It was a picture of a count with bright red eyes, standing proudly and silently on the beheading platform.

- Blasphemer!

He ‘she’ Mr. Andersen actually dared to write this! But why does it make us frightened and panic at the same time, it also produces a different kind of sadness, anger and excitement?

Because they had seen the life of the 'Grand Duke', these people actually felt the slightest bit of empathy for 'Count Dracula' at this moment.

Although the Grand Duke in the story is smiling, his eyes always seem to be calm and calm.

But where did that unmelting sadness come from? They actually felt sad.

The soul of the book seems to come out from inside and affect people's judgment and cognition.

Although fear angers the gods, people's brains uncontrollably feel sympathy and complexity for the behavior of 'Count Dracula'.

Later, they saw 'Count Dracula' using the blood power obtained by cursing the gods...

He first killed his enemies and devoured their flesh and blood, and then he devoured his own country, people, and castles.

He turned the earth into a river of death and the world into hell.

His behavior is even more brutal and horrific than when he was a 'human'. But through his various actions, people seemed to see a child shedding blood and tears, and saw the deeper sorrow deep in his heart.

Is he really 'happy' after giving up his precious identity of 'human' and becoming the king of monsters? !

How much he loved this land once, how terrible and cruel his methods are now.

Turning the long-lost land into blood and swallowing it up is not an alternative kind of eternity.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Grand Duke..."

"Has the Christian god fallen into a deep sleep? Wouldn't he feel heartbroken watching such a devout believer step by step into the abyss of despair?" Finally, someone could not help but murmured fearfully and angrily. He murmured and spoke.

——What exactly is ‘god’?

If the ‘gods’ are all such cold, heartless beings, is it really useful for them to believe in gods?

Thinking of the Earl who spent his whole life fighting for God and dedicating everything he had to him, but he did not end well, this 'problem' is really thought-provoking.

It was the first time for many humans from other worlds to think about this problem, and they couldn't help but shudder.

Why have they never thought about whether the actions of 'gods' are correct in the past? What is the purpose of believing in gods?

They heard that belief in the God of War could make them powerful, so they began to believe in the God of War.

It is said that if you believe in the God of harvest and fertility, you will have a good harvest in the coming year, so you should believe in this goddess.

But for those who believe in the God of War, does the God of War really help them become stronger?

Do those who believe in the God of Harvest and Fertility really come home with a full harvest when autumn comes?

At this time, after watching the Earl's life, many people suddenly realized that God may not answer you just by 'praying'.

Warriors can still only rely on their own talents to become stronger. Farmers cannot control the changes in the four seasons, cold and warm. When natural disasters strike, a bad harvest means a bad harvest, and the gods will not help them.

——Then why do they believe in God?

At this time, many people had doubtful looks in their eyes, and their whole bodies were trembling. They felt palpitations and uneasiness for no reason, but they kept their mouths tightly shut and did not dare to say a word.

In any case, they have become accustomed to the existence of ‘faith’.

It would be difficult for them to abandon their faith like the Count without experiencing a life as desperate as the Count's.

The deep reverence for the gods made them dare not share these thoughts with others even if they were shaken at the moment.

Back to the book... The 'Dracula' in the book now also became a symbol of 'vampire' in that era, and was even hailed as the original ancestor.

——The origin and source of all vampires.

"Ah! Is this how vampires are born?"

"The Impaler is actually the ancestor of vampires!"

"Suddenly I feel like vampires are not so annoying anymore..." Shock, sadness, pity.

People watched "Dracula" go further and further on the road of loneliness and killing, and their hearts gradually fell to the bottom.

One is that they never dreamed that 'vampires' were born like this.

on the other hand--

People can’t help but think, will the ‘Archduke’ continue to live as ‘Vampire Dracula’ after that?

Are all current 'vampires' descended from him? !

In any case, even though I like the Grand Duke, I think that the Grand Duke may have become an enemy of 'humanity', and is still hiding in the dark, and may come out to wreak havoc at any time.

People were a little scared inside.

They actually regarded the Count as the ancestor of the 'vampire' in this world.

Chapter 156: Count Dracula is dead, and his name will be Accardo from now on!

He was once a fanatic believer in God and killed many of his people for God.

In the guilt for the country and the people, in the resentment of the unfair fate that happened to him.

He collapsed, and in despair he cursed God.

At this time, God responded to his curse and turned him into a vampire.

Is this ‘divine grace’? Another way of God’s care? !

If God does not exist. So why did he respond to his curse and punish him by becoming a 'vampire'?

For the first time in his life, God responded to him, but in such a sad and hateful way.

People can read most of the count's life in just a few minutes, but the count spent more than four hundred years in that 'desperate, gray' world.

Over the past four hundred years, the name 'Dracula' has become more and more ferocious.

So far, all hostile civilizations that have entered the count's sight have been crushed by it.

That is unrivaled power! !

The terrifying and powerful king of monsters was finally born.

It was in such an invincible and lonely era that the vampire king dominated one hundred years after another.

Until, under the leadership of the first-generation demon hunter Van Helsing, four human men overcame obstacles and came to him.

Even if he opened the River of Death and released the army of the dead that he had defeated and devoured, the Count still could not defeat the first Van Helsing.

Finally, the count said: "This is my last territory, I was born here and I will die here."

In such an inexplicably touching words, he ended his life and his era of being invincible in the world.

He is the strongest monster, but he "desires" to be killed by humans! The loneliness, aloofness, and aloof will also make people feel moved through books.

Here, Dracula dies.

A vampire named 'Accardo' wakes up after a hundred years.

Accardo - This transliteration is exactly what Dracula means when translated backwards.

When people finished reading, they found that the count... no, his name should be Accardo now. He actually didn't really 'die', but was resurrected.

People exhaled, and at the same time, another big stone rose up.

——! ! !

grass! They felt like they might be going crazy.

On the one hand, I love the character Accardo so much and hope he won’t die.

On the other hand, they are worried that Accardo is still alive as a vampire and will turn against humans. That is the ancestor of vampires!

Now he is at least a terrifying 'monster' on the level of a demon~!

When you know that your favorite character really exists in 'reality', you are often more surprised than happy!

For example, Aizen, Madara Uchiha, DIO...

Now people feel almost the same as seeing this group of people appear in reality.

(It’s like although I like DIO very much, I don’t want to be his bread! Funny!)

The second ending of Vlad III is also over.

...Accardo’s story seems to be unfinished. For a while, people felt a little reluctant to let it go, and even couldn't help but pick up the book after putting it down and start reading it again.

But Accardo's final ending is somewhat controversial.

In the original "Dracula" novel, Van Helsing burned the soil that Dracula brought from his hometown in Romania, causing Dracula to lose the source of his power and could only escape from London back to his hometown of Romania. Then Van Helsing and his party Someone intercepted Dracula at the door of his hometown.

And Akkado is a secondary version from Hell Song.

The original book did not explain in detail how Van Helsing and his party defeated the count.

As strong as a count, with an army of several million spread out behind the Dead River, he should be able to kill a group of strong human beings just by stacking them up.

Not to mention that the Count had killed many powerful 'human beings' in his life. After their death, these people turned into combat power and contributed to the Count's 'River of Death', which was not an easy method to deal with.

But under the cover of the other three, Van Helsing unreasonably made it all the way to a draw.

Perhaps Van Helsing sealed the coffin and the real name of Accardo in advance.

Or maybe it's because Accardo was tired of eternal life and secretly released the water, so he was defeated so easily.

In the article, Homura just briefly mentions it and does not describe in detail how Accardo was defeated.

This gives people unlimited imagination.

But people are still a little unbelievable at this moment, that the Count will be defeated by humans.

They saw the terrifying power of the River of Death that the Earl launched in London later in the plot (that was about four hundred years after the Earl's era). How could such a Earl lose to four ordinary humans?

(Well, although the setting of Van Helsing originally said that the angel Gabriel was reincarnated, he can't be regarded as a normal 'human' for the time being! In addition, Uncle A wants to die.)

Killed, beheaded, impaled, trampled to death by the army - everything in sight was conquered!

The river of blood that covered the sky and the sun, swallowed up the earth and city buildings, and the dead souls crawling out of the river. ——Dead river.

An illustration of a ‘dead river’ appeared at the back.

Recalling the bloody appearance of the illustration, people still shudder when thinking about it.

Such a perverted True Ancestor of Vampires, tell me how Van Helsing and the others defeated him!

"I think it must have used the same series of weapons as Arthur."

"Light cannon swordsmanship?! It must be!"

"Maybe it's holy light or holy water?"

"Holy Light? That's a vampire that even God dares to curse, the ancestor of vampires! How could he be afraid of those things from the Church!" someone immediately retorted.

"Arthur's weapon is a weapon made by gods or a gift from the Fairy of the Lake. It's impossible for ordinary people to get weapons of the same level as him! It shouldn't be light cannon swordsmanship!"

"Then the problem lies with Van Helsing and the others."

Finally, a group of readers squatted in front of the bookstore and discussed for a long time before finally coming to a conclusion.

——Van Helsing is also a ‘monster’!

Well, don’t I, the dignified Lord Impaler, Count Vampire, and King of Monsters, be shameless? !

It must be that the enemy is too strong, and it is definitely not the reason why our side was weakened!

"Holy Grail War!! I want to see the Holy Grail War! I want to see what the Archduke's experience is like!"

"Where is Accardo!? Where is the life where the count will wake up 100 years later! Why is this gone!"

"The trick of 'River of Death' is so cool! Especially the liberating words: 'The bird of Hermes is my name, it eats its own wings to control my heart.' Suddenly it seems like I have become a vampire! Not only is it immortal, He’s also strong and handsome!”

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense! If someone from the church hears it, they will be regarded as a cultist!"

"Uuuuuuuuuah, the Grand Duke is so miserable! The Count is so miserable! Neither of the two endings is good. One is more sad than the other!" A girl whined as if she was about to cry her eyes out.

"Neither of them really died, and maybe there will be an extra story in the future. One turned into some kind of 'heroic spirit', and the other turned into a vampire. At least they are still alive! Mr. Andersen will probably write about them in the future."

"If all vampires are like the Grand Duke! Please bite me as you like!"

"Not every vampire is as handsome as the Archduke...and let the Archduke bite you? Are you afraid that you will be sucked into a human and fucked directly?"

The bookstore owner looked at the crowd of people sitting at the door and saw that there was no way out..."

It's better to sleep in the bookstore today.

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