…With Gwyndolin ill, he could not stop Sullivan.

Then the clergy in Irithyll, the White Church led by one of the bishops, MacDonald, did not escape Sullivan's influence.

As a bishop, MacDonald, an outstanding believer of the White Church, made a fatal mistake in Irithyll. He began to use the power of faith to drive magic.

He used the symbol of the authority of the White Church in the past as a medium to launch the art of the deep.

The devout believers who once believed in the doctrine were gradually eroded by the overwhelming terror of the monsters.

MacDonald spread the taboo art that plagued Irithyll and taught it to Louis, who was also a bishop.

This led to the former White Church becoming the Deep Church, and even the sacred scriptures were replaced by the dark chapters and turned into the Deep Scripture.

Later, they turned their spearheads and pointed them at the sacred flames they once protected, and began to collude with Sullivan.

After successfully seizing power, Sullivan discovered a new threat.

The prophecy revealed that after the first fire was extinguished, the age of gods ended, and the threat of the deep sea age was about to come.

The age of gods ended, and the threat of the deep sea would come again. He could not survive the deep sea by his own strength.

As a god who was defeated by trickery, Shalivan's power was far less powerful than people imagined.

So Shalivan set his sights on the saint of the deep, one of the fire kings - Eldridge.

"Deep Sea Age? Fire King - Eldridge!?" Seeing these two new terms appear, people suddenly became alert.

Chapter 178 Lothric? None of the old gods can be spared!

"It's the new fire king!"

"What kind of story will it be this time?!"

"Will it be as great as the undead team of Fran?"

The curiosity and fear of the deep sea age, the expectation and fantasy of the fire king Eldridge, made people excited and excited.

They held various mentalities and couldn't wait to know the story behind.


But -!

They didn't know that the story this time might be a little different from what they imagined! ?

...Before Sullivan began to extend his evil hand to the Deep Church.

The prophecy of the Deep Sea Age first caused the factional split within the White Church.

It can be roughly divided into three factions.

The left wing, as radicals, MacDonald and Eldridge, are ready to welcome the arrival of the Deep Sea Age.

MacDonald is also the one who eats the most people.

Brother Grayheart once said that Eldridge was a very good priest at first, but later he became a fat man because of eating people. The original words were that he was as fat as a pig that was drowned in water.

MacDonald's body can be seen in the reservoir, and he is also a super fat man.

Judging from his body shape, he is probably the one who eats the most people among the three bishops. It seems that he is also a priest who intends to go all the way with Eldridge.

As the representative of the centrists, Bishop Louis...

He accepted the rule of the new master Eldridge, but remained skeptical about the language of the Deep Sea Age. Responsible for guarding the coffin of the Deep Saint Eldridge.

Then there are the conservatives on the right, who are completely unwilling to accept the fact that Eldridge has become the master. They still believe in Rosaria.

A prophecy caused the huge White Church to fall apart, and eventually became the Deep Church, a place full of filth and iniquity.

Now it has attracted the attention of the man who usurped the power of God.

Sullivan thought of a plan.

He decided to use the Lord of Cinder, the cannibal priest Eldridge.

Just like he once used the status given to him by Gwyndolin.

He was just preparing to repeat the old trick.

...First, pretend to submit to the Lord of Cinder, let him devour the gods to gain power, and then use his power to survive the deep sea era and replace him.

So Sullivan built the Deep Church for the church to serve Eldridge in the coffin, and proclaimed himself the Pope.

After thorough preparation, he planned to attack the gods!

Didn't he plan to let Eldridge devour the gods? Isn't there a weak and ready-made god here? ! Sullivan set his sights on Gwyndolin.

His sinister intentions were obvious.

When people saw this, they were all sweating and their backs were wet! A chill ran from the tailbone to the forehead!

What a vicious and cruel plan!

He actually wanted to throw the gods to such monsters to eat! Oh my God! That was a god!

In order to end the Fire Age and safely survive the Deep Sea Age, he was so bold that he used and used the gods as grass and food on the chopping board.

It was so shocking! This was definitely something that people would never dare to think about or do.

Sullivan's selfish side was once again revealed to people.

From the Dark Moon Knights to feeding the gods to monsters so unscrupulously.

Some righteous and kind people began to hate and fear the existence of Sullivan.

He was simply a lunatic, too crazy! And too terrifying! This person has no faith in his heart, and even tramples faith and gods under his feet.

However, they don't hate this book. It is precisely because this book is so well written that they feel disgusted and afraid of Shalivan, who does whatever he wants in the book.

However, some other people have a different view of Shalivan.

Even though they knew that many of the bad things Shalivan was doing now could no longer be described as whitewashed, they were still unconsciously attracted to such Shalivan.

Of course -

They didn't understand what whitewashing was now.

It was just that Shalivan's strong ambition and wisdom made many people feel surprised and awed from the bottom of their hearts, and they couldn't help but have a strange good impression because of being too amazed.

They were attracted by Shalivan's unique personality charm and were impressed by his various amazing schemes and methods.

This is a big guy who even the gods can play with! It can only be described as six six six. His strength is fascinating!

However, people's views on Eldridge are more unified -

"... Is this the fire king of the fire? So scary! So disgusting!" Someone couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

The story mainly describes Shalivan's gradual calculations after he came to power, and did not explain too much about the deep saint.

But just from the introduction between the lines, it is enough for people to have many fantasies about it.

Cannibals, and words like the Abyss, and darkness.

Eat people alive and become a big fat man. Damn, what an ugly description!

...These bishops and clergy actually eat humans, which is something people never expected. Just hearing it makes people want to vomit.

What kind of group of clergy can have such a vicious temperament.

What do those bishops who eat humans think? There are no cannibals in the other world. It is the first time that readers see such a perverted act of eating people. They just feel that this kind of thing is extremely unreasonable.

These creatures eroded by the Abyss, in their view, cannot be called human beings. This is a monster!

... In the following plot, people finally saw how Shalivan calculated to let Eldridge swallow Gwyndolin.


Fuck! Really ate it!

Seeing this, some people couldn't help but tremble twice, and their eyelids jumped.

As a result, there was no suspense. Shalivan's plan was actually successful!

This is another earth-shattering event that will be recorded in human history.

Then, the new pope did not stop and had a new plan. Claire and her group were all terrified.

Then - Claire and her group saw...

Shalivan passed the power of the Fire of Sin to the paladins of the church, and the female knight whose heart was devoured by the Fire of Sin turned into a flame witch.

Those who rebelled against him and were sent to the Irithyll Underground Prison by him were finally transformed and combined with the Deep, and became the Pope Knights of the Deep to fight for him.

The Dark Moon Knights existed in name only.

At this time, Shalivan suddenly heard a piece of news.

He had long thought that Anor Londo might be just a remnant of history.

There should be an existence comparable to it, or even more powerful and surpassing it in the current era.


Shalivan learned that Lothric's queen was praised as the goddess of abundance and grace, which is the same title as the old god Sun Princess.

"Gweng Avril..." He whispered the name softly, thinking of the old gods who were not under his control and were still alive.

Sullivan was ready to move again.

That eldest daughter of the sun!

On the other hand, Claire and the others trembled as they saw Sullivan, who obviously had a new plan in the book.

Chapter 179 Ten million Sullivans in the hearts of ten million people!

Gwyndolin was sidelined, and Irithyll was full of lowly residents who were treated as slaves and driven away at will by the Pope's fire witch, and some even degenerated into beasts.

Legend has it that anyone who dares to look directly into Sullivan's black eyes will end up like that.

In the new illustrations in the plot, Sullivan has been crowned as the Pope with a mask and a crown.

He held a dark purple sword of punishment in one hand and a blazing sword of sin in the other.

On his chest hung a gem ornament like a row of black eyes, as deep and profound as a god that people dare not look directly at.

"Shalivan... has he become a god?!" This inevitably makes people raise such an amazing thought.

There are stories of humans becoming gods in the other world.

If Shalivan, who planned and usurped a powerful kingdom from the hands of God, people do not doubt the possibility of his becoming a god.

But the fact is another matter.

In order to conquer Lothric, Shalivan needs a stronger army.

Those beastly humans are the products of his experiments.

Or a twisted creature with a face like a human skull, but with strange limbs like beasts and hounds, crawling on the ground.

Or a spider woman with creepy long hair.

With its chest exposed, a huge beast like a crocodile lies on the ground defenselessly and prays miserably.

Shalivan cruelly forces out the beastliness of humans, and even worse for the knights under his command.

People are shocked by every incident and scene in the book.

He used another method to achieve the effect of being as powerful as a god and making people dare not look directly at him.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if there was a character like Sullivan in the real world.

"No, if the Dark Soul this time is also a prophecy of Andersen [Merry]." The old dean of the magic academy trembled, his palms were shaking, and his fingers were cold.

He read it carefully and seriously, not daring to miss any words.

Then, as if he had thought of something, the old dean took a breath!

Iruthyel, the gods, the pope, all-powerful! This... can't be the pope! Why does this Iruthyel look more and more like Feicuileng?

And there is also a pope in the temple there.

But the goddess of faith is a very powerful goddess.

If so, could it be that the pope of the current theocracy has also taken action against the gods he believes in? !

Just a guess made him sweat and shudder instantly.

There are too few people in reality who meet the status of Sullivan in the book, and he also proclaimed himself as the pope, which makes people doubt something.

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