The gods who regained their fighting spirit looked at the White Dragon Emperor again.

At this time, thinking of being beaten by Tianlong just now, the feeling of humiliation rose in his heart again.

The dragon god cannot defeat him, and the only god cannot win - even those creator-level gods, the combat power displayed in the epic is beyond comparison.

But Tianlong, who is just below these,

Are they going to admit defeat even this time?

Needless to say, all the gods mobilized their divine power again in tacit agreement, and this time they began to burn their own divine power regardless of consumption.

Must win——!

After experiencing the previous humiliation, despair, anxiety, and collapse...

Refreshing until now.

The pride of being the main god and the gods makes them urgently need a victory and a breakthrough to restore their glory as gods! !

Death is not a terrible thing for gods with long lifespan——

What is even more terrifying and unacceptable to them is losing their pride as gods!

"Knights and priests obey the order - release all your power and infuse it into the artifact!" A god suddenly began to order.

The loud and majestic voice resounded across the empty land.

Then the other gods also gave orders——!

Although this army of nearly ten thousand people cannot directly participate in this battle,

But it's not completely ineffective.

The gods have already anticipated how they would deal with an enemy they cannot defeat and cannot escape.

Therefore, before departure, the gods' true bodies gave each priest group their own artifacts.

Believers only need to instill the magic, energy and faith in their bodies into it,

The power of the artifact itself can be unleashed without limit.

The attack released by this combination can even surpass the god itself.

And with the help of it, the incarnation of the god added its own power to release a powerful blow,

Even if they face the real gods (their true beings), they dare to fight!

"Oh?! There is actually... such a thing!" The White Dragon Emperor, who was originally bored and was about to turn away, started to burn again in his jade-like eyes, and a flame of excitement suddenly flashed across his eyes.

‘Looks great—! ’

‘I should be able to have a little more fun this time! ’

Chapter 1,363 The only god is Laji, and the Star Cup is just an ordinary artifact?

Tyrannosaurus mode is not turned on,

Because of his previous disappointment, Vali was worried that if he activated Tyrannosaurus, the battle would be over in an instant.

That kind of fighting can't bring him any pressure, and it's not fun at all.

Let's maintain normalcy and fight the remaining gods.

Standing quietly in the sky, the White Dragon Emperor is waiting for the killing blow from the gods!

And that proud posture was clearly reflected in the eyes of the gods.

For a moment——

All the gods were angered and greatly stimulated!

"Stop looking down on others!—White Dragon!!"

Boom~! ! !

In the endless white light, there are finally multiple lights that are like the liberation of the Noble Phantasm.

Because they had dedicated everything to the artifact, the coalition humans fell to the ground with pale faces. The last scene they saw when they raised their heads was the moment when the infinite light struck White Dragon Emperor Vali.

"Has the hidden hand lost contact?" On the other side of the world, in the universe - the alien god senses that the connection he planted on the God of Beauty still exists,

But the connection with the incarnation of the God of Beauty has completely disappeared.

‘Did he get killed? 'The alien god thought to himself.

As soon as he entered the space channel, he was killed.

It seems that the so-called only god from another plane is not as good-tempered as described in the epic.

Although the alien god has never read the epic,

But I also got a glimpse of the general description of those stories from Meishen's memory.

For the so-called only God,

Not only was the alien god not afraid - but he believed in a certain judgment even more at this moment.

'It seems that the only god is not as powerful as imagined...'

If you really have the power to be unafraid of outsiders, why should you change the 'rules' you set just because of the arrival of outsiders?

The alien god does not have the memory of Meishen and others in the space channel.

Although he is connected to the beauty god's body, it is only a remote influence.

To peek into memories again requires a specific process——

So now he doesn't know about the Dragon God hidden in the passage.

As soon as the incarnation of the gods entered the space channel, they were destroyed by the only god.

Although the power to destroy the incarnations of the gods is revealed - it is still strong,

But he has lost that absolute confidence and invincible demeanor of a strong man.

"God's great power belongs to himself - is there any limit to the great power achieved with the help of the artifact (the so-called Star Cup)?" the alien god said softly.

It seemed as if he was talking to himself, and also seemed to be having a conversation with someone in the void.

The alien god, who only briefly understood the epic story and had not read it carefully, regarded the Star Cup as a kind of artifact.

I can’t help but look down on the One and Only God——

At this time, he believed that "the power of the only god is limited", so he would forcefully kill the incarnations of the gods out of fear of outsiders, which was just a way to frighten the gods——

Such a thoughtful alien god,


I am convinced that the gods in this world and the world next door are just a group of paper tigers.

In that case——

There is no need to inform the other (alien) ‘gods’, he alone is enough.

...He accepted these two worlds.

At the moment when the alien god’s mind was determined,

at the same time--

On the other side, huge space wormholes have appeared in the Western countries, all human countries protected by powerful gods.


Boom, boom, boom! The river is roaring!

Uniform and uniform, like a mountain torrent!

The frightening sounds of limbs climbing on the ground and the footsteps of humanoid creatures came from behind the wormhole.

"That - that's?!" A main god is located in a small village on the border of the Theocracy in the human world,

A farmer who had just returned home late from working in the fields was frightened when he saw a huge wormhole appearing on the border that was higher than the mountains.

And looking at the extremely clear and connected wormhole, there is a sense of existence that no one can ignore.

And the roaring sound of countless creatures moving densely can be heard from far away from the depths of the wormhole.

A strong sense of uneasiness and panic arose from within.

'what happened? ! ’

'Is something... coming out... from inside?' ’

And the farmer was not the only one who was frightened at this time.

On the borders of countless countries, as long as people are conscious and look up and see the wormhole in space like a huge doorway, they feel uneasy and nervous in their hearts.

Don't know what happened...

In the depths of the universe, alien gods are constantly activating the power they have hidden throughout the world to open dimensional passages.

At the other end of the passage are the creatures and monsters born from the small planes he once conquered.

Now they are all driven by him, becoming his vanguard in invading this world.

And just when the entire Western countries, especially the countries with powerful gods, encountered a wave of "focused targeting" riots, the wormholes became several times larger.

Dongfang——It is extremely quiet now.

There was no sign of an invasion.

Because according to the news, there is not even a ‘god’ in the East.

Therefore, it is not considered a target by alien gods for the time being.

In his mind, he only needs to kill the strongest gods.

No one in this world dares to resist him anymore——

Next, he can slowly conquer the entire plane.

Although there are some beings in the east who do not call themselves gods, they are extremely powerful and have defeated the gods.


For alien gods, even ‘gods’ are not those strong ones.

Even if it can kill gods, no matter how powerful it is - it is still just a creature that cannot stand out in the group.

This is his arrogance as a 'god'.

This is no different from the gods of this world.

‘To destroy, to conquer… to win this world for me! ’ The alien god sent an oracle to his ‘relatives’ in the void of the universe.

So then——

Countless twisted and grotesque monsters with many legs like spiders emitted strange screams from the wormhole! !

After hearing the oracle, they began to respond to their great gods—running towards the vibrant streets, villages, and kingdoms, vowing to destroy everything.

at the same time--

As the biggest behind-the-scenes boss, the alien god,

Be confident that your own strength is absolutely powerful,

Even if all the gods in this plane, including those from the east, combined, it is impossible for them to be the alien gods they rival.

At this time, he turned his attention to the only country shrouded in divine power that he could not completely determine.

Kingdom of Lucia——!

He decided to take matters into his own hands to dismantle the realm of the so-called 'Ten Covenants'.

In his eyes, those obscure rules of the game are no different than children playing house.

If there aren't some deeper rules lurking in there...

...If the so-called God of Games cannot show more powerful power!

He also wants 'that world'!

Chapter 1,364 The Bloodline of the Demon King and the Name of Lucifer!

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