When the field of view switched again, it came to Rin and Red A.

Compared to Shirou, who has almost completely completed the Holy Grail War in the daily series,

Rin and the others are progressing very quickly.

Through the recent incident where ordinary people in the building were sucked into magic and passed out,

Rin has followed the clues to find the location of Caster, which is the source of the final concentration of magic power underground, and discovered the coordinates of Ryudou Temple.

Red A expressed his affirmation of Caster's magic level and felt that Caster's spies should be everywhere in this city.

So he said that when he fought with Berserker before, he had used all his " trump cards " but made no achievements, and that Caster must have peeked at him.

What a shame.

(Everyone who came back for the second and third readings after seeing Unlimited Swordsmanship in the future: ‘…’

I believe you!

All cards revealed?

Why were we so stupid back then to believe such nonsense? )

Not to mention the power of the A-level Noble Phantasm, the thrown spiral sword.

Whether it is Red A's best seven-fold ring of blazing sky, or the infinite sword system with inherent enchantment, they have not been touched at all.

The nuclear bomb arrow is nothing more than a flat A.

Just use it to fool Rin and the people who are novices...

But it’s not just the red A,

People soon understood what it means that city dwellers are all in the same routine.

When Rin expressed that he was in a bad mood and wanted to fight with Caster as his next target,

Red A asked her helplessly,

Why did you leave the easy ones (Saber and Shirou's team) alone and not take action?

On the contrary, even if it was a tough nut to crack, she still felt soft-hearted.

And about this——

Of course, Rin denied it, and made her decision firmly in red A.

If Shirou Emiya dares to approach him, he will be killed!

Looking at Rin’s deceitful look and cold voice,

People’s hearts sank——

Hmm - no way?

I originally thought that these two were the hero and heroine, and they would join forces to deal with the others first.

Rin couldn't really kill Shirou!

In response, Red A smiled and said nothing.

People could only look at Red A with a confused expression.

So——Rin can really take action?

I have mixed feelings about this,

Until the second day of the plot,

People's perspective comes to Shirou,

First, I had another dream. What I dreamed about was a fragment that appeared in a familiar short film...

When Shirou was a child, he had a conversation with his adoptive father Kiritsugu, saying that he would inherit the memories of his father's unfinished dream.

That kind of dream seems to indicate something——

People don't know.

Then Shirou woke up,

Because Artoria couldn't transform into a spirit child, he had to go to school alone.

After arriving at school, Shirou greeted Rin as usual, irritating Rin who had already sworn to kill Shirou if he was approached proactively, but she had no idea.

I learned at school that Ayako, the leader of the Kyudo club, disappeared after saying goodbye to me last night.

Before she disappeared, she had an argument with the second master, and the second master also asked for leave and did not come today.

This also caused Shirou to be worried today.

But before he could go find out about Ayako after school,

Rin stopped him for a chat, and the battle suddenly started.

Cursed black and red yinqi bullets were continuously fired from his fingers.

An ancient curse originating from Northern Europe. After being strengthened, it will kill people if it hits the vital point.

And the destructive power of the holes that were smashed into the ground also made people see the power of this technique.

There was no doubt that it could easily blow Shirou's head.

What followed was a chase that made people tremble with fear!

Rin - really took action!

People finally no longer had any illusions, and just thought that Rin finally gave up on the naivety of being too kind before, and began to face this war squarely——

In comparison, Shirou was quite generous.

People can't help but sigh.

If this continues, people will really die!

Fortunately, when people saw Shirou running all the way down the stairs and corridors and being forced into a classroom under a heavy hail of bullets,

The space was closed in front of Rin, and then an overwhelming baptism of sinister bullets was prepared.

The momentum was like a volley of all the king's treasures being fired,

It really shocked people——

Although it is definitely not as powerful as the Noble Phantasm Rain, for Shirou, who is a half-time magician, it is still a very powerful ultimate attack.

However, Shirou didn't give up.

Long time no see——

People once again saw Shirou's enhanced magic, using the enhanced table as a shield and the enhanced crowbar as a weapon.

The two began the second round of confrontation.

The Yin Qi bullet failed to kill Shirou, as it was all blocked by the table.

Rin then threw gems and blew up the entire classroom, but still failed to kill Shirou.

Looking at Shirou who was extremely strong and rolling out of the classroom,

People couldn't help but look surprised.

As if asking - why is he so good at fighting?

Originally, people thought that the battle would be over in an instant... Unexpectedly...

And just when Shirou and Rin were confronting each other again——

Faced with Rin's condition of letting him go if he forces Shirou to hand over the command spell, Shirou refuses to obey.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting increasingly dangerous, a scream suddenly came from downstairs.

Shirou also anxiously abandoned Rin as his opponent and ran straight away.

For this unexpected movement, the people who just reacted at this moment were stunned for a moment: "???"

There is someone outside, something happened?

However, at this time, people have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

They would never have thought that Shirou would embark on such an incredible and magnificent road. (From now on, he is either fighting a heroic spirit alone or on the way to fight a heroic spirit alone.)

Chapter 1426 The iron will is revealed! Blood is like iron, heart is like glass!

Tell a joke--

Humans cannot defeat heroic spirits. (But they can tear heroic spirits apart with their hands.)

Or it can be said that it is normal to be "unable to defeat".

But there are always some people who have a life like cheating--

Even the big account came back from the future to help the small account cheat,

The existence of Red A, even if he does nothing,

Just every time he uses the magic circuit, it will continue to affect Shirou.

Although Red A is not with Rin at this time,

However--this does not affect Shirou's first battle experience.

When Rin caught up with Shirou, they tacitly agreed to temporarily stop fighting and found the female student who had fainted downstairs.

Her magic power was drained and her life force was beginning to be endangered. Something must be done——!

Facing this innocent female student who she didn't know, Rin didn't hesitate too much and took out the precious gem to replenish her magic power.

People who saw this scene——"!!!"

Wait a minute, you just use the gems casually?

Woc, rich and inhumane!

If you don't know the economic situation of the Tohsaka family, you will definitely think that Rin is an abnormal spendthrift.

But even if you know, you will think it's a spendthrift, right?

'... Rin, you are really kind... There is obviously no reason to care. ' People were attracted by the gentle side of the girl at this moment.

She said she wanted to deal with Shirou before, but she always found various reasons not to do it.

At this time, people finally confirmed that

this girl... unexpectedly is a tsundere monster with a sharp tongue and a soft heart.

But this kindness is a bit... Waste gem——?

Some poor people from other worlds looked at the emerald that glowed and healed the passing girl, and a trace of heartache flashed in their eyes.

Woc, what a good gem - this, if you take it to a big city to sell it, you should be able to get a lot of money.

It was wasted on a stranger!

And at this moment -

In this unusually quiet atmosphere, Shirou suddenly stopped, and his eyes unconsciously looked towards the direction of the forest as if he felt something.

He looked absentmindedly for a while,

At a certain moment, his face suddenly changed, "Tosaka--!!"

Shirou shouted Rin's last name, and the people who were focusing on the emerald were startled!

"Be careful--!" But it was too late. At the moment when the words of warning came out, Shirou subconsciously raised his arm to block Rin's head.

The next moment, Sister R's chain quickly passed by in the image of a black shadow, and instantly pierced Shirou's arm.


Before the official scene, the protagonist was hit hard!

This familiar attack method stunned many people.

But more people had no time to think, they were already stunned by the scene before their eyes.

When people saw the blood splattering,

saw... Lin, the girl who was always calm and elegant, showed a confused and panicked expression for the first time.

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