
At this time, the second prince did not notice anything strange about himself. It was obvious that these things should be left to the dead soldiers who were loyal to him.

While the seeds of the abyss were planted, he should have fled the capital now.

Once the abyss unfolds here, the entire city will not be spared, and the only way to be safe is to escape to the outside world.

And in order to seize the throne, it doesn’t matter even if the kingdom’s capital and people are completely destroyed——

In order to ensure that all contenders for the throne are dead, it is even more necessary to be ruthless.

But the second prince never thought that he would be tricked to death?

Chapter 1,319 What’s more terrifying than death is not being able to work? !

He had no idea of ​​his dangerous situation.

The second prince, who was in a trance, even began to fantasize about the day when he ascended the throne.

The second prince's trance state was finally discovered by some people.

"That's... His Highness the Second Prince? What is he doing in the pool?" Pedestrians passing by looked at the Second Prince with a twisted smile as he held the empty magic box in confusion.


No, we should call the former prince His Highness now!

Passers-by were reminded that the new king had been crowned the greatest gambler in mankind...

Speaking of which, he even went to listen to the previous speech.

Some people noticed that the second prince's eyes were glowing with an ominous red light at this time, and they were also startled.

‘Isn’t it because the seizure of the throne was such a huge shock that I couldn’t think of doing anything dangerous? ’ Some people speculate.

People have only seen that kind of bright red color that selects and devours people, only in wild beasts that have lost their minds.

This made people who were originally curious couldn't help but stay away from the second prince.

Just like a normal person would instinctively avoid a madman, for fear of being targeted by the crazy second prince.

Even if you believe that the ten covenants can protect you,

But he still instinctively avoids danger!

Finally, some patrolling guards saw the second prince who was in an abnormal state at this time. Just when they wanted to step forward and ask something.


The sky darkened, and when the dragon's blood dripped into the pool,

The abyss began to expand silently——

The crowd of onlookers still didn't know how terrifying something was coming.

Just the change in the surrounding air and atmosphere still made their bodies stiffen subconsciously.


There was a crisp sound in the air, which was the sound of the shell cracking.

But a creepy feeling arises in people's hearts for no apparent reason...

For a moment, an infinite hallucination seemed to appear in front of people's eyes - darkness, depth, and despair that engulfed the soul kept emerging in front of people's eyes.

At the same time, there seemed to be a small tragic whisper whispering in the ear——

The sound seemed to be in my ears, but it felt like it was not coming from around me.

Instead, it seemed to echo from the depths of my own heart.

"Then...what is that?" People were stunned in horror.

After listening carefully, I realized that the voice was extremely familiar. The miserable wailing sound was like a wailing sound coming from hell—it was actually my own voice? !

! ! ! All of a sudden, people were frightened.

Don't know what happened...


"What was that just now?"

And when no one was paying attention, darkness had begun to spread from the pool and unknowingly swallowed up the surroundings.

Naturally, the second prince, who was in the closest position, could not escape...

It wasn't until the moment when he was enveloped by the absolute abyss that even the five senses were peeled off that the second prince finally woke up suddenly.

Just like the feeling of despair felt by Overlord Wonir who fell into the depths of the abyss.

The second prince was horrified to find that he did not know when he appeared here and was surrounded by endless darkness...

He struggled to make a sound to call for help - only to hear an inhuman roar from his own throat.

Then his five senses and consciousness began to blur and become distorted - he gradually forgot his own existence and the fact that he was still a living individual.

In a world without light...

Couldn't hold on even for one more second!

And this is a normal thing, right? The despair that even the will of a strong man like Overlord Warnir cannot resist, a disease caused from the depths of his soul.

How could a mere human prince resist the erosion of the abyss?


In fact, it was not that there was no chance to resist.

Under the coverage of the ten covenants, even the will of the abyss cannot directly affect the second prince with the help of a seed.

But if the second prince takes the initiative to have the idea of ​​contacting the power of the abyss——

Then the ten covenants will automatically judge the second prince and accept the harmfulness of that power.

There are also examples of this in game life.

Those who want to pry into the power of the abyss are eventually swallowed by the abyss...

This has long been a rare and strange thing.

Obviously there is a fresh warning of Overlord Warnir ahead,

But those who still overestimate their own capabilities and try to control the power of the abyss,

Made the same mistake again.

In the end - swallowed by desire and enveloped by the abyss, he began to transform, and the second prince's human form began to disappear.

It was also at this time that people finally realized with horrified eyes that the world seemed to be swallowed up, and the sky and earth suddenly disappeared.

The square disappeared, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into complete silence.

Can't tell the difference between east, west, north, south, directly above and directly below.

He couldn't even feel whether he was stepping on an entity under his feet. The scene in front of him was just like when Overlord Warnir was being defeated.

That world is so silent and so dark that it's hair-raising.

But Warnir still has a luminous vessel that can illuminate the cold, all-devouring hurricane and the scene in the abyss.

But they really couldn't see anything.

However, Abyss did not immediately complete their transformation.

Different from the second prince——

After the second prince accepted the power of the abyss, the transformation had already begun subtly.

Only then did the abyss seeds sprout and immediately turned into monsters.

But it was the first time for everyone else to see this abyss, and their hearts were filled with horror and resistance.

Although this abyss has begun to instinctively reject the power of the Ten Covenants...

But Homura’s authority has already enveloped the entire capital of the Kingdom of Lucia——

A law that even the gods cannot peek into and find out...

Still, he infiltrated into the abyss forcefully and protected Lucia's citizens from harm.

And this feeling of being roughly thrust into by a foreign object made Miss Abyss very uncomfortable——

The mood gradually became irritable, ashamed and angry.

Not to mention - the power of the ten external covenants is still resisting her invasion speed.

What causes the territory of the Abyss to expand is like a turtle crawling,

In addition to the initial explosion that engulfed the territory around the square pool, it became extremely difficult to go outside.

Not being able to expand means not being able to work——

For a senior foodie, that would probably be more uncomfortable than killing her...

After all, the abyss is part of the manifestation of the laws of the world, and there is no concept of death at all.

Unless the world breaks with it.

She is not afraid of death, but what is more terrifying than death is that someone stops her from cooking!


The cook is angry~!

She increased the speed of the second prince's transformation, hoping to strengthen the stability of this abyss territory through powerful abyss monsters and strengthen the connection with herself.

Finally, the appearance of the second prince was gradually transformed into that of a fighting knight.

In the darkness - people finally saw tiny bits of white light,

After taking a closer look, everyone realized that it was actually white mist that was filled with frightening coldness...!

Holding in his hand a work of art, a straight sword forged from ice, the Mad Dog Knight slowly rose from the darkness.

Looking at that twisted, huge, ferocious figure with a different kind of beauty——

For a moment, everyone's breathing stopped!

Chapter 1,320 It turns out that despair (idiot) is contagious!

That direction...

Is it His Royal Highness? No, it’s impossible!

Everyone looked at the knight who had completely changed in horror.

An icy, biting chill spread from the air and heart at the same time.

At this time, people finally no longer have to wonder whether there is something abnormal about the second prince——

He was so abnormal that he not only did dangerous things, but even got involved himself.


Everyone was cursing in their hearts. I won’t say what the second prince’s behavior was like, but he was really a dog! !

How much hatred and resentment is there?

Do you have to kill yourself first in order to kill them?

At this time, the hearts of these passers-by are really quite complicated, MMP!

On the other side, the Ice Knight let out a beastly roar——

That's not a human sound at all.

Someone has already recognized his true identity as the 'Fighting Knight'.

After all, the Soul series epic is also a very popular work in this world.

People are deeply impressed by this advanced abyss monster——

Not to mention that some people have already experienced the experience of being chased by this mad dog with chills all over its body in the immersive Dark Souls game.

This extremely powerful monster is a proper new adventurer - bah, the killer of the new "Ashes"!

In order to conquer the Conquest Knight...

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