The mirror image, the 'Ashes' created as an illusion, actually hurt Artreus.

Were they really not collectively hallucinating that backstab? ! ! At this moment, everything was silent, and everyone was speechless.

at the same time--

People heard Artreus inside the high wall continue to say: "There is no doubt that your family is not just pure darkness."

"I request you to stop the spread of the abyss."

After saying that, more purple-black mist suddenly spewed out from Artreus's body, and he let out a heart-shaking roar again, and the beast-like Abyssal Artreus appeared again.

After a brief awakening of consciousness, what seemed to be the second stage of stronger blackening.

And those who heard Artelius’s words very clearly,

Knowing that he should regard the mirror image 'Ashes' as a real life, a real human being.


Would Artelius say those words?

For a moment, people's faces showed expressions of confusion and shock.

At a loss——

What is 'pure darkness', and does it have any necessary connection with them humans?

And shocking——

It's an epic scene comparable to movie CG.

Artelius——just now, did he acknowledge Ashes and praise his strength?

Wait, that's not right...

This ashes is just a mirror image created by Merlin!

Thinking of this, people's faces suddenly became a little weird.

There was still a feeling of excitement at first.

But when I think about the warrior being praised, it is just an illusion...


Even if he knew that University A just didn't see through Merlin's magic trick and was deceived,

But this kind of thing is still weird no matter how you think about it!

Boom~! !

At this time the fighting became more intense,

Even Artelius's feet seemed to turn into an abyss, expanding as he continued to walk,

The terrifying purple-black viscous liquid gradually formed a stream as it moved,

Such an ominous posture, even across a high wall——

It also makes people feel a little shuddering.

At this time, with Artelius's explosion, Mirror Ash's dodge seemed to be no longer as flexible as before.

Gradually it became a bit difficult...

Amidst people's exclamations, they saw the mirror image ashes suddenly being chopped away. They struggled to get up, but finally fell to their knees without any strength and gradually turned into real non-burnable garbage and dissipated.

And after the group of wolf knights in blue armor, Artelius, lost their original target,

The eyes seemed to be emitting bright red light in the darkness——

He turned his head suddenly, almost instinctively, and locked onto the next target...

That is the direction of Merlin.

When everyone standing behind Merlin saw the terrifying look in his eyes, cold sweat broke out on their backs.

What happened——!

Are you being targeted?

How could it be at this time?

"Mer...Merlin...sir...are you still okay?

That transfer...magic...! "At this time, the guard closest to Merlin asked with a trembling voice and a tone that was about to make him cry.

Just now I just watched as a third party and it didn’t feel like much.

At this moment, he was stared directly at by the terrifying Abyssal Artelius,

He seemed to see the crisis of death approaching.

It is a kind of instinctive feeling of horror and fear when facing the abyss.

At this time, everyone was getting goosebumps.

wocwocwoc! ! Their brain nerves began to tense up, constantly reminding them to stay away from the owner of those eyes.

Danger--! Extremely dangerous!

Now University A is obviously irrational again!

They won't hack us all to death!

Thinking of this...

Sometimes the fear of looking directly into the abyss is much scarier than being in the abyss!

Human fear stems from the fantasy of the unknown.

This is probably the case at this time——! If someone stands from God's perspective, they can find that these people who are deep in the abyss at this time are even more depressed and frightened than when they just fell into the abyss before.

at the same time,

The ‘Abyss’ who feels countless negative emotions of fear, trembling, and horror are emanating from human beings,

As abyssal consciousness itself…

But I am extremely happy about this kind of breath.

Even the abyss consciousness with indifferent emotions will have the instinct to feel happy when passing by a beautiful scenic spot and seeing brightly blooming flowers.

Life’s pursuit of beauty——

It’s actually the same as Abyss’ pursuit of these negative emotions.

And therefore——

Miss Abyss, who couldn't figure it out and couldn't find the 'memory of the distant past', felt this unexpected joy.

I no longer think about the origins of these abyss warriors.

Anyway, an abyss warrior who can bring a pleasant atmosphere to it is a good abyss!

These knights with her aura are clearly her children! !

(Abyss: Happy, happy, gratified!! Comfortable! Happy! Like it!)

At this time, Shen Yuanzi was no longer entangled in those things.

Anyway, she has a long time to verify those answers one by one,

It's just a pity that those humans still can't be transformed and eroded into new children.

Since I can't be my own child,

Then there is nothing that can be done about being killed by other children.

And Artelius, the ‘good boy’ in her eyes,

At this time, it was also approaching everyone.

At this critical moment, Merlin moved forward, further blocking the front line of everyone.

"The technique has been can retreat at any time!" Merlin said as he suddenly took out a very familiar holy sword.

He didn't care about the precious phantom in Merlin's hand.

People who were still sweating because they were targeted by Artelius,

When I heard the news, I was stunned at first, and then I was ecstatic!

"Ah, finally...done?!!"

Great, I can finally leave this hellish place.

At this time, people could not wait to move closer to Merlin and let him activate the spatial transfer magic spell to take them away from here.

The guards have begun to miss the familiar patrol streets,

The peasant woman has begun to miss her fields outside the city.

The husband misses his wife and children,

Everyone begins to miss that place where they can feel at ease.

Although the trip to the abyss is frightening and unexpectedly exciting,

But it's too dangerous! It's too dangerous!

If possible, ordinary people would never want to experience this kind of dangerous experience again.


When people looked at Merlin, they noticed that he did not raise his staff to cast a spell.

Instead, he raised the holy sword in his hand.

? ? ?

Flower Magician——What do you want to do?

Chapter 1,339 Until the last moment, he blamed himself and regretted it!

"Merlin...!!! Ah, he, he...that Artreus is coming!

Come here, come here——!

Hurry up and activate the transfer technique and get out of here! "

Someone noticed with keen eyes that the abyssal wolf knight suddenly moved and let out a loud cry of terror.

At this time, Artreus suddenly increased his speed, then faster and faster, and faster and faster——

In the end, it was like a violent torrent of steel (ferocious beast), making a terrifying trampling sound and attacking people!

The sound of the armors colliding with each other during the fierce running could even be clearly heard in the air.

In almost the blink of an eye, A, who had been carried away by the 'mirror' ashes due to the battlefield, moved to the distance, and his figure became clearer and clearer.

The menacing force left no doubt that with the next breath, the abyssal knight would come directly to the front and pierce everyone to death with a sword, or chop them down, or cut them in half.

"Hahahaha, don't be anxious! Before we leave, let's give this noble knight a final gift! Ex——calibur!!"

Facing the rampaging terrifying knight, Merlin laughed heartily, raised the holy sword high and called out its true name.

The next moment——

In the depths of this dark abyss where no sunlight can be seen.

In the dark world——

The torrent of light illuminates the world again!

It wasn't until that moment that people understood the reason why Merlin suddenly pulled out the holy sword.

"Holy... Sword!!" Hermitos blurted out as he looked at the light and shadow in the live broadcast.

Even though it was not the first time I saw this glorious scene.

But when he saw it again - he still showed an instant fascination and shock.

The glory that gathered the hearts of the knights and guided countless knights.

Use this to deal with that knight——

This is really...

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