During these two years, his ministers raised a huge ransom of 150,000 for him and welcomed Richard back to the kingdom.

When Lionheart returned, the nation celebrated, and no one came to blame the king who had cost them such a high ransom. They believed that even if Richard was defeated here for a while, as long as he came back, he would be able to stand up in the future.

This is a very simple 'reason' - this country can be without anyone, and it can also be without that expensive reward of 150,000, but it cannot be without the 'Lionheart King'. It is full of the ministers' longing and belief in the king.

Also trapped in another country, Mr. Puncture waited for twelve years.

He has been waiting for twelve years but there is no news. The nobles, ministers and people in the country may have forgotten such a "ghost general who protects the country", let alone wanting to save him.

Those Romanians wished the 'cruel tyrant' the Impaler would never come back.

Now this Dragon Master is truly ‘desperate’!

When Yan combined the original history and various secondary settings about the Impaler to write this paragraph, his heart was very complicated.

He personally likes the role of "Puncturer" very much, mostly because of his "persistence" and his heartfelt "love" for the country.

He is a hero, but not a perfect king.

There are also tyrants named ‘Gilgamesh’, ‘Alexander III’, ‘Tyrant Nero’ and ‘Tyrant Caesar’ in history.

Although these kings are also known as "violent" because of their respective personalities or certain deeds.

But they have many supporters and admirers. The ‘fame’ and ‘achievements’ of being a king are also more dazzling.

There is a saying by Iskandar in "Xingyue" that Yan agrees with very much: "The so-called king is more greedy than the people in the world, laughs more joyfully, and is more angry. No matter whether it is pure or dirty, it is because he has reached the top." Only in this way will the ministers be envious of the king, be attracted by the king, and light up the light of longing "I also want to be a king" in the hearts of all people in the world. ’


The living environment of Vlad III was very different from that of the Conqueror King, and the King of Conqueror's royal ways may not necessarily suit him.

But for the Archduke who was too obsessed with establishing the 'correct order', he was even cruel to the point of almost driving himself crazy.

He takes 'Wallachia' too seriously... A person carries all the burden on himself as the 'monarch'.

As a bystander, Homura can see it more clearly.

... Not only did those ministers not forgive and understand the king's good intentions, but instead regarded him as a cruel ruler and a devil who "killed innocent people indiscriminately".

Perhaps it was the failure to establish a 'bond' of mutual understanding between the monarch and his ministers that caused Duke Impaler to remain unnoticed for the last twelve years. If Lord Impaler can be like the Lion-Hearted King, let the people and themselves be of one mind.

'Wallachia' is afraid that they will betray the enemy and welcome this 'ghost general who protects the country' back to their country.

(I feel that the Grand Duke is more suitable as a general than a king. A general with a charismatic personality and a strong ‘patriotic sentiment’ like Yue Wumu. The above remarks about the Grand Duke are all personal understandings, and I don’t like to misrepresent them. Everyone is welcome to express their opinions.)

No matter what, everything should be figured out in twelve years.

——At this time, the Impaler, because he converted to Catholicism, had completely lost the support of the people of Wallachia who believed in the Orthodox Church.

However, Homura had nothing to say about the Grand Duke's actions. When he wrote this, he even felt a little 'sarcastic'.

Where is the "popular support" in Wallachia!

People who truly understand and support Vlad III will never forget his achievements just because he changed his beliefs.

And most people who have already 'forgotten' the Impaler are even less likely to have any 'popular feelings' towards the Grand Duke.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy were originally the same church in the past.

But in 1954, a split occurred between the east and west parts of the church. The Western Church centered in Rome calls itself the 'Catholic Church', that is, Catholicism. (Western Roman Empire area)

The Eastern Church, centered in Constantinople, became the ‘Orthodox Church’, the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Later, the Eastern Roman Empire was destroyed by the Ottoman Turks, and the center of the Orthodox Church gradually moved to Moscow with the marriage of the princess of the Byzantine Principality.

Around the Ottoman Empire, Wallachia can be said to be one of the few countries that can still maintain the religious tradition.

This is also inseparable from the efforts of the Grand Duke.

The land that should have been invaded by the 'Islamic' pagans and crushed by Turkish soldiers like Eastern Rome has been surviving until now because of the name of the man named 'The Impaler'.

But people don’t remember ‘his’ goodness.

As Homura deliberately integrated these ‘issues’ in the book, he skillfully integrated the complex religious ‘issues’ into the plot one by one, fully exposing them so that people could ‘discover’ them by themselves inadvertently!

His bad taste intensified;

Homura: ‘Think about it! Only by thinking can people understand more of the unknown and turn it into known things. ’

Speaking of which——

Regarding the essence of ‘gods’, ‘religion’ and ‘belief’.

What kind of answer will humans in another world get after reading this book... Homura is looking forward to it in his heart.

Just thinking of this made him feel a lot brighter and happier. We might see some interesting things in the future.

In the plot, as people progress in reading, Vlad III's "life" also comes to an end.

Two years after regaining his freedom, Duke the Impaler, on the orders of Matthias I, led the Hungarian army to support Stephen III, who was defeated by Mehmet II at the Battle of the White Valley.

Subsequently, the Grand Duke and Stefan III forced back the Turkish army, and then joined forces to expel his brother 'Radu', the 'puppet monarch' of the Ottoman Empire, from Wallachia.

He finally regained his 'throne'.

Seeing this, Claire and the little princess shed tears of joy, and they all felt happy for the Grand Duke.

——Is this the time when the clouds finally clear and the moon shines brightly? ! No~!

Homura quickly told the girls what true 'cruelty' means!

Turning to the next page, before their pretty faces could fully smile, Claire and the little princess's expressions suddenly froze.

Soon they discovered that Andersen had written this ‘hero’ to death!

Chapter 153: The Ghost General who protects the country has EX-level unique skills!

"Ah!!!!" the girls screamed.

‘——Dead! Really dead! ’

In the same year, it is said that it may also be the second year after the Archduke returned to rule Wallachia. In a battle with the Ottoman Empire, the once "undefeated" protector actually fell.

Some people say that the internally hostile Wallachian nobles sent someone to assassinate him.

In short, the head of the impaled male was eventually embalmed with Ottoman military honey, taken to Constantinople, and placed on a wooden stake for public display.

His body was also buried in a monastery in Snagbo.

Seeing this, the girls felt that a certain belief and longing in their hearts suddenly collapsed.


Impossible! That’s not right! ?

How could the Grand Duke die? He is the patron saint of Wallachia!

How could the 'Imperial Duke', who had clearly defeated the 'Turkish soldiers' many times and beaten the ferocious Sudanese soldiers to the ground, lose to his former defeated generals?

The girls couldn't understand.

Claire and the others had somewhat confused looks on their faces.

Could it be that twelve years of silence had caused Vlad III's commanding ability to fade? This, can’t it?

Or is it that Vlad III is demoralized and no longer has the ferocious fighting spirit he once had against the Turkish invaders?

Obviously, at the last moment, everyone thought this was an inspirational story about "suffering hardships and avenging previous shame".

As a result, the next moment, Mr. Andersen told them that this was a complete 'tragedy'!

Twelve years of waiting, twelve years of despair, in exchange for less than two years of returning to the throne! ! ?

Oh my God! It’s so fucked up!

Claire burst into tears.

Damn Andersen! Nima, NMD, what are they written about?

Alas, hero! That’s the protagonist!

He actually killed another one. Um……? Why do you want to use the word 'again'?

Suddenly remembering the last hero 'Baling' who was written to death by flames, Claire instantly felt even worse.

This guy is a devil!

It's not enough to kill the strongest knight Baling, now he has killed 'my' Grand Duke!

My Grand Duke is already miserable enough! Can't we let him enjoy a peaceful and happy time?

‘Eh——? ! Wait, what is this? ’

Claire suddenly saw that there were illustrations behind the finale. There seems to be a large paragraph of words densely packed below. Extra? Or other biographical trailers?

The girl was confused in her heart, but there was still no smile on her face.

‘NMD Andersen is a thief! ’ Don’t think you can bribe this lady by writing some extras! Claire's eyes were burning with fire.

The Grand Duke has been written to death by you. He must be like Baling. He cannot be resurrected.

Since she couldn't resurrect the Grand Duke, she still had the mood to watch other things.

This time she will never 'believe' in the thief Andersen!

——I won’t watch it, I definitely won’t watch it, I will never watch it! I want to boycott the unscrupulous bard who killed the Grand Duke! ! !

The girl thought firmly in her heart.

On the other side, the little princess said: "Oh...what if it is really 'resurrected'? Brother Andersen should give the Grand Duke a good ending!"

After hesitating for a moment, the little princess looked towards the illustration.

It was a scene of the Grand Duke sitting quietly on the throne and playing the erhu.

Below is a series of data that surprised and confused the little princess.

That is the data panel of the Archduke Gun after becoming a heroic spirit.

Vlad III's daily hobbies "cooking and textiles" are also marked below.

The girl's eyes widened and she opened her mouth in shock.

She never thought that that iron-blooded man, that cruel and cold-blooded impaler in the eyes of the world, would be like this on a daily basis——

How can I put it, it is too ordinary and too unique.

The little princess suddenly felt sour inside.

Her mind trembled. ‘Could it be that cooking delicious food or doing embroidery in your free time is what the Grand Duke likes in life? ’

As a God's perspective, the little princess can see how much effort the Grand Duke has put into Wallachia, so she will not misunderstand the Grand Duke like those Romanians.

She knew that the reason why the Grand Duke was so 'cruel' was just a sign of being extremely responsible for the 'laws and regulations' he had enacted.

Andersen's brother also said in the article that the sense of justice of the Impaler even reached the level of "harshness".

This is why Romanians cannot accept him.

Perhaps if he were more gentle, there would be unexpected results.

But who would have thought that the Grand Duke in his daily life would really have such a gentle side!

"For everyone, to protect Wallachia. Vlad III gave up his favorite cooking and textiles and took up arms to defend the country. Woohoo - such a Grand Duke actually died." Thinking of this, the little princess was even more sad.

She then looked at the text behind the illustration and was stunned.

That was a corner of the story of the "world" hundreds of years after the death of the Grand Duke.

It tells how the Grand Duke was framed and his image was deteriorated by his former "enemies".

After his death, the Irish bard Abraham Bram Stoker wrote a work "Dracula" based on the prototype of the Impaler, which became a hit.

Dracula has become synonymous with vampires, and has become a demon image that worships blood and takes the lives of millions of people.

The name ‘Dracula’ [Grand Duke of the Dragon], which originally symbolized the sacred dragon emblem of the Dragon Knights, has also become a synonym for vampires, evil creatures in the shadows and darkness.

Seeing this, the girl’s face instantly turned red.

She was so shocked by this ‘shameless’ thing that she couldn’t bear it anymore.

He was a hero and king who protected Romania, and even had the name ‘Shield of Christianity’.

How could this be!

He was dead, why did they still make the Grand Duke into an evil creature in the abyss like a vampire?

I remembered the various descriptions of vampires in various stories about their cunning, coldness, and cruelty.

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