‘What kind of fools are these two guys! ’ The masters are now a little bit jealous of iron!

The idea of ​​learning from experience at the beginning has gradually disappeared, and now I even have the idea of ​​​​wanting to play on my behalf!

That's enough - get serious! This is a fight! It's the Holy Grail War!

If it doesn’t work, let me (us) do it!

The Masters who were originally a little worried and afraid of the start of the Holy Grail War are now a little bit 'higher'.

I feel like I can't wait to kill everyone at the end!

On the other hand, Rin looked at the cute way he finished speaking arrogantly and turned his head away with his arms folded.

Like a gentle big brother, Shirou took great care of his self-esteem and said with a smile: "Tohsaka, you are such a good person."

On the other side, everyone who heard this sentence also fell into silence: "..."

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

They suddenly wanted to ask Shirou——

How do you make a complimentary word sound like a derogatory word? !

That's really not something worth praising.

If a good person means giving away ancestral gems for free and teaching him step by step how to become a true Master,

Everyone suddenly felt powerless——

Especially the Masters of the different worlds at this moment: "..."

So, why is there such confusing behavior of supporting the enemy?

Chapter 1,114 Red Ace: A top six is ​​too strong! So let's kill him six times first!

It can be said that he was mocking Rin——

People can see it again.

It wasn't just a joke, Shirou was actually praising Rin from the bottom of his heart.

But precisely because of this, a sincere person like him is more lethal to innocent girls!

After witnessing a certain man’s terrifying ‘high jump’ ability in the future, all the envious and jealous men had to admit——

In terms of the charm of female temptation,

They are far inferior to Shirou!

At the same time - on the other side,

"Even if you flatter me, you won't show mercy!" Rin.

"I know, and I don't want to be your enemy if possible. I like people like you." Shirou continued.

And frankly speaking the word "like" seems to be a sure-fire shot!

A powerful knowing blow to the girl!

Why do people know this so clearly?

That's why Rin realized at this moment that all his emotions were fully expressed on his face.

"What...!" Rin was suddenly startled and took a big step back, with a big blush on his face.

That look——

It's like a simple and shy girl who is at a loss when she is suddenly confessed to.



People looked at Shirou at this time, with his frank expression and open eyes.

It doesn't seem to mean 'that aspect', it's probably just that Rin may have misunderstood.

Is that just a simple expression of human emotion of ‘like’ for beautiful things?

People's reading comprehension suddenly skyrocketed, and their reading comprehension automatically became full.

As for whether Shirou was really attracted to Rin in his heart, people didn't care at all.

Anyway, they absolutely love beautiful girls like Rin.

They said that they, like Shirou, liked Rin with a simple appreciation of beautiful things.

It's like they also like goddesses and female heroic spirits in countless epics.

I like LSP, but he is very dedicated and pure!

Well - I only like 'beautiful' ones!


Are you done talking? "At this moment, a beautiful girl's voice with an extremely pleasant voice came into people's ears.

Countless eyes immediately focused on the direction from which the voice came.

When they saw the real owner clearly, they were all stunned.

She is not a beautiful girl, although she is very cute and delicate - but she is younger... Loli? !

A pitiable little girl in purple with white hair and red eyes came into view.

At this time, he was smiling brightly, with his hands behind his back, and he was looking at this side obediently.

Such a young child - actually...

That childlike and perfect face, like a fairy that only existed in dreams, made people feel dazed for a moment.


What's more, it's still unbelievable that a child of this age can be a contestant or something...such a ridiculous fate!

It's obvious that he should still be at the age where he can hide in his parents' arms and act like a spoiled brat.


If you want to ask why they already know his identity as a contestant.

"Berseaker!!" Rin lost her voice. She had already spoken out about the terrifying job agent standing behind Loli!

That is something people absolutely cannot ignore——

A figure like an iron tower.

A black heroic spirit like a mountain of meat shrouded people's sight!

The naked body on the outside is full of terrifying muscles.

With such a strong and muscular posture, even if he has not yet fought, there is no doubt that he is definitely a first-class fighting spirit!

——Gudong——~! People swallowed hard.

Suddenly saw such a terrifying figure——

Compared with the cute little loli in front of her,

Don’t make too much of a difference!

The astonishing pressure caused many people's legs to tremble a little.

This new pair of mysterious Master and Servant, it’s inevitable——

The contrast is too much! !

Why can such a cute and well-behaved child summon such a wild and terrifying heroic spirit?

That's right——

Wild! ! horrible! ! People's minds are full of such terms now.

It's obviously just an immersive experience, just a spectator!

They are not participants in this Holy Grail War!

But even so——

Just facing that man's aura was already a bit unbearable.

This is completely different from the feeling when I saw Lancer fighting with Saber and Archer before.

That is the unique form of ‘depression’!


The Masters of the other world who knew about this new heroic spirit profession also had warning signs in their hearts.

It was an instinctive warning.

'Maybe it just looks scary. There are two Servants here.

The other party coming here now probably doesn't want to take action directly. ’ The masters of the different world couldn’t help but comfort themselves at this time.

But soon——

Their illusions were completely shattered.

After Ilya simply performed a lady's dress ceremony and said her full name.

When Rin and Saber heard the surname Einzbern, their expressions changed.

Whether it is Rin who is also a member of the Imperial Family,

It was Arturia who had been with Illya's mother for quite some time.

It's impossible to turn a blind eye to this surname.

At this time, people did not pay much attention to this -

For them, the surname Einzbern is very unfamiliar.

On the contrary, Rin later mentioned that Berserker's numerical value was extremely exaggerated, even surpassing the Saber of the three knights.

And the red A also represents the monster-like ability value. I'm afraid it won't be a problem to fight one against six.

These words made people's expressions change again and again.


ha? What kind of international joke is this! Is it human language?

Are they hallucinating?

The numerical value surpasses Saber in all aspects, but one against six? (As for Red A’s words, everyone in the future: Is this why you killed Uncle B six lives by yourself? It’s so scary to say it one by one, backhand Tianxiu!)

Are there still such perverted and bug-level heroic spirits in this world?

Hey, hey, stop joking.

Such an existence has seriously affected the fairness of the Holy Grail War.

But people soon thought -

Due to different legends, the heroic spirits also have different levels of strength. The gap between fighting heroic spirits and non-combat heroic spirits is ridiculously large.

But this time it really went too far.

At this time, they didn’t know clearly——

In a funny parallel world line, berserker even defeated the Holy Grail War and obtained the Holy Grail one day (Jialianhua world line),

That's not an exaggeration of Red Ace——

Rather, it is truly incomparably powerful, and that sense of oppression is by no means a lie.

"Is the discussion over?

So, can we start? "Illya.

Chapter 1,115 The pinnacle of heroes in the world of ancient Greek mythology!

"——Then let's kill." The soft and cute voice changed for a moment in the middle, and the childishness disappeared - it became crisp and cold like a royal sister, and then returned to that innocent voice. .

However, the words spoken in such an innocent tone contained a hint of inexplicable coolness, which brought people's consciousness back to reality instantly.

So direct——!

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