Most people said they didn’t believe it!

‘How is that possible? ! ’

It’s human beings who have desires they want to realize!

Even if your most wanted wish has been fulfilled, there should still be other pursuits, right?

Doesn't he have any emotions like longing?

No desires or desires?

There are no legends of saints in other worlds.

Although there may be ascetic, ascetic, self-denying people,

However, the related concepts are not popularized.

This is also hard for people to imagine and believe! There will still be such people in this world who have no desires and desires!

Can that really still be called a human being?

Does he have no emotions?


Someone suddenly noticed,

Does Red A's words at this time mean that he has not lost his memory and still remembers what happened during his lifetime?

Or maybe the memory has gradually recovered after the amnesia?

So what's his real name?

His past again——

People's desire to explore this mysterious Servant is not small at all.

Among the many heroic spirits appearing now, even the least introduced Dog Brother, people already know his identity as a demigod and Cu Chulainn's real name.

But with only the red ace, everything is just a mystery now.

In the end, the red A was given to Shirou, and he left with a handsome figure on his back.

And about what exactly is ‘Red A’s wish’——

Along with the last silhouette of the soldier who looked a little aloof and lonely, it became a question that has been lingering in people's minds ever since.

After all, it’s hard to believe that there is no such thing as a wish!


They never dreamed of it,

Although Red A does have something to pursue, even after his death, he has never given up until now, and is still trying to walk on a certain path——

But he never thought about using the Holy Grail to realize his wish.

In other words, he knew that the Holy Grail could not fulfill his wish.

Compared to the embarrassment and despair of his adoptive father who gave up...

He just knew the despair in advance, but he never gave up.

It was clear that he could let go if he wanted to, and Kiritsugu taught him that, just give up if he didn't want to do it.

But apart from not wanting his past self to tread the same path, he couldn't change anything, and he never thought about giving up.

Should we say they are the same person?

In terms of persistence, they are just as stubborn.

Regardless of what Red A’s wish is for the moment——

But Red A shouldn’t take action after that, right?

At least that's the case on the surface, as long as they don't explode like Lian Shirou in the last battle against Berserker.

But people think that Rin did not form an alliance with Shirou last time.

We just stayed together for a while,

Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem like betrayal. Both sides are enemies, right?

As a hero, Archer should be honest after the Master finalizes the truce and alliance agreement, right?

After that——

People saw Shirou having a good chat with Saber after returning.

After being questioned about her experience of coming back so late, Saber chose to forgive her even though she was a little angry.

In the end, the two reached a consensus, and Saber personally began to teach Shirou's swordsmanship and melee combat abilities!

For a moment, as the two people's wooden swords began to fight, crisp hitting sounds continued to be made.

Watching the two people chatting, they started practicing immediately!

Everyone: "..."

I don't know why,

That inexplicable sense of déjà vu is here again!

Young Master Red A: "...Well, I used to doubt whether he would become Archer in the future - but now..."

Have you started to hone your melee combat skills?

Wait, aren’t you a super talented archer who can always hit the mark with perfect accuracy?

If your archery skills are good, why don't you practice more in that area?

Is it really okay to sharpen the knife temporarily and learn melee combat now?

He looked a little confused and confused.

But I finally know why Shirou's fighting style is so similar to Red A in the future.

They are all archers, why do they all like close combat?

Or is it a reckless mode like dual swords that requires no defense at all? Is it really just a matter of archers using unparalleled weapons to directly kill the enemy? !

ha? What's weird xp!

Chapter 1,432 Don’t take the lead! Absolutely not!

Soon the next day came,

It is still a daily plot that is calm but not calm.

The missing Ayako was also found, but she looked like she had been spoiled and her eyes were not bright.

It is said that he was found in an alley with his clothes still in tatters.

Although the magic power in his body was just sucked and he lost a lot of his vitality,

The suspect was quickly pinned on the second master...

Later, people saw Shirou arguing with the second master who was making fun of Ayako's experience.

Although the second master and Shirou are indeed true friends, people don't know that. Instead, they look at the second master with a "I am a bad guy" face all over the place.

‘No way, he’s just another master of the school! ’

People quickly thought that both Saber and Rin had sensed the abnormal barrier in the school.

And Rider who attacked Rin and the others,


After Shirou and Rin reunited and spent a day finding all the magic seals in the school.

The real owner who imposed the barrier couldn't help but pop out——

The second master took the initiative to find Shirou and asked him if he wanted to abandon Tohsaka and form an alliance with him.

Speaking of the relationship between the two,

Although it is true that the second master is bad, he is indeed a friend.

His invitation to Shirou to form an alliance was not entirely false.

Even though the priority target of Rider's previous attack was Rin, not Shirou——

Although according to Er Ye’s claim that Rider acted without permission,

But it’s okay to hear this kind of half-truth, and people are not stupid enough to really believe it.

But even so, it was true that Rider didn't attack Shirou at the beginning... She never thought that someone would be naive enough to block the enemy's knife!

But people who didn't understand the relationship between the two were now looking at the second master's harsh tone and some words that seemed to irritate Shirou as if they were provocative.

"Ah... why don't you go up and give him a punch! This second-level kelp leader looks so annoying and disgusting!" Liu Xiu's master couldn't help but muttered.

She can't stand it anymore!

She didn't remember that Shirou was the holy mother type!

Although he is a kind-hearted person, when it is time to kill decisively and be manly and responsible, he has been very decisive and charming before!

Why are you following your heart now?

Of course, she was not the only one at this moment, probably everyone who saw this felt a little aggrieved.

I couldn't understand why Shirou didn't just say 'we are friends' to this guy, but instead he was like a 250-year-old foul-mouthed kelp who took the lead in throwing a friendship-breaking punch!

At this time, just the fact that Shirou could hold back from attacking the second master already surprised people!

Obviously during the argument, Shirou also said that he questioned Ayako about the last quarrel between her and the second master.

It was obvious that Shirou was very angry. He must have suspected the second master.

But he just didn’t take action...

This is a bit incredible.

Fortunately, considering that just watching the ubw line alone, many plots may seem unreasonable.

Homura has already considered this.

You may not think about the rationality of the plot when you just watch it, but immersive epics naturally need to be closer to reality to convince people.

Be able to withstand doubt.

But it doesn't matter,

The almighty memory kill can save everything.

So Homura excerpted some fragments from some HA lines and other peaceful world lines.

Also joined in this epic,


Just when everyone was feeling aggrieved for Shirou, they were so angry that they clenched their fists and wanted to beat him up personally.

The world before the Holy Grail War flashed before their eyes, where Shinji and Shirou drank tea and watched movies together, and there were scenes of Shinji even stuffing Shirou with small colored books.

And Shirou did a thankless job in junior high school that was laughed at by everyone. The second master stood aside and watched the end, and then said to him, "Although you are an idiot, you did a good job."

It was also at that time that the two became true friends.

The estrangement between the two also originated from Shirou practicing kyudo...

Of course, it's perfectly fine to say he's a bad guy, and it doesn't affect people's desire to criticize him.

But it seems that this person is not that facial-facial,

Who says evil people can't be friends with good people? The definitions of good and evil, justice and evil have never been so clear-cut.

At this moment, people were really dumbfounded when they saw that scene.


Really a tough guy?

At once……

‘Are you playing me? ’ People looked at Shirou in a strange way.

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