The main thing is to solve the survival problem with humans in another world. "

"Another world——?! Disbod?" A god couldn't help but asked.

Merlin shook his head,

"Although it's called the Passage of Two Realms——

But no one stipulates that there are really only two worlds connected in the direction.

The gap created between worlds -

That is the true nature of this passage. "

In addition to Disbod and the previous dxd world,

Are there other worlds?

From the tone of the Flower Magician, are there more than one? !

The gods were stunned and stunned.

Merlin was obviously not talking about a small plane.

It’s not a parallel world line——

It’s a real different world!

The Ritual Snake, a different world with extremely terrifying gods in the eyes of the gods, was born!

‘…’ Gods.

They had just regained their energy, but they began to become autistic again.

There are so many powerful worlds?

Their king - where is he now?


If the Demon King (our King) is here.

The gods couldn't help but have such thoughts again.

This would never have happened before.

What’s incredible is——

Now it seems that most of their fear of the Demon King has been eliminated.

Instead, I eagerly want to see Him reappear in this world,

Show your presence!

First there were the Celestial Dragons and Dragon Gods, and then there was the massive world invasion,

Then the unknown future creation gods came out!

What's wrong with this world? ! The danger is too much! !

Chapter 1,370 When the gods who have never seen Digimon see the upside-down world!

Just when the gods didn't dare to act rashly——

Suddenly the huge figure in the sky, as big as the world, moved,

The big snake's head suddenly lifted up and extended toward the outside of the passage.

An invisible figure shrouded in mysterious fog is standing on the snake's head.

"Snake - no, there is another figure on God's head. Someone is standing on that adult's head!!" Someone in the broadcast room finally couldn't help but let out a barrage and spoke in horror.

Then it was like dropping a pebble on a calm lake——

A fuse broke the silence, causing the remaining people to start speaking.

For a moment, the screen was filled with information about the figure standing on the head of God.

'who? ’

‘What is that? Who is qualified to stand there? ’

After listening to Merlin's explanation just now,

People's admiration and respect for the ritual snake has reached its peak.

But such a majestic being who wants to create the world,

Who is qualified to stand on top of it?

At this time, even the gods looked in disbelief, and the beautiful goddess couldn't help but stretched out her soft and slender jade-like fingers to rub her eyes, trying to see if she was hallucinating.

After discovering that it was not an hallucination, he was so shocked that his mouth opened wide and he could not speak for a long time.

At this moment, no one noticed that 'Merlin''s body had turned into an illusion made of flowers——

And the body——?

Yan has already opened another vest.

Even humans are gods...

As a container that carries the snake of the creation god, one of the two supreme gods in the red world.

An existence called the leader of the alliance by the three pillars of Xingli Palace, the top power in the red world.

Now Homura plays the male protagonist in the later stage of Sakugan.

He also had his long black hair back after a long absence.

The figure shrouded in mist makes it impossible to see the face clearly.

Therefore, even the gods with excellent eyesight could not detect that the figure had a 'familiar' face under the mist.

'Okay - the next step is to take care of the little mouse first -! ’

This form——

Although it is not an illusion now, can it only release one blow?

After a little induction, Yan came to this conclusion——

If you try too hard, it will be bad if you 'disappear' in front of the gods.


‘Try using all your strength to deliver the strongest blow! ’ Yan showed a wanton and happy smile.


Just use illusions to disguise it and disappear with the light.

No one can discover the truth about the ‘Creator God’——

But since it is not easy to build such a powerful force, how can we be happy if we don't release it with all our strength!

That's right...

He decided to strike with all his strength,

With his current magic recovery speed, he will have time to use other vests to destroy those intruder monsters——

It’s no problem to perform multiple operations and open multiple functions!


Under the gaze of the gods, countless people and all races in the broadcast room!

The presence on the body of that majestic god slowly raised his arm!

"No need to be surprised - that person is the container where God's consciousness resides...!" Merlin also said softly.

? ! ! Everyone's face was stunned.


That is what it is, the vessel, the consciousness of God.

Doesn't that mean that that figure is the real God?


Am I standing on my own head? It seems--it's not much of a problem.

If other beings stand on the head of such a supreme god, it may be humiliating, and the problem will arise!

At this time, the ominous black mist rising into the sky had already risen from the figure, looking like an evil god.


The majestic scene that followed allowed people to see the true courage and power of this 'creator god' as the supreme god!

Mirror World——!

After Yan drove the laws of existence and creation to create a brief incarnation of the ritual snake,

At the same time, another usage of the mirror world was discovered.

The Apostle of the Red World - whether he is a demon king or has reached the level of the legendary and strongest Red Demon God,

Even the source of the driving force of the Pillar of God is the free law, which is the art and law that drives the power of existence.

Where does the power of existence come from?

Everything has its existence——

It can be said that it is an extremely domineering way of eating the world to fight.

The stronger the technique, the more existence power it needs to consume.


The mirror world serves as a replica that can be constructed at any time,

Even if they are all destroyed, a new image can be reopened next time.

How powerful can a free spell cast with a world as a backup source be? !

Even a new world like Wuheyoujing can be created!

If only there was such a useful technique from the beginning——

The thousand-year war over there in the Red World may have stopped long ago! Achieve true peaceful coexistence between humans and the Red World Apostles!

And at this moment,

Another huge hole opened in the sky,

An inverted shadow of the world came into people's eyes.

When they saw clearly what the world looked like, everyone was stunned.

"That...that is..."

"Isn't that our world?!"

! ! !

Shocking——! Horror——!

In an instant, all kinds of feelings rushed into people's hearts.

Some people saw their country above their heads, even familiar streets in towns and cities, or even the doorstep of their home where they were waiting!

It was an almost one-to-one ratio, corresponding to the world hanging high in the sky.

It’s so real that people can’t tell which side is the real real world!

After all, they looked up at the sky and saw that world.

Or did that world look up to the sky and see them?


If it were just a simple mirror image, it would naturally not be able to do this.

It can be shown like this,

This is of course a product processed by Homura using various powers such as dream power.

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