Then Rin took out the ruby ​​used to save Shirou and suddenly said——

"This necklace.

There should be only one right way in the world. "

I was a little bit depressed that the battle part was gone.

People who don’t know what Rin wants to do with the rubies——

Hearing the words ‘this is the only one’,

Suddenly I understood something! ! ! He actually said it at this time!

People looked at Shirou suddenly.

I noticed that Shirou's expression also became surprised,

Shirou: "That means..."

Rin: "This is what Archer gave me back."

Then he told Shirou about Red A pretending to retrieve the gem for him.

Including the one Shirou returned to her later, there were two identical necklaces in total!

The evidence is conclusive~! He even got the stone hammer from Tohsaka Rin, the owner of the gem himself.

It seems that Red A is really Shirou!

At the same time, people couldn't help but become curious about Shirou's inner feelings at this time.

He must have completely understood it at this time!

‘Red A is (you) yourself! ! ! ’

When they thought that this mysterious identity that had been deeply concealed by Red A and deceived everyone for a long time was finally exposed, people became inexplicably excited.

I really want to see what the scene will be like next time when Shirou and Red A meet!

I can’t wait!

At that time, whether it's a fight or something to say, it will definitely be a very interesting scene!

Thinking of this, people eagerly expected that moment to come soon.

He doesn't even care that much about the battle situation between Lancer and Archer.

(Everyone: Fighting with the enemy is not as interesting as fighting with yourself!

Fresh and exciting! !

‘Things like beating yourself up’,

Everyone in the different world said they had never seen it before! )

And on the other side,

At the top of the church, C’s mother witnessed the brief confrontation between Red A and Lancer.

Immediately return to the defense of the Master,

For Mother C, only the people's teacher...that adult must be protected!

This has become the meaning of her still existing in this world.

And taking advantage of this time before Shirou and Rin arrived,

Mother C asked about her Master, a deep doubt buried in her heart.

According to the current progress, Group C will be able to easily obtain the Holy Grail soon. (Well, even though she didn’t know the existence of the buggy spirit Shining, C’s mother was still very confident that she had won the victory.)


“Before, you said this here, [My goal cannot be achieved], but as far as I know, you have no desire.

What do you want to gain, what do you want to destroy, what do you want to forgive,

As long as we are human beings, we will have desires. You have never said it once.

Would you have a purpose like this? "

Caster Medea asked,

Even if the Holy Grail is obtained, it seems to be meaningless if the Master has no wish.

This is exactly what worries Mother C.

She didn't have any wishes to realize herself, so she was naturally thinking more about the people's teachers.


What C’s mother doesn’t know is,

Just when she wasn't paying attention,

Red A has been in contact with the people's teacher, trying to understand and understand this man's heart.

after all--

Even if he came back with the script, it was impossible for Red A to know what was going on inside Group C back then.

Whether it's out of curiosity or something...

Red A asked people's teachers what their wishes were.

The teacher's wish is not for himself, but for Mother C, who has brought some human emotions to him, to get a satisfactory result.

‘I’m afraid even Caster himself didn’t notice.

Her real wish is actually to return to her former hometown. ’ The people’s teacher at that time said to Red A so pointedly.


Group C, who are very compatible, the heroic spirit and the master saw each other's memories in each other's dreams... This kind of thing has happened before.

And people knew for the first time,

It was not just the people’s teachers who saved Mother C,

At that time, Mother C also saved the People’s Teacher.

Let him, who originally didn't have much emotional fluctuations, be affected and changed...

Then there was something like repayment,

The thought of realizing C’s mother’s wish without her own wish.

In other words, his wish is to help Mother C realize her wish!


People heard the people's teacher say: "I am treated as a non-human being.

And grew up without ever doubting it.

As a result I took a man's life.

I have no ill intentions towards that person. Even if I kill him, it will not do me any good.

It was just a mechanical killing following instructions.

At that time, I voluntarily gave up my identity as a human being.

Even if there are problems with the environment in which I grew up, I am the one who chose.

Just like you said, I have no wishes that I want to realize,

I always believed it was my duty to survive like that. "

Everyone:! ! !

This powerful speech made people a little confused.

‘So—how did you become a people’s teacher?

This... such a twisted way of living, and three views. ’

"But..." The people's teacher suddenly changed his words, and the situation in front of people also changed.

The endless sea, and the beautiful witch in black robe standing in the middle of the beach with her back to them, looking into the distance.

Seeing this extremely familiar scene,

people were stunned for a moment.

‘Isn’t this...! ’

Chapter 1504 The pride of the Celts is beyond life!

People will never forget that scene——

That should be the scene they saw in the last stage of C’s mother’s life in the memory fragment!

The witch who longed to cross the sea to return to her hometown, but had no courage to go back!

At this time, even if people saw this scene again,

their hearts still surged with a different kind of emotion.

‘Medea looks so lonely at this moment! ’People felt such pity in their hearts.

At the same time, they seemed to understand the people’s teacher’s thoughts.

What a...good Master!

People’s teacher: “But...

It’s not okay if things are not returned to their original places.”

Even though he was describing his own things before, at this time,

there were memories of Medea’s sad past,

the people’s teacher said ‘with a double meaning’.

People suddenly realized——!

Returning things to their original place——doesn't it mean that Medea can be returned to the original place?

After reading Medea's memory, the people's teacher has understood the desire and sadness in the witch's heart.

...!!! ! ! This new Master of Caster has touched people a little!

Compared with the oil tycoon, the previous Master of Caster,

this people's teacher is simply the conscience of the Master!

"At this point, I actually have a purpose other than survival." The people's teacher said so.

"Although it was just a moment of willfulness, in the final analysis, isn't the so-called wish just like this?"

People felt the heavy emotions contained in these few short words.

And they flashed back to the content of the conversation when Red A intentionally or unintentionally contacted the people's teacher before...

This man is indeed consistent in his words and deeds, and has been acting in that way!


I always feel that there is something wrong.

But for a while, people couldn't say what the problem was. After all, the current C group is completely in an advantageous situation.

There is nothing to worry about!

Rather than worrying about this couple who are still showing off their affection, it is more appropriate to worry about Saber who is forced to change into a pure white skirt and play bondage play.


People have overlooked that

That feeling... The problem may not be with Group C, but may also be with Red A!

Get close to the people's teacher to further understand the relationship between the two, and the importance of the people's teacher to C's mother...

Everything that seems to happen by chance or unintentionally is just a predestined necessity and coincidence!

Now people have not been given more time to think about it,

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