The book finally revealed the true identity of this boy, Vlad III.

The man who would be known as the ‘Piercing King’ in the future.

At this moment, it was his dark and inhumane childhood. The boy’s delicate body, irrigated by the ugliness and full of human malice, still glowed with the light of faith.

The book gave a detailed description of the changes in Vlad III’s heart.

Even after encountering such a horrible and tragic thing, the boy still did not lose his faith in ‘God’, nor did he blame or resent God for not saving him, a loyal believer.

As a teenager, Vlad III murmured in his heart: ‘God, I will never ask you for any mercy.’

It was not a condemnation of God, but he realized a deeper truth.

At this moment, Vlad was very much like the cat-eared girl Yuzuha who was forced into a corner at that time, but Yuzuha had Flame to save her, and at this moment, the young Vlad III could only silently endure that dark life!

When people beg the gods they believe in for salvation, can they really be saved by gods?

Chapter 149: Turn the heart of praying for mercy into the belief of fighting for God!

‘Only by fighting! Fighting for God! ! Can we change all these unfair and dark situations, and cleanse and purge this sinful world! ’

‘——God will not help those who beg for help! ’

This is what Vlad III understood tonight.

‘God will not help those who beg for mercy, because that is not a prayer... it is just a request to God! ’

This amazing line of words, between the lines, reveals a sharpness that stimulates people's blood and hair.

The horrible experience that happened to Vlad III, which everyone would turn pale, and this unorthodox but soul-stirring words, the interpretation of ‘God’ and ‘faith’!

The impact generated by it, like the creation of the world, exploded in people's minds.

——Claire was stunned, and so was the little princess;

All the other people who were watching this were shocked.

Especially those who believed in God in their hearts, because of the words in the book, they were in a great trance!

"Just die, fighting is praying. After countless prayers, God will come, Jerusalem [the Kingdom of God] will come!" Vlad III! His reason was not crazy, his heart became more firm and profound, and his eyes were no longer confused.

Sublimating faith to the extreme, it becomes another kind of "persistence";

——even a will that seems a little "paranoid".

The figure of the boy and the "Piercing Prince" who appeared in the preface gradually overlapped.

The Grand Duke's mind was transforming, and it was also affecting the hearts of countless people.

They stared at the monologue of the "boy" in the story, and the illustration of the adult "Piercing Prince" impaling the enemy with "capital punishment", and they were all stunned.

Use "thorn stakes" to eliminate the sins and filth in the world! ——Is this his will, the path he chose? !

This unshakable, mountain-like belief!

This spirit that seemed to surge out of the book, shocking everyone!

A man's name was deeply engraved in people's minds - 'Vlad III'.

Just like the shock they felt when they first heard Arthur draw his sword, 'the idea of ​​smiling for the happiness of the people'.

At this moment, no matter whether people agree with his beliefs or not, no one can forget this name of Vlad III.

His soul has already jumped onto the paper -

All those who saw this, no matter how they opened their mouths, could not utter a word for a long time.

Not only this shocking belief.

The 'deep darkness' in the story also had an impact on the little princesses.

At this time, Princess Dawn was covering her mouth with both hands in a trance.

She... had never thought that there would be such cruel and dark things in the world.

Thinking about the terrible experience that just happened to 'Vlad III'.

'Such a thing... is this really an evil act that humans can do? ! That fat man and the so-called Ottoman Empire are even more terrible and disgusting than Casas! '

Many people turned pale, and they felt like vomiting when they thought of what happened to the Grand Duke.

Even those who disagreed with the Grand Duke's "impalement" seemed to understand why the man in the future would do such a "violent" action!

Any mentally and physically healthy person, after encountering these things, would not be able to maintain the same "normal" values ​​as ordinary people! If it were them, they would definitely retaliate!

- Retaliate fiercely! Or they might have a mental breakdown, become insane, or even completely despair.

And the performance of the "young Grand Duke" in the story who quickly firmed up his will was already amazing in people's eyes!

Perhaps in the eyes of the Grand Duke, those so-called "normal" are the biggest "abnormal". This "dark" era has long been "abnormal"! Only blood can wash and eliminate these darkness!

In 47, Drakuri and Vlad III's brother Mir were assassinated.

Wallachia suddenly lost its lord and heir.

In order to continue to control this land, the Ottoman Empire released Vlad III and his brother as hostages.

With the support of the Ottoman Empire, Vlad III Tepes succeeded his father as the Duke of Wallachia.

Two months later, he was defeated by Transylvanian Prince János Hunyadi and had to flee to Moldavia.

People witnessed the protagonist all the way, from a weak and beautiful boy to an "angel fallen to earth", to a slave of an Ottoman noble gay man, and then to a puppet of the "king" at the mercy of others!

This tragic life is unbearable to watch.

In addition, Vlad III originally had a handsome face.

For a time, countless people felt heartbroken and felt pity for him.

They really couldn't imagine that the boy who was so pious to God would become so cruel and cold-blooded after becoming the "Piercing King" in the future.

Is there something wrong?

Until now, people can clearly see that Vlad III in the book has never given up his "faith" in God.

Since he believes in "God", why does he have to make such a "brutal" punishment. Is that "God" an evil god?

And as the story progresses, people finally know the name of that "God".

It turned out to be that "Jesus Christ" again.

Isn't this the god that appeared in King Arthur?

The same name of "God" appeared in both stories.

Some people were also interested in this. They studied the book and even wanted to find out whether they could find the existence of "Britain" from it.

Some people even speculated that Britain might belong to the same "era" as Wallachia and the Ottoman Empire where the protagonist was this time.

Unfortunately, they had no idea about such a long "era".

Not only did they not know which "gods" there were at that time. They had never heard of the names of these countries and heroes.

Those nobles whose families were still ancient also thought with some regret and unwillingness.

Originally, they were complacent because their families had been passed down for several generations. But now it seems that they don't know as much as a "bard" in terms of cultural heritage.

This made these proud old nobles ashamed and angry.

However, compared with these nobles who like to nitpick, the common people now want to know what happened to the future Grand Duke to become the "Piercing Prince".

At this time, Vlad III still looked very weak.

And compared to Arthur, who had a smooth life and kept driving the Wushuang after drawing the sword until he even killed the Roman Sword Emperor, Vlad III's current life experience can only be described as "terrible".

How did he rise like this? !

Finally, four years after fleeing to Moldavia, the story took a turn for the better.

The Moldavia prince was assassinated, and Vlad III was welcomed back by Hunyadi.

Hunyadi did not kill him, but chose to support him behind the scenes, hoping that he could deal with the invader "Ottoman Empire", their common enemy.

And the Grand Duke did not disappoint Hunyadi. Five years later, the Grand Duke ruled Wallachia again.

He began to eliminate the great nobles in Wallachia and continuously concentrated power in his own hands.

This time he was in control, not as a "puppet" of the Ottoman Empire. He truly became the lord of this land.

Chapter 150 The 'Dragon Grand Duke' of 'Walachia'!

After that, Vlad III refused to continue paying tribute to the Ottoman Empire.

At that time, Romania, Hungary and other countries were oppressed by the Ottoman Empire and were almost annexed.

But Vlad III. Tepes dared to stand up and be the first bird at this time.

His behavior of resisting the 'Ottoman Empire' was very surprising and shocking to others, and also very stupid.

Just when everyone thought that the Grand Duke would not last long and would be defeated by the Ottoman Empire and even become a prisoner.

People continued to look at the back of the plot.

They saw the Grand Duke galloping on the land with the army named 'Walachia'.

They saw him repel the fierce invaders - the Sultan's guards again and again.

They saw the 'army' named after the country - 'Walachia'.

They were brave and good at fighting, and their heroic appearance even reminded readers of the knights of the Knights of the Round Table.

Vlad III, who was known as ‘Dracula’, gradually gained the reputation of ‘Dragon Duke’ and ‘Shield of Christianity’.

‘——Fight for God, fight for faith! ’

In the poems of blood and fire, in the songs of war, he fought a bloody road for the land under his feet!

And the beautiful boy at that time gradually grew into a tall and majestic black knight wearing armor.

“Fragmentation, destruction, destruction, dissipation…”

“At the end of countless prayers, God will come before me, before us, who are pitiful.”

“Only in this way will God come…!”

“God will come, come from heaven, and then what?”

In the illustration, a middle-aged handsome uncle bathed in blood and wearing heavy armor stands on a blood-stained corpse, standing in the rain forest of ‘thorn stakes’ that pierce the enemy.

His eyes are deep and vicissitudes.

...In a world of scarlet blood, a world where blood is about to run dry, the only thing left in the illustration in people's eyes seems to be that lonely figure.

Claire and the others were shaken and their eyes wavered when they saw this.

Many people wanted to say something but stopped, and wanted to say something but stopped. At this time, any "nonsense" imposed on the man in front of them seemed powerless.

They had not experienced the same thing as the Grand Duke, and they were not qualified to judge the other party's choice and life.

A truly sober person can see that although Vlad III's behavior and methods were brutal, he did protect his country and land.

But this "method" made many people who held old ideas and had a strong sense of justice feel unhappy.

At the end of the book, a special note suddenly attracted the attention of the silent people.

The origin of the title "The Impaler" is said to be originally due to Vlad III's cruel punishment.

He often used impalement not only on Turkish captives, but also on the nobles and people of his own country, and often nailed people to sharp stakes.

However, such punishments were not uncommon in Christian and Islamic countries at that time.

There was such a bold bold mark in the text, and people were also stunned.

The book specifically explained that the fierce reputation of "The Impaler" might be due to the deliberate propaganda of the Hungarians.

In other words--

Many people couldn't help but open their eyes wide and slightly opened their mouths when they saw this.

'--In that era, perhaps the punishment of "impalement" was a common thing! ! ! ’

When this thought came into people’s minds, their scalps went numb!

It was hard to believe and imagine what a ‘sinful’ era this was. In that case, if it was ‘the result of the times’, some of the Grand Duke’s actions would not seem so incomprehensible.

“Christianity, Islam——” Two completely unknown mysterious sects. Those who read this at this moment could not help but feel awe at the ‘churches’ and ‘gods’ in these books.

They didn’t know what the doctrines of these churches were, but the degree of ‘chaos’ in the country at that ‘era’ really amazed them.

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