However, Illya, who had just met the two maids, was not at all nice.

And people noticed that --

At this time, Illya seemed to have completed a certain degree of psychological transformation, and there was no trace of childishness and innocence.

People: Ah~! Illya has become like this... She looks so cold, it must be because she has received too much mental stimulation in recent years... Poor Illya!

I can't live with fate!

On the other side,

Just after the two maids finished introducing themselves,

Illya interrupted Sera's words with a cold face, and said that there was no need to waste time, and the greetings and names were casual, anyway, you two are the same.

Although Illya did not say "what is the same".

But people still thought of the previous scene,

Mission, the kind of sad consciousness of being willing to be a tool?

Chapter 1493: Not moving is not not recognizing you, but fearing that you will be hurt!

People also fell into silence --

They also knew that Illya should not really hate the two maids, but was still upset in her heart.

Otherwise, the relationship with the two maids would not be so good in the future.

The colder Illya is at this time,

the more people feel distressed!

She is such a kind little girl. She wants to take all the burdens on her own!

She closed her heart for this reason,

and became a completely different character and appearance from when she was young?

"Where is the Servant?" On the other side, Illya, who was pretending to be aloof, asked directly without much nonsense.

Then people saw Uncle B locked in a certain place in the castle.

Although the summon was summoned,

he had not signed a contract with the master yet.

Hercules at this moment was somewhat similar to Altria who could not get magic supply,

but the situation might be weaker.

"I see... After summoning the servant, do you have to sign a contract to complete the magic communication and supply?" The masters of the other worlds looked like they had learned something!

From this point of view, the oaths that the servants said when they were just summoned... the establishment of the contract, etc.,

were not just ordinary oaths! They really had a magical effect.

Then people saw Illya preparing to contract Uncle B.

At the same time, in response to Lizlit's intermittent words of 'Pashaka... absolutely... protect... Illya',

Illya just said that the Servant was just a tool, and the familiar without the restraint of the Command Spell would betray her without hesitation.

She would no longer trust anyone.

Such a lack of security made people more silent and distressed about Illya.

At the same time, they couldn't help but think...

Illya would trust Hercules so much in the future, as expected...

Did something happen in the middle?

Until people saw Illya with her magic circuits open and red lines all over her body.

She looked extremely hot, overloaded and heated up, trying her best to drive Uncle B to move,

But even so, Uncle B didn't move at all.

How could Illya, who used the Servant as a tool to win victory and carried the lives of her family, accept this!

Hasn't the reason for working hard until now to win the Holy Grail War so that everyone can survive!

People saw Illya angrily punching and kicking Uncle B.

This scene also shocked people,

It's not right...!

In the future, Illya can obviously drive Uncle B very well! Why now...

What's wrong?


A message flashed through people's minds, and then they understood what was going on.

The legendary hero, the demigod Hercules...

That powerful force, even if it is simply driven to act, the supply of magic power required is unimaginable.

Unlike Gilgamesh, another demigod hero who has the treasure of the king and consumes very little in battle.

The burden that Uncle B puts on his master is unimaginable.

Although Illya has been transformed and her whole body is full of magic circuits,

If you don't compare with cheating players like Sajo Aika and Gudako,

As a master, she is undoubtedly the best.


'He is afraid that if he moves, Illya will be very painful! ' People accepted the message from their minds in amazement.

Is it just because he is afraid of the pain of the master that he endures it to this extent?

He didn't even care about the pride and glory of being a hero,

Even if he was kicked and insulted by a little girl...

Hercules...!! This man...! How gentle!

People once again realized how much kindness and tolerance that man had for children.

This inevitably reminded them of the scene of Hercules holding a child and crying bitterly.

He never cared about face or glory, but only wanted to protect the happiness of the child.

Even if he came as a berserker this time, he was still such a trustworthy...real warrior!

The will to protect that did not change even when he was berserker was the most moving and admirable thing.

His will was higher than chaos and violence!

The tenacity required for this was unimaginable! No wonder, no wonder, he was able to complete twelve human trials that were regarded as impossible to complete! Beyond the limit of what the flesh could endure!


Under the circumstances where Illya was forcibly trying to drive Uncle B, Uncle B still rioted,

which caused Illya to fall to the ground in pain, but the little girl was still trying hard and refused to admit defeat... She must control Hercules by force.

Such a result made people unable to bear to watch any more.

One was trying desperately to restrain herself in order not to hurt the child.

The other was sensible enough to bear everything alone and tried desperately to free the other's restraint.

It was so distressing...

These two characters made people like them very much, and they liked them but also felt difficult to let go of their tragic fate.

But in the end, Illya should have succeeded.

People thought so——

But before they could see the "miracle" happen,

Suddenly, the vision changed and they had come to a snowy field outside the castle.

In the snowy forest,

A young figure wearing only pajamas was lying in the snow.

It was Illya.

She woke up slowly from her coma, "Eh, I... that's it.

It was during the final test...

If I could return to the castle alive, I could go to Fuyuki City.

But, I gave up the berserker.

Okay. That's fine. After returning to the castle, I can summon a new Servant.

Next time I summon a Servant, I must try harder to endure the pain and fear."

Everyone: "???"

What happened...!

How did it suddenly become like this!

The expected scene of Uncle B and Illya successfully signing a contract did not appear.

On the contrary, the stubborn Illya gave up Uncle B when she failed to sign with Uncle B. What kind of "trial" should she complete alone?

Running back to the castle alone in this snowy land?

The situation is a bit bad!

People began to worry about Illya's safety.

Although Illya went to Fuyuki later and showed strong combat power.

But now she seems to have used up all her magic power in order to control Uncle B.

In other words, she is no different from ordinary people.

In this state, without Uncle B's protection, can you go through a snowy forest and return to the castle alone?

People feel the deep malice of this final trial!

Isn't it said that Illya is already the highest crystallization of Einzbern?

It is also the last attempt.

In this case, why do you still have a P test.

What if Illya dies accidentally, and Einzbern commits suicide directly? !

Chapter 1494 The infected people: The gentle hero is the strongest!

Too much, too much...

If Illya is replaced by a child from the 300 Spartans, those muscular boys who are so strong that they can't believe, complete this trial alone, people will not think much about it.

At most, they will sigh at the iron-blooded and cruel nature of the world.

But such a soft and cute little loli who has lost her magic power and is powerless...

The person who proposed this trial - is he serious? ! !

On the other side, the stubborn Illya took only two steps before she spotted the wolf pack.

She trotted in fear.

However, after her magic power was exhausted, she was not as good as an ordinary adult. How could she possibly outrun a group of hungry wolves?

Soon, the wolves rushed forward and bit the frightened Illya's limbs and even her head.

Illya screamed in pain.

People were startled.

The screams of the loli made people feel heartbroken.

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