
Only later did people realize that they had misunderstood the soldier.

Staying here is not only to accompany the master, but also another important mission of Shiv has been mentioned again! !

That is... In order to prevent future generations from making the same mistake as Artorius, Sif chose to keep the Ring of Walking in the Abyss, inherit the will of the Wolf Knight, and keep the wolf swordsmanship in the world with his tricky tongue to commemorate his master.


The warrior in front of him came for this, for the ring.

And this is indeed the case——

The warrior who once rescued Sif had to draw his sword against Sif in order to spread the fire, and obtained the "Walking in the Abyss" to fill the royal weapon.

At this time, people couldn't help but said in silence: "Spread the fire?"

Chapter 1,337: The mirror image hit someone when he died!

Wait-wait a minute...! !

Are you afraid that soldier is not ‘Ashes’? ! Still immortal!

People's eyes widened instantly.

Actually...it's related to Chuhuo again?

At the same time - people once again thought of something they didn't want to think about, and sweat broke out behind their backs.

Whether it’s the French Immortal Team or Artelius’s backside,

There seemed to be a fire warrior appearing.

Is it possible that the parts about the first fire and the passing of the fire are also prophecies and not fabrications?

Such a terrifying cannibal world——!

Is this actually the world they live in? !

People took a deep breath, their hearts beat faster, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

But think about it carefully, if it is really as they guessed——

Then it’s not called prophecy, but it’s about revealing the nature of the world!

Is it true that clairvoyance can even see things like that?

...on the other side,

No matter what people think at this time.

The giant wolf Sif, with a heavy and helpless mood,

Still whimpering, he slowly walked to the sword tomb, picked up the great sword of Artelius in his mouth, and

Maybe it's to commemorate the master, or maybe it's to test whether the warrior... really has the ability to fight against the abyss.

The giant wolf Sif did not use his claws, and competed with the warriors with wolf swordsmanship throughout the whole process.

at last--

In this showdown between glorious ‘warriors’ that no one can stop.

Schiff lost...

Although it is just a wolf, it must possess a heroic and noble knightly character that is no less than its master.

People couldn't help but watch the scene where Shiv finally turned into droplets and scattered around.

There was silence for a moment——!

Are the endings of heroes so unacceptably tragic?

No matter if you are a big A who sacrifices yourself for others,

No matter if it was Sif who had loyally guarded the Abyss Walking Ring for hundreds of years.

People believe that Shiv wanted to follow his master the moment he passed away.

Just like the former Wasp Knight Kiaran,

It was only the mission and sense of responsibility that it learned and inherited from Artelius that drove it to make the decision to guard it alone for hundreds of years.

If not,

Would anyone really like to live alone in front of a tombstone for hundreds of years?

People believe that Shiv's feelings for his master are not bad either.

At this time, I think of the white cat, the little wolf, and A when they were young, and they talked about the days they longed for the future.

! ! !

knife--! ! Combined with the scenes in front of me and the emotional rendering of the story, it’s really awesome!

No one screamed in mourning, but the silence at this time was better than the sound.

The whole space became silent as never before,

People couldn't help but hold their breath, as if this was the greatest tribute to the two noble knights, one man and one wolf.

Here - in this dead silence, the only thing that can still be heard clearly is probably the sound of weapons clashing from behind the purple-black high wall and the abyss not far away.

This story seems very long but is not actually very long, but it is not short either.

The battle on the opposite side seems to be gradually getting fiercer, and the result is about to be decided.

Merlin: “Okay—that’s the end of Artreus’ story.

Alas, the transfer magic spell is almost completed.

While we still have some time, why not come and see how the person in question is doing now. "

Following Merlin's line of sight, people looked behind the high wall where the abyssalized Artelius and the mirror image were fighting——

Then Merlin tapped the staff on the ground gently,

Randomly - pieces spread out from the place of knocking like ripples on the water.

Then people were surprised to find that when the ripples passed that high wall,

The entire wall suddenly became transparent.

People were able to see clearly the fighting conditions inside the high walls.

Bang~! ! Sonorous! !

The sound of metal intertwined swords and weapons clashing,

There was also the terrifying sound of the sword crushing and tearing the air when Artelius swung his great sword, and the sound of pressure was heard continuously.

And because of the transparency of the wall,

People finally no longer have to listen to the sound to guess the intensity of the fighting inside.

When I saw a familiar figure——Ashes,

He is constantly dodging the attacks of Wolf Knight Artreus, and only occasionally will his weapons collide.

It seems that he is very afraid of confronting A University head-on.

"...Is this, is this really a mirror image?" People were stunned.

The scene inside is too real——

It was so real, it wasn't that Merlin said it was just an illusion before, they all thought it was the real ashes before the boss battle started.

For a time, those who had played the immersive game Dark Souls had a bright feeling.

I wonder if there will be a scene against Big A in that game world in the future!

Hiss~! Although A University's current offensive and strength are really terrifying.


There are unlimited resurrections and the opportunity to experience battles with legendary heroes for free.

this--! !

They can't control themselves at all.

Uh-but the pain adjustment should be a little lower.

These people shrank their necks, feeling excited, expecting, and a little afraid of the pain!

God knows how many times you need to die to be able to dodge the overwhelming sword and abyssal aura attacks like the extremely coquettish 'Ashes' mirror image inside.

At this moment, looking at the mirror image ‘Ashes’…

Everyone didn't know whether it was directly controlled by Merlin.

But I couldn't help but shout out the word "awesome" in my heart.

...! !

This is too skillful!

Could it be that Merlin also plays Dark Souls and has already reached the late stage? ! People complained inwardly.

But after all, it was just an illusion, so it shouldn't be able to harm Artreus.

They also became a little nervous,

If the mirror image is defeated - Artreus may also attack Merlin again.

They were counting on Merlin to take them out.

So people actually felt a little conflicted in their hearts...

On the one hand, they want to continue watching the exciting battle between Ashes and Big A.

On the other hand, he was worried that it would affect Merlin and cause the space transfer magic to fail.

No matter what, your own safety is the most important thing——!

Damn it, it would be great if they were in the outside world now and could see the scene here directly through the broadcast.

Just when everyone was extremely conflicted——

But he forgot that in the battle just now, Mirror Ashes didn't just dodge, there were also times when the weapons collided.

The sparks of intertwined metal and the atmospheric vibrations emitted when the force collides are not fake.

Speaking of which - isn't there a way to say it?

An illusion cannot be passed off as a real illusion - can it be called a real illusion? !

Merlin: ‘Who said illusions can’t kill people? ! ’

at the same time--

The two figures were fighting fiercely in the field, and the battle situation had also undergone surprising changes.

When people see that scene,

All the conflicts, uneasiness, and even excitement in my heart disappeared.

I don't know when, after A's sword pierced and struck from the sky, the mirror ashes had already touched behind him.

Then an execution backstab—!

People can even imagine the exciting sound effects during the execution.

When he saw the long sword piercing A's chest, a large amount of black and unknown blood spattered out, almost forming a fountain and gushing out.

Everyone: "woc!!"

Chapter 1,338 Human, you are very strong!

"Human, you are strong."

Witnessing a fierce battle, Artreus's voice was heard again for the first time in a long time.

It seemed that this blow was so severe that it awakened Artelius's will after a long time, temporarily freeing him from the erosion of the abyss——!

And looking at this incredible scene, looking at the fountain splashing on A's chest,

At this time, people were already speechless——!

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