Rin and the others had arrived, and a two-on-two battle began immediately.

But then I heard the voices of Shirou and Rin,

Only then did people understand the real tactics of the two——!

Want to buy time through a war of attrition.

With Saber's magic power and the magic power supply required by the multiple servants in Group C,

Once you get into a long battle, your magic power will be consumed!

What was originally a favorable situation will turn unfavorable!

And Saber might be able to successfully resist on her own will and help them in turn.

Everyone: "Looking at it this way, this must be the reason why Lancer restrained Archer from outside! What a good tactic!"

People's hearts became excited,

Looking at it this way, it’s not like there’s absolutely no chance of victory!

That’s right – consumption! ! Although the enemy's fighting power is very strong, they are not united as one, and they are all even big eater of magic power!

at the same time--

As soon as the camera turned, it came to the outside world, the enemy where Brother Dog and Red A were fighting.

This time, Brother Gou showed an extremely ferocious offensive trend.

Even after a few rounds, he pretended to be a piercing and instantaneous body, and was kicked out by Red A with a side kick.

The posture of that side kick was almost the same as the movement when he kicked Shirou to the warehouse... Not to mention exactly the same, it was almost the same.

People: ‘…Well, there’s no need to run away! They all looked the same embarrassed after being kicked away, and it turned out to be Shirou from the future! ’

But since when did Brother Gou become so strong? !

Everyone looked a little surprised.

...At this time, Lancer also explained to Red A,

Previously, because of my Master's order - [No need to defeat the opponent, just survive], I didn't fight with all my strength.

It was that stupid ghost order that made him let go!

But now there is no longer that constraint, and we can go all out! So - "Kill you!"

Use the kindest and calmest tone to say the most ferocious words.

After that, people saw that Red A was suppressed in close combat and was quickly beaten to disgrace!

For a moment everyone held their breath,

Is Archer going to lose?

As soon as they see that Red A is unable to fight in close combat, people will have this illusion.

However - they forgot that he was an Archer, and he was originally an archer.

Isn’t it normal that you can’t beat the spearmen in close combat?

What blinded their eyes made them think that the current Red A also showed his true ability.


People saw Brother Gou and Red A arguing over whether Red A had the decisive glory on his sword.

Red A: "Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of honor. But so what, don't tease me Lancer."

Red A let out a soft, disdainful laugh.

"Stigma and other things can be washed away with achievements. This extra self-esteem can be fed to the dogs over there."

"You just said [dog], right, Archer!" Brother Dog put down the spear in his hand, and his face suddenly turned cold.

"I am simply stating the facts, Cu Chulainn.

If you are still holding on to the glory of a hero, throw it away as soon as possible! "

Brother Dog's expression also turned ferocious in an instant, and he looked at Red A with cold eyes filled with murderous intent.

At that moment, let alone the red A,

Even the people who watched the whole thing didn't dare to say a word or even look at Brother Gou.

"Angry?! Gudong!" Everyone swallowed.

The big brother who seems to have a cheerful and upright personality,

Cú Chulainn, who is friendly to his companions but cruel to his enemies,

But even he showed such a ferocious expression for the first time in front of people!

Although the word "dog" described by red A is somewhat insulting,

But given another name - fierce dog,

The description of Cu Chulainn at this time couldn't be more appropriate.

And no one expected that,

Even when faced with being insulted by the word "dog", Cu Chulainn could face it with a calm face.

But he became so angry because of Red A's words like "Abandoning the glory of the hero"!

People don't understand, are confused, and their expressions are mixed with some confusion.

However, if they understand——

In Celtic and Celtic mythology, the most important thing is the glory of heroes and warriors.

Wouldn’t it be strange to think that this aspect is more important than your own life?

Chapter 1505: The underrated hero, the strongest Celtic candidate!

The Celtics value glory more than life!

This point has been shown more than once by the knights who appeared in King Arthur's epic.

A little humiliation can make the knights fight tooth and nail, willing to die rather than admit defeat and surrender!

Even in other heroic epics, there are few heroes and warriors who are more obsessed with glory than them.


The scene in front of people's eyes changed, and a brief memory fragment appeared.

That was an extremely ancient era——!

In the past, in the ancient region that was still in the matriarchal stage - the world of Celtic mythology,

It was the most barbaric era, the most debauched, bloody and crazy era.

Even when poets describe the stories of heroes, they sometimes describe the problem of heroes' excretion with great interest (and fairness).

This is almost unimaginable and absurd now.

But it was very common in that era.

It can be said that this is a world based on the ancient region that liberated the most primitive impulse (nature) of human beings, where everyone can express their joy and anger without any scruples.

Frank, courageous, but also irritable, it is really a true portrayal of most people in that era!

Whether ordinary people or heroes, they do not hide their desires at all, and those desires are not all dirty and filthy.

In addition to the instinct of biological reproduction,

there are also many noble spirits such as the glory of warriors, upright beliefs, and protection.

The glory on the sword pursued by Cu Chulainn and King Arthur comes from this.

Looking back at the past, the frankness of the Celts.

It is manifested in their courage to look directly into their hearts.

Whether it is dirty or glorious, they accept it freely and are loyal to their inner desires.

It is precisely because of such a special humanistic environment that an era where everyone advocates personal heroism has been created!

Everyone loves heroes!

Madly worshipping powerful heroes,

For this reason, even if there is an enemy before, the beauty can still admire him after.

There is no hatred that cannot be resolved. As long as you are strong enough as a warrior, you can conquer everything! The strong enemy of the last moment will break his crutches and swear to surrender to you the next moment!

And in such an era——

I don’t know if it’s a trick of fate.

It is powerful women, who occupy more than men.

Women have social status and rights far beyond men.

The most famous among them is the famous Queen Maeve.

The ruler of the Kingdom of Connaught has undisguised strong desires.

Whether it is love in terms of sex or other desires, she has physical relationships with many warriors and kings.

While being called the queen of eternal noble ladies, she is also the most willful queen.

But when mentioning this queen, we have to talk about the man who even Maeve is at a loss!

A man who can make the whole country tremble and fear alone!

——He is Cu Chulainn!

At that time, Queen Maeve sent one of her lovers, Fergus, to lead an army to attack her former homeland.

Although Maeve thought victory was within reach after learning about the curse of the Ulster warriors, Fergus was uneasy,

because he knew that among all the Ulster warriors, there was one who was not affected by the curse of the goddess Macha, and that was his friend, the hero Cu Chulainn.

When the memory fragment came to this point, people finally understood who this story was about.

Was it because Cu Chulainn was fighting with Red A at this time, so he released his past?

People thought in surprise.

And then, as they continued to follow up and understand, people learned a new message.

Cu Chulainn was just a nickname -

The real name of this hero was Setant in the past,

because he killed the fierce guard dog of the blacksmith Chulainn's house when he was seven years old,

so he promised to take over the duty of guarding the blacksmith until he found a new dog.

That's why everyone called him Cu Chulainn, which also means "Chullin's (hero) fierce dog" in Gaelic.

Everyone: "......!"

No wonder Red A implied that he was a dog.


A fierce dog is also a dog!

But Red A used it to mock him,

but the dog itself is a symbol of loyalty and righteousness.

The fierce dog also shows the strength of Cu Chulainn! The title itself should not be mocking.

In fact, for a warrior, it is a kind of honor to be proud of.

That was the admiration and recognition of his strength by people of that era.

But if he just defeated the vicious dog,

such an achievement is not enough to be called a hero,

but just an ordinary person with courage and strength.

Until people saw the description later--

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