Like the oppressive calm before the storm, the blood of the vampire loli was boiling and excited.

Perhaps after becoming a vampire, she herself did not realize that she now hated the existence of gods.

Especially after reading the stories of the Impaler and Dracula, Tina felt that she finally understood the origin of vampires, and she was completely disgusted with gods.

Will Sullivan turn against these two gods directly? !

Ah! What if he speaks directly and is punished by the gods.

Nervous and exciting! There is even a sense of taboo of blasphemy.

The little loli put the book in front of her eyes and read it tightly.

This made Lily on the side show a silly and puzzled expression. ——Is that picture so beautiful? It is obviously not a delicacy. She can't understand it!

"What will happen if the Age of Fire ends." Sullivan stared at the gods with deep eyes and asked suddenly.

"... There will be no future in the age without fire. This world was born because of fire!" Gwyndolin

"But there was a world before the First Fire, before the Age of Fire. Who knows what will happen after that!?"

"What do you want to say? There is no other choice but fire! The world belongs only to the Age of Fire left by my father Gwyn!!!" Gwyndolin suddenly said in a stern voice, and finally drove Shalivan out.

Obviously, the two people had different ideas here.

In Gwyndolin's view, Shalivan's ideological work was still not done well.

He actually dared to question the Age of Fire.

"Same...same as those guys, even the gods will be corrupted." Shalivan's deep inner monologue.

Doesn't the extinguishing of the flame represent the end of this era?

Just like the reincarnation of the painting world, the gods also decayed in the long reincarnation of the fire.

The so-called Age of Fire is just a tool they want to use to maintain their dynasty rule. Shalivan thought so dissatisfiedly.

How arrogant! How arrogant!

The so-called gods! Is his talent and ambition to be dedicated to such a group of unprogressive trash?

When people saw this, their eyes widened and they trembled with fear.

Damn it——

They actually called God trash directly.

Amazing! This new protagonist. Oh my God, he will not be punished by God and fall into the abyss later!

In an instant, Shalivan's powerful and crazy way of thinking made people who were used to crawling under the grace of God for many years feel that their mentality exploded.

Frightened but attracted by those fonts.

This is simply a devilish story.

The story continues... Not long after, Shalivan discovered the ancient fallen kingdom under Irusil - the City of Sin.

There, he found the Fire of Sin.

He had heard rumors about this fire.

This fire will never go out, it can burn the soul, and those who see it will become ambitious and warlike.

But Shalivan finally conquered this fire and turned it into his own power.

He is a man who is unwilling to fall, and he is also an ambitious guy.

The people in the painting world are not enterprising, so he abandoned the world over there without hesitation, leaving his mother and coming to the outside world alone.

The corrupt and fallen gods now also caused his dissatisfaction.

After the flames are extinguished, why can't a new era be staged.

"The dynasty of the old gods has come to an end. Next, I, Shaliwan, will end it myself!" With the power of the fire of sin, Shaliwan finally made up his mind in the darkness.

Since the gods are not in line with his will, then he will abandon the gods and go it alone!

The first thing he has to do is to completely seize this dynasty from the hands of the gods!


Like a thunder exploding in the mind, Claire and the others who read this were all scared.

There is a grand duke of the cursed god in front, which has already frightened people. Many people only feel that they are suppressing their longings in their hearts.

Now Shaliwan, what did he just say? !

He wants to overthrow the rule of the gods?

End the era of fire transmission, change the dynasty, and end the fate of the reincarnation of fire.

Tina was so shocked that she trembled all over!

Wait, who is the abyss creature!

This Shalivan is more like a creature in the abyss than her vampire.

She almost burst out with a curse word.

This is simply a cow standing upside down, with a stream of blood rushing to the sky!

Even the Grand Duke dared not play like this. A mere human dared to go against the gods!

This can't be the fastest biography protagonist in history.

Loli looked at the illustrations in the book about Shalivan mastering the fire of sin in silence and complexity.

Not to mention Tina, if the final destination of the monsters-the mother of the abyss reads this book, she might be happy to set up a new demon pillar for Shalivan.

The abyss is conscious.

They discovered this in the past trials of the gods and the earth.

So it's really okay to call it the mother of the abyss creatures.

Then, people began to watch Sullivan's shocking experience with both anticipation and fear.

Watching him...

How he played with the gods step by step to death, or imprisoned them in a high tower, and became a man that even the gods feared.

Hmm? Wait, something seems wrong.

Someone suddenly remembered the plot of Andersen's first Dark Soul. Isn't the protagonist Ashes who passed on the fire?

But the protagonist of the second Dark Soul here is Shalivan, who wants to end the cycle of fire and create his own era according to his own ideals and ambitions.

...! ?

So will Ashes and Shalivan become enemies in the future?

When this idea is born in people's minds, it will never go away!

Chapter 177 Never believed, how can you betray!

Although he had a shocking idea in his heart, he did not express it.

In order to overthrow the dynasty of the old gods and create a new world according to his ideals, Shalivan began to make a series of plans.

He constantly fought against the dark spirits that blocked the fire, making the name of the heroic sword of the Dark Moon Knights worthy of the name.

... Shalivan, whose status in the Knights gradually rose, became a senior member of the Dark Moon Knights.

Later, taking the opportunity to contact Gwyndolin, he pretended to give Gwyndolin a staff as a gift.

After Gwyndolin accepted it, he did not find the poison attached to it. When the poison took effect, Shalivan took the rebellious Silver Knights and his subordinates to capture the royal city, and imprisoned Yurshika in the tower.

The Dark Moon Knights, who were originally loyal to Gwyn, were deceived by Shalivan and had long been slowly devoured by him and became his subordinates. The rest of the rebels were thrown into the Irithyll Underground Prison guarded by the jailers incarnated by the nobles of the fallen kingdom.

"Where is this? Shalivan... What are you doing! Why did you lock us up!"

"Nothing, I just decided to clear you who are hindering the end of the Age of Fire."

"What... what?"

"Don't you understand? Or is it unbelievable?!" Shalivan said coldly, with an arc at the corner of his mouth.

Facing Shalivan's sudden indifference and strangeness, the members of the Knights who had always trusted him had flames of anger in their eyes.

"Why! Shalivan! Have you abandoned your faith? Have you betrayed the Dark Moon Knights?"

"I have never believed in it, so how can I abandon it..." When Shalivan left, a faint voice came from the end.

Then the jailers began to enjoy the pleasure of torturing the prisoners.

... Miserable and desperate cries came from the prison.

Shalivan betrayed these past comrades without hesitation.

Just as he said, he never believed in it, so how can he abandon it... He never integrated into this place from the beginning.

These people did not really understand the essence of Shalivan.

Holding the greatsword of punishment given by the gods, it was a weapon to reward him for his countless contributions to the Dark Moon Knights.

The sword of Shalivan was emitting a purple light like the dark moon, which was a deeper color closer to pure magic than the existing Dark Moon Miracle.

This indicates that the power used by Shalivan is very different from those Dark Moon Knights who rely on faith to transform into theory.

Using the power of magic instead of faith... Can a Dark Moon Knight without faith really be called a Dark Moon Knight? What is the difference between him and an ordinary knight?

When the old world is corrupt and rotten, only new flames can cleanse it.

Just like he used magic to deal with the knights who believed in gods and learned divine arts.

And Gwyndolin seemed to have noticed something. During the time he was sick, he secretly called Yurshika and handed over the position of the leader of the Dark Moon Knights to his sister.

Until Salivan launched a series of coups and took control of the power of the royal city.

Salivan became the ruler who replaced the sick Gwyndolin and temporarily led the royal city.

Facing the powerful Salivan, Yurshika did not choose to resist, but was imprisoned in a high tower. After that, she often wondered how her brother Gwyndolin was doing and whether he was still sick.

As people from a God's perspective, they see more than Yurshika.

They really wanted to remind this beautiful half-dragon girl... Shalivan not only wants to seize power, he wants to destroy the entire Fire Age! That poison was given to your brother by him!

Your brother passed the position of the leader of the Knights to you because he noticed that Shalivan was wrong!

As a god, he can't even resist or not?

Then people thought;

No, since he is a god, he can't even resist one person! ? Yuershika was not poisoned again.

'It's hopeless! These gods seem to be really finished! '

For a while, people felt a huge gap in their hearts.


"A poison that can even poison gods! How is it possible! Is there such a terrible toxin in this world?!" Claire screamed, her eyes widened in shock.

Her three views were once again ruthlessly destroyed and reshaped.

Even as great as gods, they can be poisoned and fall because of it? !

The second part of Dark Souls is like Pandora's box, opening a hole.

It told people and lured them to realize a terrifying truth...

Except for the length of life and the strength of power, the gap between gods and them may not be as big as imagined!

They have emotions, can laugh, and can be poisoned and sick.

Salivan actually did it! He poisoned a god and imprisoned a god.

Could it be that Salivan's power and wisdom have surpassed the gods? Surprise, awe, and unbelievable.

Even His Majesty the Hero King could not achieve such a great feat!

Although people did not want to think so at this time, they could not help but feel that these two gods were a bit embarrassing.

In the soul world, the power of the royal city radiates from the cathedral guarded by the Silver Knights.

First, the dragon hunter Ornstein left to search for the whereabouts of the eldest son of the sun, leaving the executioner Smo alone to stick to his post and take on the role of a knight guarding the cathedral's legacy.

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