While angrily denying the red A, they are unable to come up with a better plan.

The seriousness of the problem became immediately apparent.

So - at this time, they couldn't think of a way to think about it, and they couldn't help but think of the concept that Red A just mentioned -

‘Sacrifice the few and save the many! ’

Even, when necessary——

‘We won’t hesitate to kill a few people who may cause the situation to worsen! ! ’ The moment this thought flashed through my mind,

Hiss~! Everyone gasped.

Some of them were so strange that I didn’t recognize them just now.

But...after really thinking about it, I realized,

Although that idea is cruel and realistic——

But... that seems to be the right choice, both efficient and practical!

However, this concept is really not like what the heroes in the epic would say.

If it were them——

Liu Xiu's master couldn't help but think that if it were the kind of shining saints, this type of Servant - 'Even if he does nothing, it will lead to greater disasters and more people will die. …

They wouldn't attack innocent people, right? ’ (Amakusa Shiro Tokisada expressed that he had something to say,

Of course, choose the relief of all mankind!

Since human beings are so miserable, we need people to bear everything, even if we sacrifice everything, we must save all mankind!

Whether humanity needs salvation or not.

Whether people like that 'redemption' or not. Needless to say the specific rescue method...

Not many people will like it. )

It is true that some people will not attack humans, but if they do, they will attack the entire human group.

The old sword that almost brought out the world-destroying beast 666 next door also expressed that he had something to say!

Although he finally came to his senses and stabbed the Master in the back.

But I have to admit,

Those who have brilliance and kindness, sometimes their wishes can bring greater hell than evil people.


The current Master Liu Xiu doesn’t know that much, nor does he think of that much——

She just suddenly thought,

‘But wouldn’t it be a greater evil if you know a quick solution but don’t do it? ’

Yes, if they can't agree with Red A's cruel rescue method,

Then it’s okay to just do nothing.

This makes it even more unacceptable!

Immediately, the girl was startled by her own thoughts.


Why does she think so... Is it wrong not to kill someone?


For a moment, Liu Xiu's master's eyes flashed with confusion, and he didn't know how to define the word 'hero'.

Unfortunately, girls are still experiencing the world immersively.

If it were outside, and her Servant saw the girl's confused state of mind, he wouldn't mind being a little bit of a villain to help his Master recognize the reality.

It is also kind of gentle to guide an immature Master to abandon his innocence early in this dangerous alien world where magic is everywhere.

But the current Liu Xiu doesn't know the mental process of the 'girl'. Even if he is paying attention to the body of 'Flame' of these masters, he will not go out of his way to read their hearts.

If you really know,

As the emperor who founded the Eastern Han Dynasty and continued the national destiny of the Han Dynasty for more than 190 years,

He is not really just a destiny's son and archmage who achieves things by luck alone.

An emperor who has truly experienced troubled times will also have seen a lot of darkness, and he can fully enlighten his master.

Want to know what a ‘hero’ is?

But you have to understand first——

Heroes not only have a bright side, but also a cruel and cold side.

It's just that this side is usually only released to enemies, so people can't feel it.

In addition, it depends on each person's definition of a hero.

And now, for Red A to show the other side and let people feel it and see it clearly!

'That's not what a hero did -' This is the idea that people had before,

But what they don’t know is——

Red A himself has never considered himself a hero. He has never thought about being a hero at all.

I just want to do what I think is right.

Even becoming a hero is just the power you have to obtain in order to accomplish your goal and fulfill that noble selfish desire!

For those who cannot agree with this man’s thoughts,

That kind of behavior was both dangerous and gave them a sense of awakening like people pretending to be asleep when a bell is ringing.

The cruel and helpless side of reality is bloody exposed.


Now people are a little shaken,

Because they began to feel that what Red A said was right and made some sense!

Because I can't refute it, and I can't accept such a cruel result, I must be extremely confused inside! What a contradiction!

Chapter 1,443 That sinful man, a sad ideal!

As the epic progressed, Red A continued to speak, which not only affected Shirou, but also made people's innocent hearts even more shaky.

At this moment, they seemed to be brought into Shirou's perspective, and they heard Red A say: "As you said, I don't want to involve irrelevant people.

Just admit it,

Without killing anyone, the result is that no one can be saved. "

Can no one be saved without killing anyone?

When people heard that, they were stunned at first, and subconsciously wanted to refute it. After thinking of something, they became even more silent.

Epics are not fairy tales.

They are not just about the beautiful side.

People know this. Even King Arthur sacrificed a town to collect military expenses in order to save the kingdom and go to war.

The Impaler also nailed unarmed captives to the ground, forming a hellish rainforest.

People could avoid talking about those things before...

Even if they knew, they didn't think much about it.

But think about the fact that Dracula will be feared by so many people in the future, and defined as a monster and anti-hero in the singularity. It's not all because they don't understand the life of the Archduke!

It's more because although he has made some achievements, people are scared by his brutal side and choose to forget it subconsciously.

That is undoubtedly too one-sided.

And the same -

Only choose to see the efforts and sacrifices made by the Archduke and King Arthur for the people, all kinds of sad scenes...

And forget those brutal sides, which is also one-sided.

But now people can no longer look at a character in a one-sided way...

Because Red A will not hide his other side,

Even the Grand Duke will despise the legend of being a 'vampire' and will not admit the name of a monster,

But Red A will not...

Such a hero is also the first time for humans to see it, it is new, the first time in history.

"Archer..." The Master of Red A in the other world murmured the name of the hero he admired in a complicated way, even so——

Archer really cares about it, and he made such a decision because he wants to save more people.

I guess he is also in pain and suffering in his heart.

Thinking like this, the boy felt that he had found a suitable reason for Red A's behavior!

He felt that he seemed to finally understand and understand his Servant,


Did he really understand it?

It was at this time, in the epic...Shirou and Red A had a new verbal dispute, and the situation even deteriorated further and became more serious.

"Are you going to chase Caster? I finally saved your life, and you still want to take risks..." Red A reached out to stop Shirou from moving, but Shirou roared in anger.

"So annoying!! I didn't ask you to save me! I don't need your help!"

Red A: "Really? You don't like me, that's good." Red A finally seemed to give up, and stopped trying to persuade Shirou, but let Shirou walk past him.

Just when people thought Red A had really given up trying to persuade Shirou,

he really did give up trying to persuade him,

but the next moment, in the eyes of people who were almost staring out of their eyes in shock -

Puff ~! !

The flashing knife light, the short knife that was so fast that it could not be seen clearly, suddenly hit Shirou's back.

Even though it was a projection treasure that was once broken by Lancer,

it was definitely dangerous and sharp for ordinary people.

Although this knife did not directly take Shirou's life, it was almost the same as taking half of his life.


Woc——! People were so shocked that they almost jumped up.

When they saw Shirou Emiya fall to the ground helplessly, Peng Dong!

The heavy sound of the body falling to the ground made people's hearts tremble violently, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Even their brains were a little blank,

they couldn't understand what happened at all,

why Red A suddenly attacked Shirou.

Then people saw Shirou crawling on the ground with difficulty,

crawling miserably towards the gate of Ryudo Temple, drawing a long blood curtain all the way, and still not giving up the desire to survive.

And Red A didn't immediately chase him to finish him off,

but looked at the miserable figure on the ground in a cold voice and said: "Not for yourself, but for others. This is just hypocrisy.

You don't expect victory, but peace.

But that kind of thing doesn't exist in this world at all."

When Shirou finally struggled to the gate and climbed up, he couldn't help but look back and said: "What did you say..."

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