So is this the legendary self-talk? ’ People felt a little fucked up inside for a while.

Did they feel lonely at that time?

I originally thought it was a tit-for-tat drama between two people, a confrontation of ideas and beliefs.

In the end, you told me that it was a one-man show, that Emiya was talking to himself?

The word "Emiya" refers to two people at the same time... This is really a classic use of pun.

At this moment, Red A is frantically brainwashing his past self - instilling in him a pessimistic way of understanding the existence of heroic spirits.

"Heroic spirits are summoned by the will of others.

Just like tools that are thrown away after use, Servants will help humans from the bottom of their hearts.

Do you really believe it? "

A rhetorical question stopped the originally aggressive Shirou.


At the same time, it also triggered the thoughts of the masters in the other world. Their pupils also shrank when they heard Red A's words.

'Yes - Servants are all famous heroes in history and mythological epics. Would they really be willing to accept being used by a little ordinary Master? ’

Because most Masters are not powerful types,

Even more like the master of Red A in this world - the boy was saved by Red A when he was on the verge of despair.

It is normal for such weak people to feel inferior because of the disparity in identity, ability, and status between the two parties.

And this is the third time that this idea has been recalled... and now it has been confirmed? This made them a little uneasy.

On the other side, Red A continued to speak.

"Listen, the heroic spirit is just a device. It is summoned when needed and disappears after cleaning up the mess.

Cleaners whose wills have been deprived of eternal service to mankind. "Obviously he is a heroic spirit, but at this time he (Red A) has ruthlessly reduced his existence to a disposable tool-like existence.

‘It sounds—so miserable! ’ Such an exaggerated description also made people look surprised, disbelieving, and moved.

No way——

Will the treatment be that bad after becoming a Heroic Spirit?

Except for the unique points of this pair’s story,

It is really unimaginable for people who no longer understand the way heroic spirits survive in other times.


Although what Red A said was not a complete portrayal of all heroic spirits, he was not lying to a certain extent.

In the future, people will understand that the red A at this time is not so much a heroic spirit.

Rather, it is the truest portrayal of his own life!

(Red A: No one understands restraint better than me, and no one understands better than me what kind of hard-working Servant ‘cleaners’ are!

Work overtime 24 hours a day without breaks. Does such a boss still use blackmail? )

"This is the heroic spirit..." At this moment, no matter how much impact those words had on everyone, Red A continued to say coldly.

"It's called the Guardian."

People's beautiful illusions about heroic spirits were somewhat shattered by these remarks.

After that, Shirou got even more angry and argued with Red A because Red A said that heroic spirits are devices.

Tools, cleaners, gear—whatever,

No one would think of the cute King of Knights as a tool or cleaner, right?

But it just so happens that - Red A is like a conspiracy theory, which is in line with some people's inner doubts - (why such a powerful heroic spirit is willing to be driven by a little-known person like himself).

For a while, some people actually believed it!

More people are doubtful! I think there is no need for Red A to deceive Shirou about this kind of thing.


‘woc, after death you will become a tool man,

What kind of terrifying hell is the Hall of Valor? ’ At this time, people thought in shock.

And then after knowing the sad (shocked, stifled laughter) fact that only Red A is actually the cleaner, well...

Too bad! People who were miserable didn't know how to comfort this man.

At that time people already understood,

——Most of the Heroic Spirits are actually still staying in the Hall of Valor, but they just can’t leave.

Only the 'Guardians' will be forced to do hard work by Alaya to solve problems that threaten the survival of mankind.

This just fulfills Red A's words, "It is also called the Guardian".

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand——

The other heroic spirits are fine;

With the egotistical and arrogant existence of the Hero King Gilgamesh, if he was asked to serve as a ‘guardian’,

How could he be willing to be someone's tool?

Or even be a ‘cleaner’!

If anyone dared to mention such a thing to him,

The doors of Babylon are wide open, so it’s normal for EA to wash his face.

Based on their understanding of that king, they would definitely be furious!

At this time, Shirou also questioned Red A——

Even if the advent is uncontrollable,

After arriving, they can choose according to their own wishes whether they want to obey their master's orders or not, right?

‘That makes sense——! 'people.

At this time, they also remembered the setting of the command spell, which has a lot of binding power on Servants.

But there are only three Command Seals, so they can't all be used to restrain their heroic spirits, right?

That’s too abnormal——!

After all - not everyone is like Rin, who is so capable that he got so angry at the beginning that he used the precious Command Seals!

Regarding this…

The Masters expressed that they are also worried about this issue now.

Although they have no idea of ​​ordering their Servants,

But after all, they are already connected,

They also wanted to know how the magician could make those heroic spirits accept him and work together to seize the Holy Grail.

Chapter 1,431 Archers all love close combat. Is this really normal? !

Regarding this——

A certain Jin Pika should actually have the most say.

Willful and arrogant, a hahaha happy monster,

It happened that such a person got the job of Archer, who had the highest ability to act independently.

The fourth battle had many parts that made Tokiomi feel tired and miserable.

I want to compare myself with my daughter Rin who has been fighting for five years.

The treatment they received from their Servants was like heaven or hell!

Back to the topic——

At this time, Red A didn't think for long before giving an explanation.

He said that after the Servant comes, he will regain his humanity when he was a human being.

Recalling my past obsessions...and regrets.

"Imagine... the feeling of a heroic spirit who dies without being able to fulfill his wish and has to be summoned by humans in exchange for it after death.

Everything stems from the desire for the Holy Grail. "

In other words, everyone will be affected by ‘obsession’.

For example, if you still have any last wishes before your death, you will finally have appeal and desire for the Holy Grail!

Is this the correct understanding?

However, when talking about this, people can clearly feel the atmosphere becoming heavier.

At this moment, they couldn't help but look sideways at Red A.

‘I always feel that this is a man with a story——’

And in front of Red A and Shirou,

Now it looks like an old enemy, like a father and son, and like an elder brother and a younger brother.

Watching Red A lecture Shirou and express his bitterness,

He felt uneasy and seemed to want to persuade Shirou something, but he couldn't express it and he looked tired.

People feel weird...

It was only after they understood the relationship between the two that they understood the reason for this complicated connection.

I understand what Red A really wants to do——

To put it bluntly, you don’t want Shirou to follow his own path, right? !

ah--! ! So this is the reason? Is that what happened?

The sudden realization at that time was another emotion that was so touching that I couldn't help but cry.

grass--! There are too many twists and turns here! move! ! So touching! Grit your teeth! Such an answer is simply unexpected!

This also makes people who are only second or third-level users, when they see the confrontation scene here again, they can't help but complain: "Red A: No one cares about 'myself' more than me!"

If you care about him, you must try your best to instill in him the experience of his predecessors!

Completely correct and transform him from mind to spirit.

What? ! You don't want to change?

‘Rebellious son’!

As a predecessor's experience, it is not recognized, and out of shame and anger, it is normal to send the past 'self'... a traitor who cannot be educated to a certain extent!

Maybe it’s because I’m still trying to ‘save’ myself from a certain righteous partner in my second year of middle school,

After his earnest words were not understood, he became even more furious. After that, he fought several times and tried to kill 'himself'!

And at this time...

At least on the surface the two of them were in peace.


At this time, Shirou interrupted Red A's words,

Since it is said that after the heroic spirit arrives, it will recall obsessions and create wishes,

Then he should be the same! Why give up such a precious treasure? !

But Red A said I have no wishes——

In other words, the wish was fulfilled before death, so there is no desire anymore.

Huh? !

Shocked - they were all shocked by this unexpected answer.

Then, faced with this answer...

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