.

At this time, the people reading the book were all strangely silent, and they all remained quiet.

The following article explains the reasons why Vlad III imposed capital punishment.

It was a defensive war against Turkish aggression in the past.

A man named Vlad III ordered scorched earth operations and guerrilla warfare in order to use 10,000 troops to fight against the 150,000 Turkish troops that came like a furious wave. The people fled to the Carpathian Mountains and faced the Turkish army while the capital was empty.

In order to frighten the enemy and lower their morale, the Impaler used the "Puncture Punishment" on the 20,000 Turkish soldiers.

At this point, people finally figured out the meaning of the name "Piercing Master".

He used cruel methods to defend his country and territory, but he was also feared by others and was given the name "The Impaler" by the world.

Even his own citizens, the people he protects with all his strength, fear him.

His brutal behavior of crucifying living people is outrageous!

But for Vlad III, as long as he can protect his land and people, even if he has to bear a bad reputation, then so be it!

The tranquility of the country and the peace of the border are all tied to the name of the 'cruel' Dracula.

At the end of the prologue story chapter, 'Andersen' wrote these words:

——What I want to tell you this time is the story of a poor "monster" named "Dracula".

After seeing this, people were shocked and stunned by the "preface" of a short story.

On the one hand, there is a cruel and violent 'demon' who inflicts capital punishment on living people;

On the one hand, there are 'heroes' who protect the people and defend the country.

Two characters that were supposed to be completely opposites actually came together, and people were finally no longer silent and were in an uproar.

Their brains and thoughts began to become confused!

Chapter 148 - People who cannot get the mercy of God!

Speaking of Dracula, we have to mention that this name originally meant "dragon" rather than "vampire".

- In 1431, the Grand Duke was born in Transylvania.

He was the second son of Dracula, known as the "Devil Duke".

It was also in this year that Dracula joined the Holy Roman Empire Dragon Knights.

In Romanian, "Dracula" means "son of the dragon".

"Dracul" means "dragon", which shows the high hopes placed in this name.

In 36 years, the Grand Duke's father Dracula became the Count of Wallachia and had to surrender to the Ottoman Empire.

The ‘Grand Duke’, who should have been treated like a prince in the territory, had to send Vlad III, the prince, and his brother Radu, known as a handsome prince, to the Ottoman Empire as hostages because of King Madan’s coercion.

On the surface, Wallachia gained a brief peace, but became a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, and had to pay tribute to it every year from then on.

Claire and others saw this, and their hearts were blocked, and anger flashed across their faces.

The little princess trembled and widened her eyes.

Even ‘Vlad III’ and his brother ‘Radu’, who were equal to princes in the territory, had to be sent away. If their country was oppressed by such a powerful country.

Princess Chenxi flashed a trace of panic in her heart.

Even the prince was sent away so easily. If it really came to this, wouldn’t she, as a princess, be unable to resist this future.

Fortunately, she was not the princess of Wallachia.

Princess Chenxi heaved a sigh of relief when she thought that her father not only had the hero king under his command, but also had a powerful army, and that his national strength was also top-notch among the surrounding countries.

If there is really a country that can force Wallachia to be as powerful as the Ottoman Empire in the book.

Among the closest human countries that the little princess knows.

Then only the overlord of the north, the Theocracy, can do such a thing.

"?!" Wait!

Ah! What if the Theocracy also asks my father to be a hostage, what should I do!

The little princess suddenly thought of this problem and began to tremble again.

Although the Theocracy showed the world the gentle and glorious image of "servants of God", it should not do such "evil" things.

But if people keep guessing the same thing, they will inevitably engage in "self-suggestion".

Even if the Theocracy has no reason to do such a thing, as long as it has the strength, the little princess can't help but imagine the worst and the worst scenario.

It was under this circumstance that a more terrifying thing happened in the later plot of the book.

——In the dark corridor with red carpet, a handsome black-haired boy holding a cross in both hands was being pushed by an ugly man with a big belly.

The black-haired boy had a face that was more handsome and delicate than a woman.

He was petite, with fair skin and long hair. If people didn't look carefully, they might think he was a girl.

There was a full-body illustration of the boy in the book.

The corridor, which was shrouded in darkness and had no end in sight, was like an abyss or a monster waiting for its "prey" to come to the door automatically.

The black-haired boy muttered the name of "God" and prayed to God.

As long as there is sustenance and faith in the heart, the human spirit will not really "collapse", and even if one lives in darkness, one can see the dawn of hope.

People stared at the boy holding the "cross" in the illustration and were slightly stunned.

——Praying to the cross, is this the symbol of which god?

A trace of surprise flashed in the little princess's eyes.

What a 'beautiful' little brother. Not worse than Brother Arthur!

The boy had a pair of clear, blue eyes like sapphires. His eyes were very peaceful and calm, and there was a hint of invisible melancholy in them.

——As if he was an angel lost in the world.

But the 'ugly fat man' behind him, who was dressed like a nouveau riche, completely broke this 'beauty'.

Just like an angel lost in the world, the ugly fat man had a disgusting and wanton smile on his face, and his eyes were greedily staring at the boy in front of him.

Hidden in the shadows, only the figure with a disgusting smile could be seen in front of him, forming a sharp contrast with the beautiful boy.

Such bright and dark illustrations, as clear as angels and demons, made many people feel disgusted for no reason after seeing them.

Claire and the others continued to look back.

Because the man's powerful big hand kept pushing the boy's back, the weak black-haired boy suddenly fell to the ground.

His face changed for the first time, and he hurriedly picked up the cross that had fallen to the ground.

When the cross was back in his hand, his expression gradually regained its composure.

Seeing this, many people were slightly stunned.

Obviously -

This boy should be the "protagonist" of this book! No one would think that the disgusting "fat guy" is the protagonist.

But the "treatment" of the protagonist this time doesn't seem to be very good!

Recalling what I saw before, the book said that two princes of Wallachia were held hostage in the Ottoman Empire. Could this boy be one of them!

So is he Vlad III. Tepes, or Radu?

People didn't continue to wonder for long, and a more exciting plot completely attracted their minds and eyes to the text in front of them.

The man suddenly grabbed the boy's beautiful black hair, dragged his head on the ground.

After entering a room, he threw the boy on the luxurious and wide bed, and then laughed disgustingly and fell on it.

"——!!!" Little Princess, Claire.

"Fuck!" Most male readers felt cold behind them.

Before the late 19th century, when Western heterosexual hegemony was influenced, sexual (gender) morality in the Ottoman Empire had always presented a different scene.

At that time, Istanbul people were famous for their love for young and beautiful men, and it had almost become a custom.

At this time, the boy lying in the book, holding a cross in his hand, felt the storm he was about to endure, and his face was confused, fearful and panicked.

He prayed to God, but still got no response.

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