It seems that there is lingering fear!

There also seems to be confusion and confusion as to why Emiya Shirou did what he did! Those emotions are clearly written on his face.

Obviously - Shirou's use of his own body as a shield and sacrifice of his own life to save her had a huge impact on this kind-hearted girl's heart!

Her voice stuttered and trembled, "Don't you feel pain?"

He asked loudly - as if to hide the weak emotions revealed in his heart at this moment.

But at the same time, it also asked people’s common questions,

Their pupils contracted and they looked at Shirou intently——

Surprise, surprise...? You were obviously being chased by Rin just a moment ago, but now you are willing to save your enemy at all costs.

Repaying kindness with kindness is already rare.

Not to mention that as an ordinary person, Emiya Shirou didn't scream in pain after receiving the bone-deep blow just now.

It can be said that people have been frightened by this sudden situation.

'Is he...a fool? ! Why...' For a moment, people stopped talking and looked at Shirou's arm that was bleeding and stained red!

‘You must be an idiot! ’

But why does that figure look so handsome, dazzling, and full of reassuring reliability now?

People looked at Shirou who also stood up and looked in one direction as the chain spirit son disappeared, with his back to Rin.

"Of course it hurts, it hurts like hell..." Shirou responded.

If you want to ask how much it hurts——

A word and a voice suddenly appeared in everyone's mind, "It was the same pain as a hot iron rod inserted into the spine."

Hiss~! Just thinking about it makes people cringe!

But it’s such an extreme pain!

Emiya Shirou had just 'actively' blocked it without changing his expression.

Even at this moment, Shirou's solemn look on his face did not change at all while shouting 'Of course it hurts'.

Even though he was sweating and frowning, he did not show a hint of cowardice. Instead, he let Rin continue to take care of the passerby girl and continue to stare at the direction of the attack! Be alert...!

After seeing that there was no second attack, Shirou warned Rin to take care of the passing girl, and bravely charged into the forest alone.

His courage and bravery also brought a different kind of shock to people.

After that, there is a plot where Shirou encounters Sister R and attacks again in the forest!

Relying on the strengthened crowbar, Shirou fought back and forth for two rounds.

Even after Sister R appeared, the two sides fought in close combat.

Sister R was even more verbally taunted by Shirou.

Compared with other Servants, Shirou said that the pressure she brought was far inferior.

I have to say that in the future people will also discover that Red A’s mouth yawn also has its origin!

At the same time, people were once again amazed by Shirou's boldness!

Even if he faces the Servant directly, he still...

‘How dare you say that!

Isn't he afraid of being killed? ’

When people look towards the field.

Sister R was so angry that she no longer hid, and succeeded in directly attacking through the hidden chain on the ground, and hung Shirou from the tree with one hand.

The situation immediately took a 180-degree turn.

And it was only then that people were able to take a closer look at the identity of the attacking Servant.

When Medusa's extremely familiar outfit, eye patch - and hair color appeared.

Especially when the surrounding scenery is very similar to the forest scene when Anna first appeared,

People who hadn't paid much attention at first were suddenly stunned——


"An, Anna...?!" Everyone said in surprise and uncertainty.

Although she has been seen in short films before, we know that Medusa will also come to this Holy Grail War.

People did not expect that such a scene would appear.

Is the adult Anna appearing? !

For a moment——

Everyone was in an uproar and their enthusiasm was rising.

Even if Sister R appears as an enemy now, she can't resist their enthusiasm.

Just like when the King of Heroes appeared not long ago——


"...! Wait, just now Shirou said that our Anna is weak... He said that she is not as good as other Servants." Many Anna chefs suddenly reacted with dark faces, thinking of Shirou's mocking words.

Chapter 1,427: Flesh and blood, and it is precisely because we are human that we have contradictions!

I didn't really care at first,

People who even saw Emiya Shirou actually fighting a new Servant in a duel without losing for the time being made their blood boil with excitement.

When they found out that the weak Servant was actually the familiar Anna, they felt a little bad!

In the singularity, she even became the goddess of the evil eye in the end, and blocked Anna from mentioning her mother for a while...

Weak? Not weak!

But every time there was a fight in the early stage, Anna was getting beaten, and kept getting beaten...

It wasn’t until the end that there was a highlight moment.

In the epic of the Seventh Singularity, Anna is already miserable enough in people's eyes.

Now that it's the Holy Grail War, do you still want to be ridiculed for your weak combat power?

People who can't beat other demigod-level and god-level heroic spirits also admit that,

Now even Shirou can be soloed?

They (we) Anna Kitchen don’t have any face! All of a sudden, these people were furious! Fortunately——

Sister R's backhand restraint was timely and powerful.

But then, just when Sister R wanted to destroy Shirou's eyes in revenge,

Rin arrived in time and forced Sister R back with a vicious bullet.

Later, as a Servant, she was scared away by these two magicians.

That's right - he ran away in a panic and didn't even meet the enemy Servant.

Some of the people who were relieved for a moment suddenly froze and darkened after seeing what happened next... feeling a little at a loss in their hearts.

‘Slipped away? Just ran away? ’

No way!

After confirming again and again that Sister R has really left!

Regarding this obvious move of letting go of the sea,

People who don’t know how bad Sister R’s attributes are now due to being dragged down by her Master,

There was a blank expression on his face.

Heroic Spirit——

Powerful existences that were sublimated from the souls of heroes and monsters in history, myths and legends after their death.

Just like that... being scared away by two mere magicians? !

People seem to be still in a dream——! I can't understand what I just saw!

Although there was something ‘wrong’ with one of the two magicians.

Although he is a magician, fighting in close combat only strengthens his magic.

His wrist was obviously penetrated, but he was just an ordinary person, but he had a will of steel and his expression did not waver at all.

Emiya Shirou—from the perspective of an ordinary good guy,

The unusual personality finally began to reveal itself little by little, and he initially revealed a hint of the heroic demeanor of tearing heroes apart in future short films.

But now he obviously does not have the strength to truly challenge the heroic spirits——

It just showed that potential, that's just potential! It doesn't mean that he can now farm heroic spirits alone!

People who couldn't accept this had complicated expressions on their faces...

On the other side, Rin, who had just finished bandaging Shirou, saw Shirou getting up very seriously and raising the crowbar in his hand.

Ask her——

So, should we continue the previous battle now?

People who understood Shirou's behavior at this time couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

It also attracted great attention from the Masters of other worlds.

Whether it is Emiya Shirou or Tohsaka Rin, as masters, they all have their own principles.

They weren't just flirting;

But he was really prepared to fight with his life in mind——

Shirou has a strong mind and ability to adapt to battlefield situations. Although he does not actively attack people, he is not pedantic...

Not attacking and not resisting are two different things.

He will also attack decisively when it is time to attack - allowing people to see a lot of manly side.

And Rin - because of his personality, he often makes some actions that are extremely contradictory to others.

He wants to kill Shirou again, and he wants to save Shirou again!

It also makes people more aware of his personality charm.

Their actions have their own code of conduct.


It was clear that the Masters who had ridiculed the two of them for their naive and absurd actions before,

Everyone was silent at this time.

The two people actually felt a little admired for being able to stick to their true intentions in such a cruel war, and to do something and not do something.

‘Obviously even a hero like Lancer will adapt to the situation and follow the rules - to attack ordinary people. ’ One can’t help but think.

Just like then——

In fact, they have always felt that something was wrong from the beginning.

Now I finally figured it out.

If a hero does something against his will due to some problems, it should not be a hero's doing.


The hero is no longer the familiar hero in people’s minds.

Such a strange figure——

It's really chilling and terrifying.

Fortunately, the King of Knights has not experienced the same situation as Lancer, and it has not changed people's inherent understanding of it.

But that may also have something to do with the big dog’s own personality.

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