At this moment, the old dean was so frightened that he was stiff and dared not guess any more.

He just subconsciously wanted to study the black soul and suspected that Meili was making some predictions.

If it was false, it would be very rude and offensive for him to guess the pope without any reason.

If it was true...——

Then he should not think about or touch the true face of the other party.

A man who could kill the main god of his faith and succeed.

This crazy guy, a man who has reached the peak of strength and mind, courage and wisdom, is definitely not someone he can provoke.

Apart from those who are very curious, who else would be at odds with his own safety.

However, unlike Wolnier who directly named the names, the black soul this time did not appear any place names or names they were familiar with. Perhaps Andersen was just telling a story this time.

People were not sure what Andersen was really alluding to.

The story continued... There were two extremely special knights in the battle.

One of them is the dancer of the Frost Valley. The "Aurora Veil" on her face is actually a relic of the ancient pig king.

Only direct descendants of the royal family are qualified to wear it.

Before she was touched by Sullivan, she might have been the daughter of the legendary Gwynevere.

She still retains a part of her mother's soul.

But obviously after the Pope came to power, she failed to escape.

She fell into Sullivan's hands and was entrusted to live a lowly life as a dancer.

I don't know whether it was to please himself or to humiliate her, Sullivan gave the dancer the ring of the "Pope's Right Eye" with black eyes, turning her into a beast-like war knight.

The dancer transformed into a charming beast.

...The armor blends into her slender posture.

Not far from the dancer is Bordeaux, the war knight holding the "Pope's Left Eye", and his identity is the knight who once protected the dancer.

Their beast-like bodies wandered lonely in the Frost Valley.

Perhaps their souls are connected, and the living ones have long been reduced to shells.

And their souls sometimes wander side by side in the city. From the style of the armor, it is not difficult to see that the two are the postures of the dancer and Bordeaux before they transformed into beasts.

When people saw this, they were slightly silent. They felt some sympathy and pity for the dancer and Bordeaux.

Even though the book did not describe their stories in detail.

Think about the coldness and ruthlessness of Shalivan to his former comrades in the Dark Moon Knights, and you can naturally imagine how painful and dark the process was for these two beast-transformed knights.

Even though Shalivan's previous idea of ​​changing the status quo and changing the times did make many people feel refreshed, some of his methods were really too cruel and unbearable to watch.

But this is the charm of Shalivan.

His actions that even dared to take action against gods for an idea and ambition made them marvel in awe.

... Because of certain taboos, they did not dare to express their love and support for the protagonist Shalivan.

But people were greatly shocked by Shalivan's previous actions. Just like the tragic lives of the vampire Count and the Impaler, which gave people a spiritual blow.

Sullivan dared to realize his ideals, and even the gods abandoned him. It was incredible and inexplicably exciting.

Everyone saw Sullivan differently in the book.

Claire, the little princess, the vampire loli, and many more readers tried to understand the character of Sullivan in their own way.

This is a much more complicated character than the Fire King who passed on the fire, the Undead Team who resolutely confronted the will of the Abyss, and the Overlord Wolnir who pursued the Abyss and thirsted for power and strength.

He planned a lot of things, but if you look closely, it seems that the goal is just one.

Some people think that all of Sullivan's actions are to break the reincarnation of the fate of fire.

Indeed, if we look at it according to the corrupt reincarnation of the painting world described in the previous book.

Passing on the fire seems to be a cursed reincarnation.

Everything Sullivan did was nothing more than breaking this era of "being content with the status quo". The world he saw after coming to the real world was no different from the painting world, equally corrupt and degenerate.

In his eyes, the gods may be no different from the residents of the painting world...

Chapter 180 There must be a battle between the former protagonist and the online protagonist!

Some people speculate on Shalivan's inner journey.

"Shalivan... maybe he has felt desperate in this world!"

- Because he was desperate about the world and no longer had expectations for the gods, he decided to use his own means and abilities to change everything.

Imagine that he had left the painting world because he was disappointed with the people there.

When he found that the real world was no different from the painting world, there was no other world for Shalivan to escape.

Akado chose to curse the gods, abandoned his human identity and fled to the powerful monsters.

Shalivan chose to overthrow the gods and lead the advent of a new era.

All these things created the emergence of an ambitious pope.

Of course-some people feel that Shalivan is a pure ambitious person, such as the old dean of the magic academy.

Being cautious, he has always regarded the second part of Dark Soul as the second prophecy of the Flower Magician.

He believes that Shalivan has been unwilling to be peaceful since he was in the painting world, and has always been eager to come to the outside world. This is a symbol of his strong desire and ambition.

Ending the fire cycle may just be an excuse for Shalivan to find for his series of actions. He is an out-and-out ambitious person.

But Claire, the little princess and more people think that Shalivan is more than an ambitious person, or more than just an ambitious person.

It may be true that he has strong ambitions.

But his idea of ​​ending the fire cycle is also true. The girls are sensitive and emotional.

For the first time, they realized what it means to be-

If a person works hard for this action all his life, then even if all the ideas he shows on the outside are false.

But if he will carry it out to the end until his death, the false will have become true.

The hero of the fire transmission seems to have done nothing wrong, and Shalivan's starting point of thinking seems to be fine.

Readers who have read many of Andersen's works and gradually understand that there are no pure villains and evil people in his works have begun to get used to this kind of character that seems full of contradictions but actually exudes charm everywhere.

Or, it is precisely because they are human beings that they have emotions.

The villains cannot be completely cold and rational, let alone show pure evil.

Such flesh-and-blood villains have more distinct personalities.

The story continues...

There are five knights sent to Lothric by Shalivan, one guarding the entrance to the Road of Living Sacrifices.

One lurks in the basement of Lothric City.

The third hides in the Great Library, and the remaining two are Bordeaux and the dancer.

They are stationed at the exit and entrance of Lothric City respectively.

The location of the knights is not a coincidence. Even though it is far away in Irithyll, Shalivan seems to firmly believe that the last bloodline of the Gwyn royal family is in this Lothric City.

His eyes and ears had already spread all over this crumbling kingdom, watching the Kingdom of Lothric painstakingly produce offspring capable of passing on the fire.

And once the twin princes failed to pass on the fire, Aldridge would come as the Cinder King instead.

After that, Shalivan woke up the cannibal.

The cannibal who came to the new church was overjoyed to find the god, Shadow Sun Gwyndolin, tied up. For this madman, it was such joy that it was beyond words.

So he evolved from a cannibal to a god eater.

And Shalivan didn't know what role he played in it.

All of this seemed to be closely related to him.

The princes did refuse to pass on the fire, and one of the important reasons was the influence of their teacher, the original sage of Lothric.

The sage, who had a lot of profound knowledge, had doubts about passing on the fire a long time ago.

The princes who were taught by him since childhood also had doubts about whether passing on the fire was correct, and finally regarded it as a curse and resisted the idea of ​​passing on the fire.

Seeing this, without Andersen mentioning anything, readers have already involuntarily associated the image of that teacher with Shalivan.

...? !

Damn, is there such a coincidence?

...They both hate Firebending.

It just so happens that the two princes, because of the influence of their teacher, hate Firebending and regard it as a curse.

This excessive coincidence makes it impossible for readers to ignore.

From this point of view, it seems that both Irithyll and Lothric are completely under Shalivan's control.

Calculating the gods, calculating the prince of Firebending, calculating the Cinder King...

"Ahhhh! Too strong!" Claire. It's terrifying to think about it, it's terrifying to think about it!

This setting is so cool that it has no friends. And those two swords, she also wants a pair of two big swords like Shalivan.

Oh, by the way, I seem to have seen the illustration of the dancer just now.

The double swords in it are also similar to Shalivan's? !

Claire felt like she had discovered something.


The weapons of the two are very similar? !

...The dancer Gozde was given the eyes [Eyes of the Pope] on Salivan's shoulders and transformed into a beast-like warrior knight.

The two swords in her hands are one fire and one magic. When the dancer and Salivan hold the two swords, their left and right hands are different.

This is another thought-provoking thing.

"... Could it be that Sister Gozde is subconsciously resisting Salivan?!"

This... ! ! !

Wait, didn't they say that the souls of the two were walking in the Frigid Valley?

Only the body is left, but she still subconsciously resists Salivan.

How much does she hate Salivan! Or did she guess wrong?

The plot about Salivan in the book is approaching the end.

But readers think it has just reached its peak.

Unconsciously, they didn't even realize that there are only a few pages left in the whole book.

Salivan's many plans did have a profound impact, either directly or indirectly.

But he can no longer see those things.

When he thought everything was settled, he could wait for the destruction of Lothric and continue to expand his power until the [Age of the Deep Sea] came.

The remaining ashes of the forces opposing him arrived at Irithyll.

"If my brother were here, I would definitely introduce you two to each other. You and my brother must have hit it off at first sight."

The conversation between the half-dragon girl Yurshika and someone suddenly appeared in the text.

He didn't know that his sickly brother had already become food for the God Eater.

She was trapped in the tower, and she granted the only knight who could come to her the status of a member of the Dark Moon Knights.

And that knight was the protagonist of the previous part - Ashes.

It was not only it that was awakened along with the Lord of Fire Eldridge, but also someone else - these fireless ashes.

Sullivan thought that after dealing with Gwyndolin, the leader of the Knights, and destroying the other Dark Moon Knights, this Knights would never appear in the world again.

However -

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