Ah...Illya! Oops, we're in danger!

And this is probably the only time that Illya has shown such true fear until now!

At this time she seemed like a real child.

Will show pain and fear.

Sure enough, something went wrong! People's mood also became restless.

They simply couldn't imagine how Ilya could pass such a cruel and inhumane final test by herself.

Did someone save her? Then quickly...

Boom~! ! !

A huge figure suddenly crashed into the snow beside him,

The moment the black shadow descended, the wolves were so frightened that they gave up their bites and ran away.

People also opened their eyes in fright because of this sudden situation.

'What? ’

Ilya, who was lying in the snow, slowly opened her eyes.

"berser...ker? Why...I obviously abandoned you..."

The black shadow turned out to be Uncle B, and Illya asked him blankly.

And then people saw Uncle B protecting Illya in his arms after arriving, but he didn't do anything.

After the wild wolves calmed down, they seemed to have aroused their ferocity and pounced on Uncle B again, biting him...

But it can't even scratch the surface.

Some people couldn't help but think: 'I guess these wolves must be thinking hard now -! ’

Poof~! It was obviously a very serious and even sadistic occasion, but seeing that the wolves couldn't even bite Uncle B's skin,

People want to laugh for no reason...

I feel so sad for the wild wolf, this is a humanoid Gundam that can't break defenses even with B-level or lower Noble Phantasms!

Immediately, people looked at Uncle B’s limbs,

——This strong body is so fascinating!

If used for fighting, just wave your arms lightly and you can easily tear these wolves apart...


What puzzled everyone was why Hercules didn't move again.

Wait—you’re not still worried that Illya will be in pain.

At this time, Illya also asked: "Why don't you fight? Is it because of me?"

She seemed to understand—

Because he has no magic power, berserker dare not move.

"Because you don't want me to feel pain, because you don't want to hurt me..."

After finding the reason in her own mind, Illya looked at Hercules blankly.

At this time, the young girl's inner emotions were changing violently.

Although they have never heard his voice, people can probably feel it.

After fully understanding Illya's past, people can also understand Illya's current mood.

For the desperate children who have lost their mothers and been ‘abandoned’ by their fathers…

Although I keep saying that I can live alone,

But how is it possible not to feel lonely and scared!

At this time, Heracles must have made up for the love that Kiritsugu failed to give Illya!

There is such a person who wants to protect her and protect her from the bottom of his heart...

For her at this time, the psychological impact can be imagined.

Only such a great hero can melt the heart of a child who has gradually frozen his trust and emotions!


——Uncle B is so handsome!

"Kill them! Berserker!" At this moment, Illya truly accepted her Servant! She gritted her teeth and shouted with all her strength, bright red lines lighting up all over her body.

Contract signing begins again! The command spell was finally used correctly!

But this time, Hercules finally moved, boom! !

With a sufficient supply of magic power, Uncle B exploded and shook the wolves away, making a sound like an explosion.

at last--

Only Uncle B and Illya were left standing in the snow,

"I finally know that you didn't protect me because of orders or being a Servant, but you protected me out of your own will...

Berserker, so strong. "

Sad and gentle background music sounded,

The last scene people saw was Illya reaching out to touch Uncle B and her extremely reassuring voice.

That's right——

‘berserker is so strong! ’ People couldn’t help but whisper.

Whether it’s the powerful Twelve Trials Noble Phantasm or the bug-level settings,

Still that strong heart...!

This man, physically and mentally, inside and out... makes people impressed from the bottom of their hearts by his strength.

Especially the sight of the little girl covered in blood and bruises in the snow, with her little hand touching her big hand,

It's so warm...

It was fixed in people's eyes and became a world famous painting.

Illya...maybe she also regarded Hercules as a father figure.

And Hercules also protected Illya well, like her patron saint!

People sigh...

Suddenly I found that this pair of master and slave was unexpectedly suitable.

The father who lost his child, and... the child who lost his father.

By chance and a miraculous meeting of fate, they were finally connected.

Destiny is really fickle...

Only the meeting of these two people,

It is the only one who wants to praise the God of destiny.

Immediately, the scene in front of people changed, and the memories ended... but they returned to the battlefield between Uncle B and Shining.

Bang~! The gravel flew, and Uncle B fell from the sky with Ilya on his shoulders.

Illya stared at Twinkle across from her.

"I won't lose. Berserker won't lose to such a guy.

Because Berserker is stronger than anyone else!!"

Accompanied by Illya's soulful shout,

Ohhhhhhh~! People are burning.

Just after watching such a memory, the invincible Uncle B protecting the loli under the snow!!

If it is him who protects the young child, such a hero...will can surpass everything!

Then...how can he be defeated here! It seems that a flame has begun to burn in people's hearts.

Even if they are both demigod heroes...

In order not to disappoint the belief contained in Illya's voice, Hercules will do his best to fight to the last moment!

"Berserker is the strongest!" For a while, many people couldn't help but say it.

There are signs of becoming Uncle B fans.

Chapter 1495: Undoubted defeat, people who can't accept it!

Uncle B's gentleness has been successfully recognized by people.

In addition, on the other side, the flash cut of the middle two is a bit dark,

As a result, in this battle, even many fans of flash can't help but look forward to Uncle B's victory.

After all, in addition to the true fans, most people are not only fans of flash, but also fans of the king, the grand duke, and the saint...

Hmm? Is it a problem to fan many fans at the same time?

Many fans of many fans: Absolutely no problem!

At the same time-

In the immersive epic, as if responding to the strongest voice,

Behind Gilgamesh, more halos of the king's treasure opened.

That scene was like the return of the myth, and the decisive battle seemed to have finally reached the critical moment!

At this moment, the screen suddenly gave a close-up of Shirou, Rin and others.

The two who followed the sound all the way still witnessed this mythical battle at the critical moment.

However, Rin stopped Shirou and reminded him not to take action no matter what happened later.

"We don't have the capital to fight now.

Listen, even if you want to help someone, you must first consider your own situation."

Everyone: Hmm? Are these two guys finally here?

However, Rin's words also reminded people that,

Emiya Shirou is indeed a bit brave.

He walks on a tightrope almost every time, fighting with his life.

Should we say he is a righteous partner?

Although this righteous partner is a bit naive and stupid.

You should do what you can to save people, but Emiya Shirou never considers his physical condition. Even if he has to lose his life, as long as he can save others, he doesn't care.

People suddenly have a bad premonition,

I always feel that the guy is not so calm.


It seems that Rin's words have a certain effect. Shirou temporarily suppressed the restless heart that wanted to give his head.

He also cast his eyes on the battlefield in the castle below.

At this time——

Shanshan: "Your defeat is already doomed, what do you do?

Since you can't escape death. How about putting down the burden in the end?"

? ? ?

Burden? !

Because the perspective just suddenly shifted to Shirou and Rin,

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