It was as if the dark night sky was suddenly split apart by the roar of a thunderstorm.

Seeing this, Claire and Tina suddenly gasped for breath, their beautiful eyelashes trembled, and they couldn't help but open their eyes wide.

The book describes in detail the changes in Sullivan's expression at this moment, as well as the words in his heart.

Although Sullivan did not explain anything clearly, the girls' bodies began to tremble.

Instinctively, their consciousness has noticed the shocking and earth-shaking changes in the mentality of the protagonist in the book.

Just like Adam and Eve, they crossed the taboo and could not resist the temptation in their hearts to devour the fruit.

Just like Prometheus's madness and persistence in stealing divine fire for mankind, at that moment he put aside the awe of God King Zeus.

Once the mental restraints are opened, whether it is good or bad, at this moment, Sullivan's hidden turmoil under his quiet appearance begins to have paranoid and crazy psychological activities, which has shocked all the girls. Lived.

——It is a kind of madness that is not hysterical but hits the nail on the head, a mind that is completely isolated from the world of painting.

"He doesn't belong here!" At this moment, such thoughts flashed through the hearts of the girls.

Sullivan raised his cold eyes that were not resigned to the status quo.

His eyes are as cold as the wind and snow in the painting world, but there is an indelible blazing fire in the cold depths.

So, an outstanding frost warlock stepped out of his hometown and prepared to leave this world of painting.

"My child, where have you been? It's very cold outside and it will freeze. Where are you going, my child?" The mother's frightened voice came from the wind and snow.

He kept calling and crying, trying to call back and retain his son who was about to leave.

Sullivan walked forward slowly without looking back. He just said: "You are like everyone else here, mother. ... You are unwilling to break the status quo and are willing to accept the fate of this corrupt reincarnation, even if you have to face it. It’s an unknown future.”

", Sullivan! Mom, I..."

"Mother, the residents of the painting world in your mouth are all people who have experienced loss, have been abandoned by the outside world and are desperate. But I am different from you. I have nothing now, just because I am still here. I have not experienced you. You will be afraid of the unknown, but I will not." Sullivan's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, the frightened mother's face showed a look of joy, thinking that there was still room for redemption.

"Wait a minute, Sullivan, think about it again! Corruption has indeed begun here, but it can't get worse, and we won't give up here completely now. Stay! Why change?"

"That's right. Corruption will definitely end. God will help us, so... Sullivan, come to your mother's arms as usual." The mother looked at Sullivan eagerly. road.

"No are just a tree." After murmuring this sentence, Sullivan took a step forward.

——If I continue to stay here, I will feel suffocated.

His figure gradually drifted away until he disappeared into the wind and snow, and into his mother's desperate cries.

He was no longer attached to his mother's arms, and Sullivan, who did not want to drown in that tenderness, never looked back to look at his mother again.

There is a new illustration in the book, and it is a picture that makes girls stand on end.

The gentle and beautiful mother who originally opened her arms and was waiting for her child to pounce... now actually turned into a skinny tree with long hair and a human shape.

‘You are just a tree. ’

Sullivan's last words seemed to still be fresh in their minds, leaving the girls stunned and speechless for a moment.

"This, this is... could it be a tree man!?"

Chapter 175 Gwendelin: They are brothers, not sisters!

Creating a world of paintings and throwing unnecessary things out of sight, is this how gods save mankind?

Sullivan, who left the world of painting, still had his mother's last words echoing in his mind.

God will save us. Does the so-called salvation mean letting people fend for themselves and allowing corruption to continue to grow?

Sullivan suddenly had a strong impulse - he wanted to see what the gods looked like.

Is it the God who does nothing as he suspected, or the God who his mother said will definitely save them?

Sullivan, who left the world of painting, began to purposefully search for traces of gods.

"God?!" throat was throbbing.

Sullivan is actually questioning and searching for God.

Seeing this, Claire took a breath and shook her head violently.

I can’t think anymore. This time the protagonist won’t be another tragic and pitiful character like the Grand Duke, right?

No matter what, she didn’t have the courage to imitate the Archduke and curse God, nor did she dare to speculate on God’s behavior like Sullivan in the book! So bold! It’s so desperate!

…That’s God!

In the book, Sullivan came to the city in the Cold Valley - Irushil.

This is a city as cold as the world of painting.

But the glamorous Irushil looks very different from the corrupt world of painting.

When the first Dark Souls came out, some people speculated that it was a work that alluded to reality.

When they saw the description of Irushil.

On the other side, inside the palace.

"A cold city covered with ice and snow...——!" Princess Chenxi was stunned. She remembered that when she talked to Her Highness the Saint before, she heard the other party mention the capital of the Theocracy.

That Emerald Cold seemed to be such a snowy city.

And they had already learned in the previous plot that the most famous gods in this world were the family of the Sun King Gwyn.

Among them, the area where Iruthyel was located was the lower city of Anor Londo, the holy city of humans created by the Sun King.

So the descendants of the Sun King, the place where the Gwyn clan lived, was above such a cold city? Could this place be the capital of the Theocracy! ?

What is Brother Andersen going to warn us this time!

For a while, the little princess couldn't help but come up with all kinds of guesses that Andersen himself might not have thought of.

The plot continues.

The book introduces that most of the gods have disappeared, and now is the era of Gwyndolin in power.

After hearing about this name during his travels, Shalivan decided to meet this Gwyndolin, the god of this world.

He heard that he could meet him by joining the Darkmoon Knights, and Gwyndolin was the leader of the Knights.

So, after Shalivan swore to inherit the will of King Gwyn and protect the people who passed on the fire, he successfully became a member of the Darkmoon Knights.

Their mission is to transform into swords and kill all the sinners who prevented the passing on of the fire.

‘Who stipulated that those who hindered the passing on of the fire are sinners? ’

After swearing, with this idea in mind, Shalivan began to wipe out one sinner after another (the hacking invaders in the game).

Because of his bravery in battle, his name gradually spread among the Knights.

“Is passing on the fire a great thing?” Faced with the praise of others, Shalivan asked softly.

"Of course, the Age of Fire is the foundation of the world's survival. Our gods protected this world and created the path of passing on the fire. They also established our Darkmoon Knights to protect the passing on of the fire. This kind of thing is of course great."

"So, does God value this world very much? He is even willing to sacrifice himself for this." Shalivan murmured expressionlessly.

But the coldness in his eyes finally melted a little.

——God, do you value this world very much?

At this time, he couldn't help but think that maybe the gods are not as bad as he imagined.

The gods here are different from those corrupt guys in the painting world.

From the legend of King Gwyn and the deeds of Gwyndolin and the Knights guarding the passing on of the fire, Shalivan felt a little similar to himself.

He looked forward to the day when he would meet the gods even more.

In the days that followed, Shalivan began to fight bravely and made many contributions to the Darkmoon Knights. In the end, he was appreciated by the leader and summoned by Gwyndolin and his sister.

Gwyndolin: "Nice to meet you. The brave sword that guards the flamethrower, Dark Moon will give you praise."

Salivan's inner thoughts: Is this the god of this world...?

"..." Salivan.

How to say it, it's a little different from what he imagined. It's actually a weak and cute girl? !

The moment Salivan had this thought in his heart, he subconsciously said it out loud.

Instantly, Gwyndolin on the opposite side froze.

Then there was a burst of excitement. The sister standing next to him smiled and said something, which hit her brother even more.

Something like 'Brother looks really petite', 'Look! I'm mistaken for a girl again'!

New illustrations appeared in the story, in which Salivan met Gwyndolin and his sister Yurshika.

However, compared to his sister who is a half-dragon girl, Gwyndolin's petite and slender body makes it difficult for people to regard him as a boy.

"Eh...?! The gods are actually two girls!?" Unbelievable voice.

Bang! Claire stood up suddenly, and her head accidentally hit the bookshelf. She immediately squatted down with her head in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.

——It hurts!! Ah, it hurts!

Inhale! No, wait a minute. This pain is nothing.

The key is that the gods in this book are actually two little girls who look younger than her?

Seeing the gentle Gwyndolin in the illustration, she also subconsciously ignored Gwyndolin's excited statement in the book when Sullivan told her that he was a boy.

How could such a cute boy be a boy! Are you kidding? Haha... Andersen is really a joker!

At this time, the two girls in the book were still making warm and daily noises.

This stunned Claire, who had never seen a real god and had always held awe in her heart.

The little princess was also stunned, and the vampire Lolita was also stunned.

Is this the correct way to open the gods? In the past, they imagined that the gods were noble, mysterious, powerful and could not be looked at directly!

At this moment, the image was gradually replaced by the two girls in the book.

Lily, who was standing on the side, looked at Tina who was stunned, and also came over in a cute way. She looked at the illustrations in the book but showed disappointment in her eyes.

It's not a delicacy...

It's not pretty at all!

"The gods are so kind... kind?! They look no different from ordinary people." In front of the bookstore, a bunch of readers who bought books and chose to read them on the spot were all dumbfounded.

The gods are girls, girls with lovely personalities, gentle and petite girls! Yes... Fuck! I can't make it up anymore!

Please give me a dozen of such gods!

Chapter 176 The dynasty of the old gods is about to end! He will be crowned king himself!

"Anyway, I called you here this time because I hope you can continue to maintain the legacy of the Fire Age." Ahem, Gwyndolin tried his best to show his majestic side.

But his appearance was really deceptive, and people didn't feel the majesty at all.


"Maintain... the Fire Age." The calmness on Sullivan's face disappeared, and he suddenly widened his eyes.

The painting world, the former Crow Man, and the words his mother said at that time flashed through Sullivan's mind.

"Just maintain the status quo."

"It won't get worse. Corruption will definitely stop to a certain extent."

Such words sound so familiar!

Originally, because of the Fire Age, Sullivan had changed his view of the gods, and even had a sense of identity. At this moment, his heart trembled instantly.


It's like this again! It's... like this again! He suddenly felt very boring! What a terrible world, and... terrible gods.


"Huh? That's it!" I just finished reading this page, but I found that I had finished reading it!

Wow! She was just reading the exciting part! It was interrupted! Tina quickly turned to the next page, eager to continue reading the previous story.

Is he going to deny the gods next? Just like denying those corrupt crows.

Oh my God! Sullivan, he is so bold and crazy!

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