That's the sound of a beating heart.

But it is as grand as the pulse of the world, making the atmosphere vibrate.

It was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"That - that is!!" The God of Disaster and Prophecy suddenly stood up excitedly and walked to the front of the mountain top.

Looking at the sky,

He looked deep into the sky, where the sound of heart beating could be heard.

Immediately afterwards——

The huge figure of the Ritual Snake sleeping in the passage between the two worlds came into people's eyes.

It's like singing a magnificent epic! !

When that great thing appears, all life and all things will lose their luster in front of it.

Looking at the passage that occupies the entire space,

In the narrow passage, it was impossible to see how huge the figure was.

Everyone took a deep breath and suddenly fell into silence.

Even the continuous attack of Starlight Strike from before seemed to be stuck and stopped due to shock.

So what kind of monster is sleeping? !

"It's God!!" Merlin shouted loudly, as if he could clearly hear people's common thoughts at this moment.

'god--……? ! ’

'That's... a god? ! ’

... Gudong... Someone looked at the terrifying figure sleeping in the passage and swallowed, and countless tears secreted from his eyes——!

But even though his eyes were swollen to red, he still couldn't help but look at the figure deep in the passage with wide, obsessed and dazed eyes.

Eyes that even the god of prophecy among the gods dared not look into.


Too far away, people cannot see the eyes of the ritual snake.

But even so, it was greatly affected.

But they still couldn't help but explore and cast their gaze - to pay attention to that great existence.

How ——

The beautiful and powerful figure looks like the 'world' is sleeping quietly there.

What is He? Is it the Serpent of the World?

Or—a certain unknown and powerful god that Merlin spoke of? !

Chapter 1,369 This world is too dangerous and I can’t understand it at all!

‘What is that? ! ’ The appearance of God’s breath was stagnant,

Look at that terrifying behemoth!

How could there be such a terrifying creature in this world!

Even the tip of the iceberg that can be seen in the space passage——

Endless as far as the eye can see, like a body without boundaries.

Is this also a ‘god’?

People were in a trance with the gods - unbelievable!

It was only at this moment that the gods understood that the gods Merlin spoke of had nothing to do with them.

Rather, the gap is too big.

It’s so big that people have no intention of comparing.

Even the gods couldn't help but have such thoughts in their minds,

If this is God——

So what are they?

A smug clown, a small and insignificant plankton in the eyes of a true god?

The gods looked at the ritual snake in horror.

The attitude of the god of prophecy,

And that suddenly opened, but completely different from the previous crimson world passage,

They all made the gods realize something——!


The true gateway to Disbod.

The one inside is the monster that made the God of Prophecy completely blind just by looking directly at its face (eyes)!

Real God!

The gods became a little flustered——

Why does it appear at this time.

In addition, the main body had previously guessed whether a strong man from another world was preparing to attack them.

The gods were afraid of this monster who was no less oppressive than the previous Dragon God.

They are also here to invade this world!

Wouldn't that be too disappointing!

‘Damn it! As promised, where is the sleeping one?

Woke up so soon? ’

"God of prophecy, couldn't it be because of your previous prophecy that you woke up this great existence?" A god said with a trembling voice in fear.

He couldn't help but have a hint of complaint in his tone.

The God of Prophecy's lips trembled, and he didn't say a word at this moment——!

How does he know?

He himself wanted to know what was going on.

It couldn't be that that was the reason why this behemoth was awakened!

No matter what, you cannot admit it, otherwise you will be held responsible!

The rest of the gods only understood at this moment,

How ridiculous were their previous ideas——

He actually tried to bypass this monster and go to Disbod.

I’m afraid I no longer have the courage to approach Him——

What's more, it goes beyond its body!

And the last time the God of Prophecy met the Ritual Snake was across the timeline,

In addition, the power of flames at that time was not yet perfect,

The appearance and power of the ritual snake created are far less terrifying than they are now!

The impact was far less severe than it is now!

At this time, he was extremely happy——

Faced with that terrifying and majestic existence, he was just blind? Are there no other big problems?

Thinking about it now, the results at that time were still good.

And at this moment——

Looking at the frightened gods and the people in the broadcast room who were stunned and didn’t know what to say,

Even the barrage seemed to have disappeared this time, and the entire light screen was blank.

Flame - 'Merlin' suddenly spoke: "Don't worry - that person is not the evil god.

But with great ambitions in mind——

The benevolent Supreme God who wants to save both worlds.

His consciousness has long since left his body for the sake of his ambition——

What is now in front of you is just his body sealed in the passage between the two worlds...

Because it is too large and powerful,

if it is stored in the original world, it will cause a considerable impact, so——”

It is just... the body?

Merlin's explanation shocked everyone.

Such a terrifying existence——

Now it is... unconscious?!


"Of course——Although that person has left his body, he can still control and drive the power of his body with his consciousness occasionally.

As the gap between the two worlds where the body is stored and the cornerstone of the future'creation'——

This god will not let such attacks continue to fall on the sky above the kingdom.

He and the God of Games have reached an agreement——

He will not let it go!"

The passage between the two worlds——the cornerstone of creation? ! !

"What, what, what, what? ! "The gods all made unbelievable sounds.

They were a little shocked for a moment!


The cornerstone of future creation--this means,

that god's ambition is to create the world?

I TM--!

The gods, especially those with the power of creation, took a deep breath!

The real God of Creation--!

Not the light and shadow seen in epics,

but the real God of Creation seen in reality?!

Even if the other party may not have succeeded yet, but has a plan.

But it still makes people feel terrified!

And yet--

Merlin continued to speak some misleading words, deepening the shock of the gods: "He is the creator god of the Red World, an ancient god in the ancient past who is connected with the Supreme God Fuxi, the God of the East. ”

He did not completely confuse the sacrificial snake and Fuxi of this world as the same person.

In Yan's eyes, the myth of the real Fuxi might appear in the future,

whose status is much higher than that of the sacrificial snake.

"In order to find a new world where the conflicts between the Red World Apostles and humans can be eased and where both can survive, He began to create the Wuheyoujing!

Now it is almost time to complete it-

Well, you don't have to worry too much. That plan basically has no impact on this side.

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