The little princess shook her head desperately, and tears as big as beans fell from her eyes.

It's not like that! It's not like that!

Fortunately, no one saw this scene.

To make such a lovely girl cry, Yan is really a man with a "deep sin"!

"Heroic Spirit?" The little princess was suddenly stunned and murmured when she saw something while crying.

Later in the book, it was described that the Piercer became a Heroic Spirit after his death, and was summoned by a magician among humans hundreds of years later, and then he was going to fight a "Holy Grail War".

The little princess was shocked when she saw this.

Although it was just a few words and the tip of the iceberg, it still attracted people's attention.

There are also notes about the strength of the Grand Duke after he became a Heroic Spirit. The most eye-catching one is the ability called "Ghost General Protecting the Country".

It says on it-

'This is an EX-level inherent skill born out of the love for the motherland and the sense of responsibility of the ruler. The belief in defending the country and protecting the motherland has never been forgotten by him until his death.

As long as he stands on the land of Romania, he has the fighting power to rival demigods such as Karna, the son of the sun god, and Hercules. ’

Chapter 154 Parallel world? The king of monsters who cursed the gods was born!

Speaking of the Holy Grail War, we have to talk about Servant.

Speaking of Servant, we have to explain the concept of Heroic Spirit.

Well! I am not going to write about the flame of the Holy Grail War so soon, and I only mentioned these terms briefly in the text.

But this is enough for people to imagine. For example——

——After the death of the Archduke, he continued to exist in another way called "Heroic Spirit"?

What is "Heroic Spirit"? A kind of spirit?

And the "Holy Grail War"... Is it a war around the "miracle" [Holy Grail] that "Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table" have been pursuing?

The little princess has too many "doubts" in her heart, but our dear "Andersen" just doesn't give an explanation. This made the girl's heart itch, and in the end she could only sigh helplessly.

On the other side...

"And——!?" A crisp voice suddenly raised one decibel.

When the adult whose full name is 'Claire Zhenxiang' saw the thin layer of pages at the back, he opened his eyes wide and a hint of joy appeared on his pretty face.

She held the 'treasure' in both hands and turned to the next page.

'——If I made another choice at that time. '

The opening words were like this, and such words made the girl's eyelids jump.

Her intuition told her that Andersen was holding back a big move [bad intentions] again. Claire took a deep breath and continued to look back curiously.

As fascinating as the preface, another story unfolded in front of their pupils.

Illustration: That was a posture of being shackled and trapped like a trapped beast. But the 'man' had a wanton and faint smile on his face.

His eyes were very calm and deep, and his dark blue eyes were as calm as when he was a child and suffered atrocities. With a different and unhurried color.

The man asked, "Answer me, Lord King. Where is the God I'm waiting for? Has he come?"

The 'Lord King' he was talking about was none other than "himself" who was called the Impaler, Dracula, and the Grand Duke of the Dragon.

'——Lord of Wallachia! Answer me. You who are abandoned by the whole world at this moment, you who are sent to the beheading, the 'God' you prayed for your whole life... has he come? '

Claire, who had just finished reading this short paragraph, shuddered all over and was stunned when she saw this.

Her ten fingers subconsciously increased their strength and sank deep into the pages of the book.

'Lord of Wallachia? Who is he - what is he doing... ! ! ' The girl looked a little confused, and she didn't react for a while, and she was a little nervous inside.

Then the book began to explain the true identity of this man.

What surprised the readers was that this embarrassed man was actually 'Vlad III'.

... Vlad III became the monarch of Wallachia again, but the difference was that he was captured instead of dying directly on the battlefield.

Because of his embarrassed appearance, people didn't recognize his identity before!


Didn't the Grand Duke die? Pah! He became a heroic spirit.

...Why is he out again now? And he doesn't look like a "spirit".

Countless people's brains are confused, what is going on? !

...——After questioning himself, the "man" began to reflect on himself, whether the "God" he has always believed in really exists.

If "God" exists, why have I never seen him descend, and why has he never given me "salvation".

The man asked: Has he descended?

In my heart: ——The God did not descend in the "dark" era of my childhood.

The man asked: Has he descended?

In my heart: ——When I was guarding "Walachia" and fighting for God, God did not descend.

The man finally asked: Has he descended?

In his heart: - When he was imprisoned in the dark years, God still did not come.

Now he looked at his current situation.

Finally -

'So that's it, there is no [God] in this world. 'The man thought so.

If there really is a 'God', it must be an extremely arrogant creature.

He finally grinned wildly and decided to choose another path opposite to the 'Ghost General who protects the country'.

As the plot progresses, Claire and the others finally understand what is going on.

This is also the story of the ‘Grand Duke’.

But it is an ‘other ending’ with different choices!


“Two, two endings. This… How is this possible!!” Someone screamed, shocked and panicked.

It’s like telling you that you have two ‘different histories’ in the past, which is even more difficult to accept and absurd than telling you that you will go on two different paths in the future.

Unlike the Earth that has experienced the Big Bang in the Information Age, this is the first time that humans in the other world have accepted this ‘strange and incredible’ setting.

In order to make people understand better, the book also contains annotations and explanations on various terms such as ‘parallel world theory’ and ‘world line’.

Since the beginning of this plot, people’s mouths have never closed, as if they could fit an egg, and they are getting bigger and bigger in astonishment.

‘World line’?

‘Parallel world’?

‘Different choices will lead to different futures? ’

Like thunder across the night, it exploded in everyone’s heart.

It exploded, the hairs stood up! The brain exploded into a blank! Everyone was trembling with the huge impact!

In the illustration, the ‘Piercing Prince’ ‘Count Dracula’ wearing black armor, with long black hair draped messily, covering his face, only his eyes were staring at something through the fine hair.

His head was lowered, facing the ground.

There was blood all over the ground, and no one knew whose blood it was, and at this time, the ‘Count’ was staring at the blood in a daze.

It’s over, everything is over.

Even if he is the famous Piercing Prince, he is just a ‘human’.

As long as the head is cut off, he will die. This is the ‘limit of human beings’!

But even so, there is still a trace of unwillingness and hatred in the man’s heart.

“Everyone is dead, everyone is dead! For you, for your faith. For your paradise, for your God. Kill the enemy, kill the companions. The subjects to be protected, the country to be governed! Men or women, old people or children, even yourself——!!” The man’s voice suddenly became crazy and high.

He screamed and trembled all over, his eyes widened.

The executioner behind him pushed him down on the beheading platform without hesitation, then raised the knife and tried to aim at the earl's neck, ready to cut accurately.

And the head was completely lowered, very close to the blood on the ground.

The man suddenly became quiet, his eyes staring at the blood like a dead river, as if staring into the abyss.

'Even so, if you still don't want to give up! '

If you can't give up' your weak human identity and escape to the side of the powerful 'monster', you can continue to fight!

Face all the hysteria and all the madness calmly!

Since he can't 'protect' anything, since he has nothing, he will never be afraid again!

The king bowed his head to the sinful guillotine and stretched out his tongue to lick the blood!

He smiled! Then I will curse! With the posture of licking this blood, I will launch the deepest curse on the arrogant god!

Blasphemer, the strongest monster king is born today!

Boom! Like thunder.

"No, no way!!" Claire swallowed hard when she saw this, as if she had guessed something, her eyes widened to the point of almost popping out.

The book in her hand fell from her trembling, loose palm.

She took a deep breath and looked at the closed cover of the book that fell to the ground, and finally landed on the red-clothed 'King of Vampires' who occupied half of the cover!

Chapter 155 The Count is the ancestor of vampires? !

If the ghost general who protects the country has a belief that has never changed until his death, and has poured all his blood into the land of Romania.

Then Count Dracula, known as the 'King of Vampires', is a 'monster'. Even if he is trapped in hell, he will fight on and avenge everything he has lost.

He once fought for God, and for that 'stupid' belief, he 'cruelly and violently' implemented every law he made.

He was intoxicated by his sense of justice, obsessed and crazy about it.

But what did he get in return!! He got betrayal from his beloved people and land! Even if he finally regained the land, it was just a dream, and he still didn't realize his own "paradise".

All his people died!! What "faith" is there to talk about now!

Is there any real "paradise" in a world where everyone is dead!

When the count woke up, it was too late.

Apart from death, he now has only one way to go - become "Vampire Dracula"! He can continue to fight, as long as he abandons his human identity, he can continue to fight!

After becoming a "hero", the piercer hated others calling him "Dracula".

What he hated was being recognized as "Vampire Dracula" instead of "Dragon Dracula".

It can be said that the piercer hated himself as a "monster".

As a "hero", he was slandered as an evil monster.

But in this world, he chose to "bow his head" and became the monster he hated the most.

...Only the monster king himself knew how deep the despair was.

People saw these words that shocked their hearts.

Especially the questions from the heart and soul of ‘Count Dracula’, like a roar from the depths of the soul sea, made everyone tremble and gasp.

Then, they saw how amazing the changes that happened to the Count after he licked the blood and cursed God.

The Count gained immortality and became extremely powerful, far beyond humans.

As the plot continued, his head was chopped off, but he laughed wildly and the blood flowed back to ‘resurrect’ again.

In the horrified eyes of the people around him, he revealed his eyes that had been dyed bright red.

“Vampire! The Archduke turned into a vampire!?”

“It’s the one on the cover!”

At this time, the people who saw the new illustration suddenly lost their voices.

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