Then enjoy the feeling of being in charge of everything, and all the gods need to surrender to it! )

Frustrated, extremely frustrated——

If there was a 'only god' in their world at the beginning, they wouldn't be like this.

Now it is done,

Since that is true, why is this uncomfortable feeling felt in other worlds but not in our world.

The gods couldn't help but have their own self-doubts.

Is their world actually just a low-level plane?

Is it because the world does not have enough foundation to give birth to such a powerful existence?

Think about the game life, except for the only God,

Whether it is the God of War, the God of Forests, or the God of Forging, they all have reached the concept of the Creator.

Create your own people.

Just that kind of state is beyond their reach.

That kind of 'turns out I'm really weak', 'my world is actually so weak? Isn't that dangerous? ! ’

This uneasy feeling came to my heart one by one!

"No - our world..." Suddenly, there was a god with the same despair on his face. The god who lost all his arrogance and gradually lowered his proud head suddenly remembered something.

He shouted excitedly: "It is not that there are no truly strong people in our world! Have you forgotten the king who led us when we resisted the invasion of the abyss?"


The gods were stunned.

At first I didn't know who it was talking about...


Who in this world is worthy of becoming the king of their gods!

Hum - no matter how unbearable it is,

They are also the strongest gods in their own world and rule everything in the world!

Until a distant figure is recalled,

That is - a human god who has never been regarded as a king by them, but has been crowned and promoted in the name of a king.

A girl who is clearly not a god, but has achieved a status higher than that of a god in a human body.

The one whose power made the gods fear him,

The 'Demon King' who is afraid of him as a complete monster and wants him to die immediately!

It is the strongest, the last line of defense to protect the world, and the only 'God Pillar' that can resist the seventy-two demonic pillars of the abyss.

The understanding of [the principles of the world] is unparalleled.

Even the gods can only command the power of one or two rules at most.

But that person uses all the laws. The operation of the world, all the laws and rules in the world are all familiar to the being who can grasp it with ease.

True omniscience and omnipotence——!

Really...the most powerful, most beautiful and complete existence.

——Said it is a ‘human being’,

It would be more convincing to say that she is the real god.

More like gods than gods.

The holy, mysterious, powerful and noble, aloof and lonely king!

While it is still 'alive',

No god dares to raise his head before it.

However, now, even the gods are not sure whether that person still exists in their world.

The reason is——

Or did the devil girl's aura suddenly disappear one day? !

(A certain former demon king, Restia, who was reincarnated into an 'ordinary' beautiful girl, is currently hiding in the contract space on Homura's body.

She was not asleep at this time,

You can also see and hear sounds from the outside world.

Although she didn't know what Yan was doing, Xiang Lai chose to support her and just watched quietly——

He didn't even realize that these gods were talking about him now. Laughed jpg)

Chapter 1,362 The world needs the return of the Demon King!

Is there a single god in their world?

If there is, only that figure can meet the specifications of the only god recognized by the gods.

When the world needs a devil,

The gods are anxious for it and long for it,

But when the world was stable, the gods despised it and rejected it.

To this day, the gods feel the sense of crisis again——! The existence that once again hopes to be protected by him - the Demon King!

In the world of dxd, there is only one god, the dragon god.

Disbod has a single god and the marrow of countless creator-level gods waiting to be resurrected.


Their world cannot be without the highest combat power.

If a plane war (invasion) starts...

They don’t have a demon king,

Are we going to reenact the tragic scene many years ago when the Seventy-Two Demonic Pillars of the Abyss invaded!

Thinking of that mythical war that the whole continent gathered, countless gods and heroes of various races died in that war.

The faces of the gods were uncertain.

"Are you talking about the Demon King? That's right - if it's that person, he must still be hiding in some corner of the world."

"But the Demon King...hasn't the Demon King's aura disappeared?"

"You don't think the devil is really dead! No one in this world can kill that king quietly, she must still be alive!"

"Yes, that is the most powerful and invincible existence!" The other gods also responded.

When it comes to being the strongest, being invincible, being omniscient and omnipotent - this time, in the tone of the gods, there is finally no fear and fear of the demon king in the past.

On the contrary, it is indescribable excitement and peace of mind! !

After the Demon King's 'breath' disappeared, except for the initial panic, the gods no longer cared about or even thought about looking for each other——

For the first time in history, everyone was singing praises to that king's past achievements in their hearts.

The more they sang, the calmer they became, and they regained their previous confidence.

The gods firmly believed that the king was still alive.

It seemed that this would make the anxiety deep in the hearts of the gods disappear.

‘Demon King?’ Yan,

And the heart of Restia in Yan’s body also beat faster.

Are you talking about her (me)?

My past life?

At this moment, Restia finally reacted.

But –

She hasn’t been a demon king for a long time.

She doesn’t have the powerful body that she once had that could do everything.

Although the soul is still the same soul, but –

… Well… Anyway, no matter what the gods want to find her for,

it has nothing to do with her now.

(Restia: You are looking for the demon king, what does it have to do with me, Restia?)

At this moment, the gods are immersed in the joy of finally finding the ‘strongest’ in their world.

As for – ‘The king is really dead. ’

Such things, the gods absolutely do not believe.

Who could have thought that,

there is indeed no one in this world who can kill the demon king if he resists.

Even if he does not resist, it is impossible to kill him...

The unconscious self-defense mechanism of that person is enough to resist all harm in the world.

However, people forget——

There is still one person in this world who can kill the demon king,

that is the demon king himself...

In terms of universal rationality,

only the strongest can kill the strongest!

I kill myself——! Such a proposition may be the first time in this world.

No, it is precisely because the person who killed himself is the demon king,

that it has become a proposition that can be recorded in epics and remembered by the gods.

"Find that king——!"

"If it is that——if she leads us again!"

The gods finally regained a bit of momentum and a bit of hope,

and the voices of the gods echoed and communicated in the void.

The collapsed will of the gods also gradually eased.

That's right——!

Their world is not a fragile and powerless world...

Even when facing the highest level of combat power, they still have the real king behind them!

What the God King can't do, the Demon King can do!

Even if they break through to the next stage and become the God King, they can't defeat the Heavenly Dragon and can't reach the One God,

but the Demon King can!

The gods are so sure and have no doubt about the strength of that girl!

After all, they are all gods who have witnessed the unreasonable bug-like girl's attack.

The degree of exaggeration is even no less than the shock and doubt when the gods first learned about the One God and the Dragon God's strength.

If Tet still needs the Star Cup to become the One God.

Then in their world, the authority of the One God is completely exercised by a mere girl, a human being.

Without the help of any external objects——!

This is the miracle of the world!

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