The face and voice are like an angel, but they say the cruelest thing (fighting) - this is probably the atmosphere that the real Holy Grail War should have.

At that moment, people couldn't help but think so.

And that cold, disturbing sense of foreboding also made people clearly aware,

The fact that the loli in front of me turns out to be a sinister person after being cut open——!

Unlike half-baked masters like Rin and Shirou,

...The Masters of the other world finally felt a hint of the imaginary Holy Grail War and became nervous again!


"Come on, berserker!" Ilia ordered with a bloody face as Ilia shook her head.

Roar~! Uncle B's feet suddenly crushed the ground, and his muscles all over his body were like steam engines, spraying out white vapor and raising his head and roaring!

The people who were already feeling oppressed suddenly stiffened in response to this roar, and a surge of fear arose in their hearts——!

Then—what kind of monster is that?

A shuddering feeling rose from people's hearts. At this moment - the vicious beast came out of the cage!

Ominous music sounded, and the combination of lolita and beast was already eye-catching.

If there is overwhelming power in cooperation——

Boom~! After a battle, Berserker was hit by a nuclear arrow fired from Red A in the distance.

The power of Fantasy Collapse was activated, causing a huge explosion in an instant——

But the pressure of the ominous music became even stronger.

When the fog clears,

"You're lying, you're actually unscathed!" Rin.

... Gudong... Everyone swallowed their saliva and looked blankly at the strong figure standing invincible.

Standing motionless in the dispersing fog is enough to frighten all enemies.

They would still understand if he responded with the same attack to offset the explosion just now.

But looking at the earth collapsing into huge holes at this moment,

And the energy hurricane that was enough to destroy a huge building just now,

‘It took that blow head-on but was unscathed—what kind of monster is that? ! ’ At this moment, not only Rin, but all the Masters in the other world were also frightened.

And then when I saw Uncle B fighting with Saber, he looked like a ferocious beast that had lost his mind, but he was still clearly aware of the length of the invisible sword, the Holy Sword, and he was able to achieve this continuous sober blue. After making a judgment that even a spearman cannot make——

People were so surprised and stunned that they were speechless.

Even when his weapon was stepped on by Saber,

When faced with a sword attack coming towards the head, he could immediately follow his instinct and give up the weapon, turn over and hook with both feet, and launch a smooth counterattack with the visual impact of Tai Chi's Baguazhang series——

Such terrifying and amazing martial arts,

According to Rin - it's obviously a 'mountain of meat', but this is too flexible! People have been completely stunned.

A+ level agility makes Uncle B look more agile than a certain gymnast prince in the assassination world.

The clone of Hassan, who was shot to death by Shiny Kai in the fourth battle, felt ashamed when he saw it.

Coupled with the overwhelming power, it makes people feel frightened and dare not face its edge head-on!

"This doesn't look like a berserker!" Lin shouted in shock.

"It must be a very famous heroic spirit - he was corroded by the violence but his sword skills are still intact. I have nothing to say but admiration." Saber also took the opportunity to speak after retreating from the brief confrontation.

The Masters of the other world were now sweating profusely, their mouths were open, and they were all speechless.

This is also——

One of the participating heroic spirits in the Holy Grail War?

The new mysterious heroic spirit has just appeared, and it has raised the atmosphere and tension of the fighting to the highest level.

This is probably the strongest Servant that people have seen so far.

at the same time……

Wait—something suddenly occurred to people.

It is normal for Berserkers to exaggerate their attributes due to job placement.

I've obviously lost my mind.

But he still has such amazing martial arts skills!

This guy——! What shocking feats he accomplished during his lifetime! To be able to do such incredible things!

At this moment, even if I don’t know the name of Hercules,

People are beginning to notice the anomaly!

Too strong! !

Even among these outstanding human heroic souls, they are the most unique individuals.

Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to call him a hero among heroes.

It would be difficult to find another such berserker, even in all previous Holy Grail Wars.

Even if people have not read other Holy Grail War epics, they can't help but think of it at this moment.

However, what people did not expect in the future was——

In the fourth battle, there also appeared a knight whose martial arts skills were unparalleled in an era after losing his mind.

And this once caused a strange impression to people after that——

The three knights and so on are indeed fake powerful job agencies.

According to the lovely Illya-chan, ‘Basaka’ is the strongest!

As expected, the strongest Basaka is Assassin.

So Assassin is the strongest! Very good, there is nothing wrong with this wave!

Not counting the old man,

If the master's magic power supply is sufficient,

Can any other heroic spirit really win in a duel with the berserker?

They were deeply suspicious of this—!

But the scene in front of people on the other side suddenly changed——

Some messages and sounds also appeared in my mind at the same time.

‘The pinnacle of heroes in the world (region) of ancient Greek mythology, the ultimate human being, the demigod hero Heracles (Hercules)’——

That was the true form of the irrational man in front of him.

Even when Big Dog appeared, he never received such special treatment.

At this moment, the narration of the immersive epic gave a simple introduction.

When seeing that introduction, people's thinking paused for a moment and they were stunned.

Demigod——? !

The world of ancient Greek mythology—the ultimate human being?

Then, regarding the scenes of the twelve trials, the images of monsters that even the gods feared that Uncle B defeated along the way also appeared in people's eyes one by one.

Crushing in the cradle the poisonous snake sent by Hera to kill,

Kill the nine monsters, capture the raging bull, save the suffering sage Prometheus, and complete the twelve so-called impossible trials.

A man full of rebellious spirit, he was even dissatisfied with the tyranny of Zeus and rebelled against the gods.

Throughout his life, he fought countless battles with heaven and earth, monsters, and humans. Even after death, his soul ascended to heaven and became the Hercules in the field of ancient Greek mythology.

Seeing those exciting scenes flashing continuously, people's pupils couldn't help but shrink and tremble!

Even if an ordinary person completes even one deed, it is enough to be recorded in an epic and called a heroic deed -! That man, he actually...!

Chapter 1,416 The ‘Twelve Trials’ that are unsolvable in people’s eyes!

A man named Hercules,

His experience alone is enough to write a work that is a collection of heroic epics.

When one person, one hero, accomplishes a great deed that all heroes combined can accomplish...

No wonder he can be called the strongest hero in a mythical world (region), a hero at his peak!

The so-called ultimate human being——! It is the symbol of who he was before becoming a god!

And the legendary hero who has long since become a god. Originally it was impossible to be summoned to the lower world——

So what appears before people's eyes now is a demi-god heroic spirit who has been downgraded and appears in the world as a hero who has completed the twelve trial periods.

But even after he was downgraded...

There is no doubt——

He is still the same as Gilgamesh, a ceiling-like existence among heroic spirits.

As a demigod-level heroic spirit.

Any Servant who is related to gods and has divinity has no doubt about their strength.


Even among such a group of demigod monsters.

Hercules is definitely one of the top ones too!

Not to mention that his real strength is not his divinity——

Rather, it stems from his so-called mind's eye - a noble phantom that has been developed with physical instincts, powerful martial arts in his bones, and the conceptualization of the grand deeds of the Twelve Trials.

And just when people want to continue taking a look and learn more about this terrifying ‘berserker’,

As soon as his vision changed, the scene in front of him came back.

Even the scenes of the Twelve Trials were only fleeting, and the story was not described in detail.

It seems like it just gave them (people) a brief glimpse into Uncle B's amazing achievements.


At this time, people took a deep breath and calmed down their hearts that had been stirred up.

Indeed, for that monster like a mountain of flesh——

No, it should be called a great hero!

Let them have a certain understanding of that legendary hero!

The wonderful and rich resume that can be felt even in just a few words, the file information is full of the words "powerful, super powerful".

‘No wonder he’s as strong as a monster! No, describing him as a monster is completely derogatory! Could that guy really be called a human when he was alive? ’ Some people couldn’t help but complained crazily in their hearts.

The dragon-slaying hero Sigurd narrowly escaped death when he killed the dragon Fafnir.

But in the scene just seen, in those fleeting scenes, the man named Hercules killed more than one powerful monster.

And the majesty of each one is like that of a demon or an evil dragon, seemingly as powerful as Fafnir!

This is the most amazing place!

There was even a mention in the message just now. Some of the monsters were even feared by the ancient Greek gods at that time, right? !

But even then, the monsters were eventually defeated by this man.

In addition, he is suspected of having resisted the gods and the king of gods.

Having accomplished these great feats——

No wonder there are such shocking skills!

The word 'Invincible' in capital letters seemed to be engraved on Uncle B and reflected in people's retinas.

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