He even started trying to evolve himself——

Find ways to become stronger from the outside world.

If the abyss wants to become stronger, it will naturally erode the world and make more areas become part of the abyss.

But how to erode the ground more efficiently?

According to the past experience of Abyss, it is natural to create more powerful monsters!

The monsters of the past have become familiar to the creatures on the earth, and they have gradually found their weaknesses and mastered how to deal with them.

Now the Abyss wants to try to create monsters that have never been created before...

In other words, Miss Abyss couldn't help it anymore. She was tired of the old and wanted a new figure!

So what should you pinch?

Miss Abyss, who has been thinking about this issue for thousands of years, has come up with many monster templates, but they are all new monsters DIYed from existing monsters.

The settings are old-fashioned, and even the advantages and disadvantages are almost the same... They are basically the same as the monsters in the past, and they are not innovative at all.


Miss Abyss finally realized how poor her creative skills were!

Starting to look for foreign aid...

Until she observed Andersen's epic and observed the dark soul.


‘…! ’

Is this an abyss compatriot from another world?

Hiss~! Looking at the fighting (mad dog) knight inside the high wall of Lochris, there was white ice all over his body - lying on the ground and walking twisted but with a big butt with a strange sense of beauty.

Love it~! ! Nice!

This is the image of the abyss monster she likes.


Miss Abyss, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't help but start crazy DIY new monsters.

In addition to the war knights, there are also black knights, silver knights, and even wolf knights who originally fought against the abyss...

? !

You say the attributes are wrong, but she doesn't care...

This aesthetic is too exciting for her, okay?

Create a bunch of Knights of the Abyss at once.

In particular, the battle knights spent a lot of effort and strengthened them.

But here comes a new problem——

Having created so many powerful abyssal creatures, they should be allowed to show off.

Naturally, it would be more pleasing to the eyes to place the knight in a place like the high wall of Chris?

Then use the power of the abyss to erode and cover it!

The thought of Miss Abyss makes me excited——!

ps: Of course - although the abyss is self-aware, it is not that anthropomorphic. This is just an exaggerated description for the convenience of understanding.

The real abyss does not have many human emotions, and the eyes when looking at things are as indifferent and cold as the vertical pupils before.

For her, the only goal is to instinctively expand the abyss.

When the God of Games arrived, something like a 'passage to another world' opened, attracting her attention.


Miss Abyss, who is not very strong and cannot even digest her own world, but has a huge appetite, has her eyes firmly fixed on the other world.

Even if it's just a suspected different world...

Stare~! Drooling!

This is probably what is eaten in the bowl and greedy in the pot!

And luckily, she didn't seem to have done anything, but a second fool (Second Prince:?! #%\u0026...) came to her door and wanted to help her build a high wall!

By the way...it seems like we can still test the attitude of the only god next door?

If it's too fierce, then restrain it. If you find it's just a paper tiger - then...

Chapter 1,318 The mad dog who even sacrificed himself——!

Fight against the weak, escape from the strong...

Even a three-year-old child can understand such a simple truth.

If the only god is really strong, then stop immediately——

That’s not called cowardice, it’s called being conscientious!

And Miss Abyss, who doesn’t understand death at all and doesn’t understand the fear of life and death in living things——

It's not that they are worried about being wiped out, they are simply expanding their territory in the most efficient way.

Otherwise, there would be no thought of provoking the realm of the only god.

At this time, Miss Abyss is already eager to try——!

I hope Er Fool can take action as soon as possible.

So, even the second prince didn't notice it. His eyes became brighter and redder, and his heart became more anxious.

at the same time--

on the other side,

As the true rulers of this country, Homura and Jizaru,

Okay - my sister is just a pendant,

The real mastermind behind this is Homura.

After people from other worlds watched the game life one after another, Homura's power of deception and the power of the game have been fully enhanced.

Just like eating a big mouthful of ice cream in the summer, it feels so refreshing and refreshing.

Although his pursuit of strength is no longer so urgent——

But being able to improve is naturally a happy thing.

"The spirit grid is more perfect... and there will be more power that can be used next." Yan was thinking about the changes in strength, unaware of Miss Abyss's restless heart.

At this time, Yan was still thinking about how to perfect his spirit faster. Even though he was already very strong, no one would dislike him becoming stronger.

Although he crossed the seventh ladder not long ago - his true combat power cannot be measured by ordinary methods.

Whether it was a simulated star creation chart or a world evolved by absorbing the spiritual power of the false sun god—all this made his spiritual power expand unprecedentedly.

And the more people believe in the existence of the game life world, the authority of fraud will be nourished and become stronger.

Especially the pan-faith brought about by the "Game Life" plot related to the game - although it is not much, just scraps, it is better because the base is large enough.

One person can provide 1 point of faith, and 100 million people can provide 100 million faith.

Even if one devout believer can provide 100 points of faith, how many devout believers are needed to make up the remaining gap.

Even if the main gods and orthodox religions with the largest number of believers in this continent were added together, there would definitely not be that many believers, let alone devout believers.

He is growing at a speed unimaginable to the gods.

But now all it takes is an opportunity to jump directly to the next level.

That is different from the regular seventh and eighth steps of universal ascension——

Instead, he embarked on a different path that was completely unknown to the gods...

Perhaps among the gods, only Hermitos, who has vaguely touched upon the spiritual power, can understand now.

At this time, Homura is stuck in a very critical position, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he can leap to a higher dimension.

"If you want to become stronger - there is no doubt that all you need to do is let more people believe that the existences in the epic are real." Yan thought.

There is one more reason to spread the epic in this world.

But the question is how to further deepen people’s trust——? Let them believe that there really is a world called Disbord on the other side of the world.

This can no longer be continued by simply adding epics!

There are always people who are interested in exploring the other side of the world——

If they find that they can't find the coordinates of another world, sooner or later they will become suspicious!

Homura frowned.

Although he can control multiple powers, he can even forge creation methods that change the world.

He even lent his power to the ‘Tetu’ who was born in this world——

Establish territories covered by ten covenants.

But that power also has its limits...

He can't do it now and really build a different world.

If he could do that kind of thing, he would be the God of Creation.

There is no need to deceive others in order to get an upgrade.

Wouldn't it be nice to directly embody the game world inside your body into a real Disbod?

It seems like we have to find an opportunity (reason) to do something——!

Yan thought deeply in his heart, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

What the eyes see may not be true, and what the ears hear may also be false.

Who says that scenes from epics cannot be reproduced in reality, and this——

He is the most familiar!

Free real-life ‘immersive’ experience – he’s really generous!

And before Homura starts to cause trouble...

Things came to my door on my own initiative.

At this moment - the second prince, who had become somewhat abysmal, was in a trance, and headed to the square in the center of the capital with red eyes -

It was also the place where Homura and Himezuru gave speeches when they became the new kings the next day.

As the capital of the entire Kingdom of Lucia, it is the area with the most traffic during the day.

As long as the seeds of the abyss are buried here and stimulated with the flesh and blood prepared in advance, within half an hour, the abyss will form and swallow everything around it.

Originally, the second prince wanted to put it directly into the palace.

But with his current status, he can't even enter the palace gate, and he's even worse than his stupid sister.

Everyone in the palace was required to deliberately admit defeat through games when the new king ascended the throne to ensure their loyalty, and behavioral restrictions were set.

Just like the blank spaces in epic poems...

The wings that the second prince and other princes had planted were either cut off or taken back.

This was also one of the things that deeply irritated the second prince.

"Eat. Eat until you are full, and then knock those two outsiders down to the deepest part of the abyss!" At this time, the second prince opened the magic box containing the seeds of the abyss, with a sick smile on his face, and put the magic box into the abyss. Reversal...the seeds were dumped directly into the open-air fountain in the center of the square.

Then the second prince took out the bottle containing the dragon's blood.

The blood of powerful creatures - more perfect than ordinary flesh and blood, it can give birth to the formation of the abyss.

Especially a rare and naturally powerful creature like a giant dragon——

Only a small amount of blood is needed to meet the birth needs of the abyss.

As a prince, he could still get a drop of dragon's blood.

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