It's no wonder that the current Sasaki Kojiro can inherit the name of that Servant.

But thinking about the swordsman who can kill the 'fantasy species' swallow,


People suddenly broke out in cold sweat and did not dare to think about it further.

We should be thankful—fortunately, the one who came this time was not the Sasaki Kojiro himself?

Although the secret sword of the two - Yan Guihui is stronger,

People have no way of knowing this.

But what I saw just now, the Sasaki Kojiro who was suspected of appearing at the singularity, and the appearance of Dr. Roman in the world,

That swallow that Kojiro practices swordsman with is no ordinary pervert!

It involves space, time, a monster that can breathe fire and spit light, and even the demon pig cannot match it.

They said it was one of the seven-colored dragon kings who was superior, and everyone believed it!

If it were that guy who just used Yan Hui,

Can my king really survive?

People dare not think about it at all.

In other words, single-round swordsmanship - being suddenly hit with such a fast and closing sword at such a close range,

They even suspected that the demigods in the legendary epic would also attract hatred on the spot.


That does not mean that the strength of swordsmen surpasses those top heroic spirits with divinity.

But in a close situation,

Possessing the power to kill the opponent without being able to react or displaying his full strength... a one-hit kill!

The most classic example of this type is

It must be Jin Shining who had his elbow chopped off by Shirou.

The same goes for the two brushes (Diarmuid) that destroyed one of my king's hands during the Fourth War and prevented the light cannon from being released.

The Noble Phantasms of these heroic spirits may not be as powerful as those of the top heroic spirits.

But it's not without a chance of winning.

And the lack of strength that makes up for the gap in the Noble Phantasm with his powerful martial arts is what makes people admire and shock him even more.

after all--

Compared to other heroic spirits,

Not to mention others, Assassin Sasaki Kojiro is already the poorest person at this time.

There is not a single precious phantom.

Except for swordsmanship - nothing else.

While others' trump cards were all kinds of abnormal and buggy treasures, he was the only one who competed with others in martial arts honestly and freely.

This is also the only branch.


This may have something to do with him being really poor and helpless.

At the same time - on the other side,

People's vision suddenly returned to Shirou and his friends.

Archer unexpectedly let Caster go.

The reason was that there was no order from Rin and he didn't want to commit meaningless killing.

This was also laughed at by Caster happily,

In the end, I discovered that Shirou and Red A were both the same kind of people.

Neither likes killing others senselessly.

But the two people couldn't look at each other, and they excitedly denied being 'the same' as each other.

And after Caster left,

Shirou couldn't bear it anymore.

Ask Archer why he let Caster go, so that Caster will continue to absorb other people's magic in the city!

For a kind-hearted man like Shirou,

In order for ordinary people not to be threatened by their lives, it is inevitable to defeat Caster.

On the contrary, why did Red A, who is usually sharp, cold and decisive, give up in the end to kill such a difficult competitor like Caster?

Not only Shirou, but everyone at this time was also confused.

And then——

Faced with Shirou's constant questioning, Red A finally coldly gave an answer that he didn't know whether it was true or false.

"Caster is really soft-hearted. He might as well suck his life away. If everyone in the city dies, it will make the battle easier." Red A.

Let Mother C, who has been strengthened by absorbing magic power, deal with the powerful Berserker.

Afterwards, they took the opportunity to sneak attack Caster who was weak after the battle.

This is the initial reason and plan given by Red A.

'Varied--? ! ’ For a moment, people also looked at Red A in shock.

The answer was a bit unbelievable.

Such a cruel and cold-blooded plan, although it sounds good, is also very beneficial to them.

But being rational and cold-blooded goes too far!

Red A actually thinks so?

No, how is that possible? Isn't he a hero?

Moreover, he had fought so desperately for Shirou's life before.

But now——

Making fun of the lives of people in a city,

Go feed the enemy and defeat another enemy.

A chill flashed through people's hearts! I couldn't believe that those were the words Red A could say.

And people don't know what he thinks.

But people saw it, and it angered Shirou——!

At this time, Shirou punched Red A but was caught with a small fist. Red A asked him if he was not an ally and why he made such a senseless attack.

His cold and matter-of-fact attitude also made people, the bystanders, even more chilling, and at the same time——

It was as if he could feel the same thing, feeling Tao Shilang becoming more and more exposed.

Shirou said that he was not in the same camp as him.

"I'm different from you! If you sacrifice the people around you for the sake of victory and results! I will never do such a thing!"

Bang~! ! Peng Peng~! At that moment, the heart seemed to make a powerful sound, and everyone was shocked, and then they all looked at Shirou in shock.

Immediately, when they reacted, people couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with that point of view.

Sacrificing ordinary people to pursue victory,

Such a victory is also evil! Victory without force!

"Such a victory is really embarrassing to accept... If you win in this way, your hero's name will be shamed." A proud warrior from another world couldn't help but murmured after seeing this.

I recognized Shirou's anger! He frowned at Red A's statement.

The young master of Red A from another world also fell silent and said nothing at this time.


"I won't do that either, Emiya Shirou..." Red A stood calmly on the spot, still making no movement, just maintaining his back to Shirou and speaking in a deep voice.

People couldn’t help but be stunned, ‘Won’t you do that? So what does he want to do...'

Before people could think clearly, they heard the next sentence from Red A,

"But it's impossible to save everyone!" Red A said coldly.

‘Can’t…save everyone? ’

When hearing such realistic words, for a moment, a certain string in people's hearts was quietly plucked!

And with that month, the world's classic issue of justice reappeared——!

‘Can’t save everyone! ’

What is the so-called justice? People's bodies froze for a moment.

Archer - What do you want to express?

Chapter 1,442 Sacrificing the few, even killing the few, to save the many!

...Suddenly, before the question was fully raised,

A throbbing, uneasy feeling arises in people's hearts for no apparent reason.

It seems like some bad or heavy topic will come up;

And the next moment, that feeling really came true——!

The red A means that if the enemy gets the Holy Grail, the consequences will only be worse, and the entire city may be harmed.

(So ​​there is no need to worry that he will really accept Caster’s invitation and come to her.

Caster was interested in Red A before because he would not kill him, but he invited Red A to form an alliance, although he was rejected in the end. )

But now it only affects some people in the city.

At the expense of a few, you can get an opportunity to win, so it is obviously more cost-effective!


Everyone was furious when they heard this.

...This view, which sounds reasonable at first glance, is based on the premise of "cannibalism". Isn't it even more unacceptable?

But soon——

"In terms of results, the number of victims can be kept to a minimum, which is the same as your policy." Red A said.

“Saving someone means not being able to save someone else.”

And at this moment, Shirou Emiya's mind flashed back to similar words that Kiritsugu had said to him when he was a child when he was still alive.

With the appearance of this memory killing,

'You can only choose to save one side...'

People were stunned...

Then their expressions changed very wonderfully, and they couldn't help but start to think about it,

If a disaster really happens and you can only save one side and have to give up the other side,

So... what choice will they make?

At this time, they couldn't help but ask themselves,

Then suddenly the air fell into a deathly silence,

People's thinking seemed to be stuck in the mud and began to stagnate.


They didn't come up with better solutions or answers.

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